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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: A wee bit yeah. Though this is slightly reversed as Red needs comforting more than Melody)

"And Mom, if anything Skye did or said upset you, don't worry. I know he'll try his best to make sure we're a happy family."

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(ooc: yes, I like it.It really change from these invicible heroes we get to see everyday.And don't mention the Movie that involved superman recently. It sucked)

"I don't think he hates me.And if you don't, so will I."

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(ooc; Invincible heroes are boring.)

"He just needs time. And I know none of us hate each other. This is gonna work Mom, whatever happens."

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(ooc: When well played, they can be a source of inspiration ; but when used too much, it become a proof of lazy creators)

'We'll see." Red stopped for a moment, reflecting on everything that happenned so far in her life. "But I think I will trust you this time."

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(ooc: True on both counts. Shame the former is really hard to pull off on a consistent basis)

"Thank's Mom, I trust you too. Now, shall we find something fun to do?"

(ooc: now we need a father/daughter bonding moment for Locke and Melody, and a moment for Skye to say 'I forgive you' to Red. Oh, and that whole colour change portal thing. I think the kids will have forgotten about it by this stage!)

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(ooc: then go read somes of garth ennis stories; Hitman for exemple)

Red lightened up at the proposition . "Well, of course my dear. But Since I doubt we might be able to find a ....oh wait, It's the Ark. there had to be a nice place around here..." Red tried to remember harder

"Crowley used to tell me that when the scientist weren't working, they were going to an artificial park. I'm pretty sure a bit of green and the sight of a little river will cheer us both.And why not swimming a little ?"

(Ooc: we got Locke giving Melody a piggy back Ride, isn't that bonding ^^ ?)

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"Sounds great. Let's see if we can find it. I'm sure I saw a map nearby." Melody took Red by the hand and started running down the corridor.

(ooc: It's a start, but not a full on bonding moment like the Locke/Skye or the Red/Melody ones we have here.)

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Red let herself go as Melody took her hand... allowing the flow of happy memories to come back.... As she did so, she said to herself "I finnaly found my place, Mother...."

And somehow, for a short moment, Red almost though she heard a voice she hadn't in years.... "I know.Now go forth."

"Thank you." Before Resorting to use her wings, since she could not follow Melody while running.

(ooc: Then we'll find something.)

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"Huh, did you say something Mom? OH! Here's the map. Uh....huh..... Looks like it's near the bottom so you can view the planet orbiting below. That'll be great."

(ooc: we seem to have managed so far)

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"Me? i didn't say anything to you." Red then proceeded to take a look at the map. "You are right, it's down there. Let's hope it's still working after all these time."

The two girls then went to the nearest elevator.

After a while, they finnaly got to the right place. "ok, one more door to open, and here we are..." And so they did....

When they got in the park, the place was exactly like Crowley said it was: Green. "When Melody, it's obvious that the Shadow who lived there took great care of this place. Let's give him the correct honor by having some rightful time at the nearest pond!!"

(ooc: one more long post for each of them, then, we can go back to the zone cops and Glen. I kinda wonder what happenned to them. Don't you?)

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"Sounds like a plan. I wonder where this worlds Shadow has gone? If he was around you'd have thought someone would have seen him by now." Melody mused idly as she meandered, slowly for once, through the park towards the pond. Reaching the edge, Melody sat down and carefully removed her shoes and socks, then dived right into the middle of the pool.

"Water's lovely," Melody called back when she resurfaced, "just the right temperature. I'm sure Skye would give some boring explanation about the pool being 'heated by the thermodynamic currents carried by the outflows from the reactor coolant' or some-such nonsense." Giggling slightly at the imitation of her brother, Melody laid back in the water gazing up, which was actually down as the planet moved across the window. As she watched it turn slowly, she tried to imagine what the future with her new family would be like, hundreds of idealised images flowing happily through her mind.

(ooc: Can't say I was too worried about the Zone Cops, as the are safe in the medbay. They might get a visit from their superior soon though...)

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Shadow read the log, dated 47 years ago. "The termination was successful. We got it, but most of my men are down, and there are no survivors from the research team. I just wish we'd have got here sooner, maybe we could have saved them. We're moving the bodies back down to the surface. I can't wait to get off this thing." Shadow took a step back, reflecting on what he just read. "Well at least they got me. Being trapped up here with a homicidal me would be a pretty bad situation."

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Shortly after Melody, Red got in the pool too, but stayed on one side, enjoying the view. "This place is indeed very calm. No wonder Shadow made his own ark His new home."

Then What Melody said got her to think. She got closer....(ooc: mmust not write that..must not write that... MUST NOT WRITE THAT!!!!!!! OH GOD I'M A BLOODY PEVET) "Well, it's his home after all; he probably know places we don't...." And started to play a bit with Melody's hair (ooc: thank god......)

(ooc: what? Zpectre? or someone else ?Anyway,we'll get back to them and Glen anytime soon.)

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(ooc: ...seriously dude? :huh: without your ooc outburst that would have been an innocent enough scene.

Hang on, if this world's shadow has been dead 47 years... WHOSE LOOKING AFTER THE GARDEN??!!??"

Anyway, moving on...)

Zet slowly began to come round in the infirmary. He looked around groggily, unsure exactly where he was, and spotted Ziona who seemed to be in a worse state than he was. He tried to leave the bed to reach her, but found himself retained. Probably so he could be treated in a bed rather than against the wall.

"Ziona?" he managed to mumble, "are you all right?"

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(ooc: sorry "bout that....man , I just couldn't...... :( Well, it'll be better once we get back to them. and as an answer..... PLOT TWIST!!!!!!!!no, must be ghost maria or something.)

"Hey Zet,Awoke already? When the doctor found you , the lot of Ya were in a quite bad shape.You seem hard enough, But your friend will still need some rest" Glen was the one who spoke.

"Still, it make me wonder... why did you came back when she obviously could have simply got to safety?"


Back in the pool....

(ooc: Ghost Maria can be used by everyone, just saying.)

Red was still playing with Melody's hair, When she heard another more.... etheral voice "Hello there."

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"Because she didn't. Simple as that. And I wasn't going to let my partner die in a fire."


Hearing the voice Melody tried to spring up, only to cause a massive splash as she forgot she was on the middle of a pool. The was a rush of water as Melody took several leaps to the shore, pulling out her knife ready for a fight as she landed.

(ooc: I'll leave the ghost in your hands for the moment.)

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"Fair enough mate. Fair enough. you know , back in the Legion, trust was something very hard to find... so , excuse me if i'll have difficulties with understanding that." Glen was telling the truth.


"Melody! Calm down! Please... " Red left the pool.Still a bit wet, she turned around to see the responsible of such voice.... To see a Ghost. "Oh my... a ghost. Who might you be?"

"I'm the new protector of this place. it's been a long while since someone came here. And I'm glad to see they are having fun" The ghost girl was happy.

"Well, with such a nice place, it's hard not to feel at ease , don't youu think?"

Red came closer to Melody, and took the knife from her hand, slowly. "now now, Please, I don't want you to use such a knife. Now is not the time for violence."

(ooc: To anyone in the Rp, she is usable at will, at least, once the scene in the pool is over, or more peoples come.)

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Zet looked a little surprised at Glen. "How can you work effectively if none of you trust each other? If you want to fight in a war you need to know you can rely on those with you."


"I.. uh... sorry Mom. Just, instinct, that's all. It's kinda been hard-wired into me." Melody turned to have a good look at the semi-transparent figure, and slightly unnerved she stepped over slightly so Red was almost between her and the ghost.

"Hi... there, I'm..... sorry if I..... startled you... at all though I guess..... I couldn't actually hurt you.... being already dead....."

Another thought crossed her mind, and she began to shiver slightly. 'I wonder if there's a ghost of ME somewhere out there,' she thought to herself

(ooc: Melody is not trying to be rude here. But until she gets to know someone she'll often say inappropriate things.)

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(ooc: this zone is weirder than I thought. And it's my zone. But it sounds cool too)

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Shadow was halfway back to the top when the elevator stopped. With a deep sigh he switched his radio to the PA frequency and broadcast all over the Ark. "Hey any of you guys experiencing power difficulties? The lift's stopped."

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(ooc: you'll learn to like it... I guess that our next destination after the break will be moebius or something.)

"I Said HARD TO FIND. Anyways, it's not a problem. For the most part we are part cannon fodder, part trained soldier. In a war situation, shall our squad leader die, we are supposed to be able to fall back to the nearest leader available, Or resorting to auto promotion....." Glen shuddered at that though. "Anyways, it isn't hard to get psychotics to works together when there is a wide enough target...."


"It's ok ..Melody? I guess I can understand." Said the Ghost.

Red then heard the Radio. She took it on the discarded clothes, and opened the channel. "Yes we can hear you. And ...while we are experiencing something out of the ordinary, it doesn't have anything to do with power. How about chaos controlling to our position? There might be something of interest there for you."

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Shadow attempted it but succeeded only in giving himself a headache. "Guess I don't have my powers back. The hard way it is. Which level are you on?", asked Shadow as he climbed out of the elevator.

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From his seat in turret control, Skye chimed in.

"No sign of a loss of power hear Shadow. In fact, as far as I can tell there isn't a power loss anywhere."


Zet sighed. "This Zone of your's sounds crazy. What are your nutjob's gonna do when they found out the whole were-hog thing has gone?"


Melody took Red's hand when the ghost spoke to her, but holstered her knife.

"How'd you....... know my na...... nevermind, you..... probably heard it..... said before...." Then she spoke into Red's radio to Shadow radio. "Near the bottom level, about two floors up. In the garden."

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"Thank you." Shadow began to climb down the elevator shaft until he reached their level. He then prised the doors open and stepped through.

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"Well... I heard The batwoman saying it so, i supposed It was your name. Was I right?" She then was shocked. "Oh my! I didn't told you mine. I'm Maria."


"There are lots of gun for hire in this army, But there are also peoples who firmly believe in what they do, hoping to make This place a better world. In a way, their wish must have been granted...."

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