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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I don't know why you're apologising. It certainly wasn't your fault," smiled Zamy.


Hope followed after her.

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Mark was looking confusdd with the conversation

Dylan was carefully eyeing the new arrivals

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"I know, but it's not a nice thing," said Skye.


Melody hummed happily as she made her way though the tower.


"Don't be so shocked Dominic!" called Miles.

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"No, but it became clear quickly this assignment would have its share of misery."


"This is a pretty impressive building."

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"You crashed last time! How are you doing it now?" Dominic asked

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"Sorry..." said Skye again.


"Agreed," said Melody. "Shame it wasn't a nice place."


"Cause I'm not trying to fly, just spinning them!" grinned Miles as he reached the lab, though he stumbled a bit when he stopped.

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Dominic giggled

"You still need practice with them though" he said arriving at the lab too

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"It's fine. It could've been a lot worse."


"I know. But I guess it was a sign of the times."

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"Yes, you could have lost your whole identity!" said Skye.


"I know. While was why I didn't try flying!" grinned Miles. "Now let's go and make some cures!"


"I suppose so, kinda like... my old home," said Melody.

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"But I didn't, which is the main thing."


"Kind of. Except your home reflected the whole zone, whereas this is just one building."

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"Yay! Let's do it! What do I need to do first?" Dylan asked

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"Exactly," smiled Skye.


"Yeah, point," said Melody.


Miles gave Dominic some instructions as he set some stuff up.

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"I just hope Miles gets here soon."


"Sorry. I shouldn't be reminding you."

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"Yeah... I can't stand the waiting," said Skye.


"It's okay. I'm mostly past the whole thing now," said Melody.

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"Still, I'd rather he was careful and didn't rush."


"But still. It'd be like you reminding me of my counterpart a lot."

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"I guess you're right," said Skye, starting to wander around.


"Yeah, which I try not to," said Melody

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Dominic grinnned and set to work following the instructions

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Skye began wandering through the library shelves, while Ziona started flying around, humming happily to herself.


"But really, don't worry about it. I brought it up this time after all," said Melody.


"This shouldn't take too long," said Miles

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"Was that how childish I was?" Dylan thought to himself


"How am i doing?" Dominic asked

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Ziona landed on front of Dylan and looked up. "You're big now," she giggled.


"Really well Dominic," smiled Miles.

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Dylan looked down at Ziona

"Yes. And you'll be big again too" he said


"Thanks uncle Miles" Dominic said grinning

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"Nah, one of me will be big, and the other will still be small!" smiled Ziona.


"Probably some torture stuff by the looks of things," said Melody.


"No problem. Now, mix those three liquids together very slowly, while I prepare the clay tokens, and we're ready," said Miles.

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