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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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The ghost turned back. "Well, I Still am... but it's not your fault Shadow, You couldn't know and... Wait. You are not my Shadow , aren't you?" The ghost was starting to feel sad "And there i Though he was still... " She started to cry, and got him shadows' arms "Well, even if you aren't, I'm still happy to see you!!!"


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Shadow hugged Maria back, struggling to find the words and take in the situation. "I'm sorry Maria. I don't know what happened to you here. But I can say things weren't so easy in my world either. I'm so sorry I failed you. You were like a sister to me, and I failed you."

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"I just hope the good people get out now, before the fired guns take over."


Melody's eyes got wider and wider as ghost and hedgehog hugged, the whole image bringing back to her mind the circumstances of her own resurrection.... or was it just imbuing a memory with some semblance of life.

"I-think-I'll-go-and-see-how-skye-is-getting-on-i'll-leave-you-all-to-say-hello-and-catch-up-again-bye" She sprinted from the garden.

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"Melody? Shadow, can you stay with Maria for a While? I have to catch up with Melody." And on these words, she left.

Maria also had trouble finding the words... She decided to keep it quiet and simply cry ....She was just Glad Shadow was back. So happy...


"Don't you worry about that. Mercenaries aren't after power. But Money. The only difference is that now, there won't be any senseless massacre in order to defend our coumpounds. Believe me, it's kinda hard to think we are the good guys when every night, you have to shoot away, and sometimes kill the very people you are protecting....I'm pretty sure back there, everyone must be getting drunk out of this sudden miracle. After all, They are still Mobians too."

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(ooc; Catch up with Melody? That might be tricky! :P Anyway, My plan was to give Shadow and Maria some quiet time together,)


Zet looked Glen straight in the eyes. "I know how you feel, trying to keep telling yourself on the right side. I've seen terrible things that we could have stopped, but we don't. Because we don't interfere unless the Zone boundary are broken. What happens in some of these Zones.... Darn the rules, we should step and stop it." Zet gave another sigh. "But that doesn't matter now. We're in the middle of a war and couldn't interfere even if we wanted to."

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(ooc: No need for that! By the time Red will catch up with her, she'll have some time to speak with her brother. Now, Shadow can Keep Maria, and use her In the Rp from now on ^^ )


"Well, you shouldn't . After all, there might have something to do with this thing.... the natural order or something. If a change should happen, it's up to the people themselve to do it. it make it all the more worthwhile."

"And anyway, what do you mean by war?"

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After several minutes Shadow broke their embrace and walked over towards the window. "I've always loved the view from the Ark. It's beautiful. I must say I like what you've done down here. It's nice and serene." "Thank you Shadow. Do you live on your Ark?" "Sort of. I switch between that and a friend's apartment. I haven't done nearly as nice a job as you in decorating it, but I'm getting there."

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“Some guy calling himself Eggman Nega is doing his best to wipe us out. At the moment, the whole things just a glorified stalemate. The only reason me and my partner here now is because he’s gone quiet for a bit, and we have a backlog of duties to take care of.”


Skye was concentrating on the turret controls when suddenly he found himself torn from his seat as Melody catapulted into him.


“Whoa, whoa Melody. Slow down. What are you saying?” Melody stared at her brother with wide, frightened eyes.

“I’m not real Skye. I’m just copied from your memories. Not a real person, just an echo.”

Melody broke down into tears, clasping at her brother, who was completely unsure how to comfort his normally stronger sister.

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Red came right at the moment Melody made her revelation.

"MELODY!!! no, you are not!!! You are worthing more than that!!!" She caught her and took her close, along with Skye . "tell me something Mely. When you are hurt, don't you bleed? When you are sad, Don't you cry? When you are happy, don't you laugh? And when you are hungry, don't you eat?"

"As long as you can Feel, As long as you can think, as long as you can doubt,, Then, you will BE ."

(ooc: One must have that much guts to quote the merchant of venise in such a bad way, but screw Shakespeare. he is dead anyway.)

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Melody grasped tightly to Red, as if she was the only thing keeping her from slipping away.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou. But even if I'm real... am I... am I the same person that I was before... or someone new with a new personality based on memories?"

Skye just looked confused.

"Um, did I miss something?"

(ooc: considering there's probably a lack of classical education on Moebius I think Red did rather well there! :P )

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"I can't answer correctly at this question. You'll have to look inside you. But in the end: you are who you want to be."

At the moment, Red did not even answered Skye's question. Chance are he"ll have to wait for a while....

(ooc: Fancy Red is Fancy )


"Eggman Nega? It almosst looks like the name of someone coming from the future in another dimension!!! If it weren't real, it would quite funny. But then again, This truth seems all too scary...."

"On the bright side of thing, At least, The problem you had to deal with has been taken care of, right? Anyways, I wonder were is this Red echidna with a beard that I saw sooner...."

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"The problem I came for? Darn it, the problem I came for is still running around. Ironically, you have him to thank for saving you."


"I... I suppose, even if I am exactly the same as I was, now I want to be someone else. So if I am already different to who I was, it won't matter for the future."

Skye's look of confusion just grew and grew, but he didn't want to say anything that would upset his sister.

(ooc: and off now. Catch you later.)

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'I suppose. I have a things for being saved at the worst moment by the strangest kind of peoples."


"It's alright now. It's alright."

she then took a look a Skye. "don't worry, Your sister had ..... an identical crysis.. But I hope she got over it."

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Zet snorted. “Huh. I can’t imagine a stranger bunch than this lot.”


“I hope so I hope so I…” Melody took a deep breath, “I need to stop looking back. Find a new way forward. I'm not the princess of a mad monarch anymore. I'm your daughter.”

Skye nodded in understanding to Red’s explanation, and gave his sister a tight hug.

“I’m sorry I did this to you Melody.” Wedged in between Skye and Red, Melody was unable to turn around to return her brother’s hug, but managed to turn her head to face him, smiling though the tears.

“Don’t be silly Skye. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t even be here to have this crisis.”

“If there’s anything I can do to help, anything at all, please tell me.”

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"I don't know why, but I have this gut feeliing that you won't like what might happen next. Almost like a guard having to stay near it's prized possession for way longer than he wanted."

(ooc: foreshadowing from Glen?)


"That's right Melody,, we aare a family." She looked back at skye." Without you, none of us would be here, and aurora may what may have happenned to you, Had Locke didn't find you. While these people you know are good enough friends, I doubt they would have felt remorse taking you down had the need arose; Let's hope it was in another life, right?"

She knew that friends were here for each other. She just hoped inside that they wouldn't resort to this if there were no other way... Now that she was here, maybe she would be able to show them a better road, With way less blood onn it than the old one....

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"I don't care what happens next as long as I can go back home so I don't get a crick in my neck every time I talk to someone. You don't think that little brat is gonna get off scot-free do you? I don't care if he had a hand in saving your world, that's nothing compared to what he's done. He's going inside and staying there."


"Yeah, another life.... in the past. But I still don't understand how you or Crowley were able to... never mind, like you said, it was another, different life. Mom, whatever happened before, none of it matters." Skye hoped that Red understood what he was trying to say, that Skye knew he'd be able to forgive Red for what happened to Melody.

(ooc: Though I must admit out of character I'm still bloody curious what Red and Crowley were doing in Skye's head,)

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"Calm down mate, nobody is above the law indeed. But wwhat about those who can't be arrested? or those who simply are too young? he is still A kid, and prisons were made to push peoples forward,not destroying them.Sometimes, there are situation where the crriminal has better chance to be held in check with the right peoples, than in prison." Glen had a point there.


(ooc: I'll give the explenation off-screen, and it's up to you to think whatever you want about it. that is simply way too much for a simple Rp game mate)

"Yes Skye.Yes. I understand." Red knew. And she was glad that these children would finally be able to go on with their life.

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"No mere Kid could do the horrible things this one has. I saw the mess he left of the world he conquered. You're right, prison isn't the best place for some people. But in this case there's no doubt in my mind."

(ooc: Zet's a stubborn git.)


"Thank's Mom. I'm... I'm sorry about earlier. I hope Dad is done soon so we can go back home."

"There's no rush Skye. Now that we've solved the curse, we don't need to worry about staying around here."

(ooc: way too much? Huh, you've got me worried)

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"He may have done that, But have you been sure he was in his right mind when that happenned? And beside, but it is just my opinion, the kids seems to be better kept in check by that ragtag bunch of misfit than any overzealous warden you might find. And i'm not saying that because this "son of Satan"has spent the whole hour hugging his new mom, And crying about how they'll never have to suffer from their crazy family back in Moebius."

Glen wasn't just some soldier that got issued a gun and be told to shoot peoples on sight. Long ago, he also took a course in Psychology... But , unfortunate events led him back To Roots he would have rather Forgotten : The family Military service. With his father Long gone, and Mother in the Grave, he was more free than many others of his age. Not that he was happy with this, but well, better that than walking in town with an empty belly, right?


"Yes, Locke...In a way, he could almost be seen as our benefactor. One wonder how someone can be that kind, to the point of risking hiis own life to protect someone else's...."

Locke indeed, was quite busy at the moment of course.....

(ooc: coming next, Locke!!!)

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"I doubt that kid's being honest. And if I'm right I don't think those misfits are gonna be able to stop him when he shows his true colours."

(ooc: Zet on the other hand is just a Zone Beat Cop. He just picks them up.)


"Yeah, he's..." Skye's eye's opened wide, "Wait, the turret!" Skye leapt back into the control chair, and Melody walked up behind him.

"Oh, Sky-ye!" she called quietly with a slightly amused edge.

"Huh, oh, yeah. I said you could use it, didn't I? Ok, here you go." Skye got out of the chair, leaving it open for Melody.

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Shadow climbed back into the elevator with Maria at his side. When they got in and headed back to the control room level, she began to quiz him. "So what exactly do you do Shadow?" "I... er... I work for GUN as a field agent. The details of my job are... rather unpleasant. But it's a job that needs doing." The doors then opened and Shadow stepped through, overhearing the debate in the infirmary. He then walked in and grabbed a bandage to cover his wound. "There a problem, ladies?", he asked as Maria grabbed some other medical supplies.

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(ooc: Zet didn't know. But well, we must have stopped you like.... 3 times already? XD)

"The bad boy over there is afraid that you and most of your misfit Friend might not be able to handle A 11 years old Fox with enough power to take over the world.But if what he said was right, By now, he should have done so already, right? See zet, he is in good hands."

I mean, he got a freaking ultimate life form as a nanny. It can't go wrong right ? (coughMariacough)


"Ah, Children...." Red was smiling again.

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(OOC That's low lol).

"I see. Thanks Glen. So you think you'd do better Zet? You're nothing but an overblown desk jockey. If Skye becomes a threat again, which I strongly doubt he will, I won't hesitate to do what's necessary. You'd just hide under the nearest box."

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Zet glowered at Shadow. "I was think more finding a knife in your back as you sleep kind of problem. And I don't work from a desk. I've been on the front lines trying to keep my and every other Zone safe from yet another maniac. I don't want to have to worry about another binding his time pretending to be an innocent child."


"Hey, Skye, how's Dad doing down there? I can't see properly."

"Hold on, I think the camera link got damaged somehow. I'll try to fix it."

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