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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Mark kept silent now


"How is it cruel to avoid him instead of making it obvious in front of him?" Dylan asked


"No you're not! No you're not!" Dominic called back

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"He was meant to have his own body, but something went wrong. It might have been murdered, I'm not sure. And instead, it entered Skye when he arrived, due to the method of his arrival. It was an accident."


"If he wants to get to know it, it would be cruel," said Harmony.


"After you," smiled Melody.


"Yes I am, yes I am!" called Miles.

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"I see. To say your Zone sounds crazy would be a rather serious understatement. Anyway, we should get getting. I'll grab Ziona on the way back."


Hope hurried along the route, doing her best not to get knocked down by the hordes of people on the streets.

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"It was a little crazy I guess" Mark admitted


"He was made from me. He should know me already" Dylan said


Dominic turned around to see how close Miles was

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"Yeah... though.... normally it's not THAT crazy," said Skye. "But yes, let's go!"


"You know what I mean," said Harmony.


Melody was managing to avoid most people in the crowd, though she did give a yep when someone caught her tail by accident, leading to some confused looks.


Miles was closing, but there was still a gap.

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Shadow headed to where he had seen Ziona was on the tracker.


Hope quickly helped Melody get away from the onlookers, nearly getting hit by a cab as she tried crossing a road.

"Even here you get idiots running red lights," she muttered.

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Skye was still following Shadow.


"How on Mobius do you live like this?" asked Melody.

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Shadow eventually found her and Glen.

"Hello Ziona. Would you mind coming with me? Miles has found a way to get you back to normal again," he asked.


"Sometimes I don't even know how I do it. If one more person tries something like that here I swear I'm gonna tase them."

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Mark stayed close to Skye


"No I don't and I don't want to" Dylan said


"I'll still get there first!" Dominic called back

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"He does? Isn't that great Glen? I'll soon be back to normal! Wait, was he successful in splitting us?" asked Ziona.


Harmony gave a theatrical sigh and shook her head.


"I'm amazed you haven't already!" joked Melody.


"Don't be so sure," said Miles, as he started spinning his tails.

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"Yes, you'll be split. I should warn you the process will be rather painful."


"I almost wish some idiot mugger will show up."

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Ziona gulped, then tried to put a brave face on. "That's okay. It will be worth it!"


"I'm sure we can find some unsavoury part of town if you want to let off some steam." grinned Melody.

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"Thank you. I think it might help you if Glen came along."


"Hehe, we can always do that later," laughed Hope.

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Ziona nodded. "C'mon Glenny, let's go!"


"I like that plan!" smiled Melody.

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"Did he say painful then?" Mark whispered to Skye


"Sigh all you want. I'm not changing my opinion" Dylan said


Dominic turned

"NO! Don't do that!" he called

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Ziona followed along with Skye. "Yeah, I know Mark. But I can cope," whispered Skye.


"If you say so," said Harmony


"Wow, it is old!" commented Melody


"Why not?" grinned Miles as he overtook Dominic.

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"I hope so" Mark whispered back


Dominic looked in surprise

"You'll crash!" he shouted

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"It really is. Let's head inside after a few pictures."


"I've brought the test subjects," said Shadow in a sinister tone.

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"Wait, what?" exclaimed Skye, causing Harmony to giggle.


Melody nodded and started snapping pictures with her camera.

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"Uh.... I thought... Dominic was the guinea pig," said Skye.


"Lot's of crows about," said Melody

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Shadow gave Skye the most sinister grin he could for a good 10 seconds, then took his normal expression with a slight laugh.


"Yeah, there really are. I guess it helps with the image as well."

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Skye gulped and hid behind Mark.


"True, it does make it kinda sinister," commented Melody.

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"Relax, I was joking."


"It really does. Apparently this is where traitors were brought."

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