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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Far-fetched Agent Moody? When we're dealing with were-hogs and people who were pulled out of dreams?"

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"I see your point. I still figure hideous experimentation is far more likely. Ok we're at the room, let's see who's right." Shadow then slowly turned the handle and opened the hewvy steel door.

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And to Shadow's sadness, nothing was there. Appart from the server, and one of the DEL worker. Way too busy to notice them, as he was working on one of the computer.

"Well, do we take him down, or do we try to ask him some question?"

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"Let's get some answers from this guy." With that Shadow walked up behind him and put a hand over his mouth, grabbing his arm as well. "Relax 'pal'. We just have some questions. And you're gonna answer them."

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"Red, Crowley, we can't do anything here. Arew we going to get a move on or just sit here waiting for Locke and Shadow to finish what they are doing"

Dylan crossed his arms and looked at the pair with an irritated expression

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Crowley took the hint and began to walk down the hall, still perplexed at the lack of security. Eventually they came to a door. *Seems to be locked via that keypad. Red, you were always better st this sort of thing than me. Care to take a crack at it?*

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"All that big secure room and its full of boring computers. I was hoping for something more interesting," Melody sulked.

"It not my fault you don't find computers fun."

"You're weird, you know that,"

"This coming from the knife-obsessed girl."

"Hey, that's important self-defence."

"Riiight. Because knowing how to kill someone in a single strike is 'self-defence'."

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"That will be my pleasure." Perfect, Not a very advanced one. nothing she couldn't handle.With a screwdriver, she opened the keypad,and started to fiddle with some of the wire. And in a matter of time, The door was unlocked.

"Care to do me the honor , mr Crowley?"


At the same place, somewhere else....

"Don't be too rough on him shadow, If he pass out, no anwser, and no hacking!"

The poor Worker was terrified.

"Please, don't mind my friend, he is a bit rough, but he mean well. Now listen, we are going to get his hand out of your mouth, and you will not cry out for help, ok? We don't want that. We are professionnal, and unnessary bloodshed, is never a solution."

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*Certainly Red, I see you haven't lost your delicate touch.* Crowley then opened the door, revealing a large locker room. *There might be something useful in here.*

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Dylan looked inside.

"Wow. So much stuff in here. Though some of it seems strangely... familiar"

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"stragely familiar, how so? " Asked Red while she was starting to loot the Locker.

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"I don't know. Some of this I think I've seen before"

Dylan picks up something from a nearby shelf

"This looks a lot like my teleporter"

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There was a smacking sound and an exclamation of 'Ow!' from Skye over the radio before he began speaking.

"Agents Jekyll, Sneaky and Creepy. Send us all the pictures and data you can on what you've found. Every little thing could help at this stage."

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"from what i have heard, Red is already on her way of doing this...As for us..." Locke turned back to see their "prisonner" : "we are on something, I'll keep you updated."

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Shadow took his hand away and began to question the worker. "What exactly are you working on here?" "Ww-we were experimenting on the werehogs, trying to see if we could prevent the transformation, or at least control them while transformed. Some other guys in the lab were working on isolating the cause and manufacturing it, but I don't know anything about that" "Ok. Download your data onto that disk, and don't try to raise the alarm. Play ball and you'll walk away unscathed. Resist and you'll regret it. Once you're done you're gonna take us to that lab where they do this research."

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"Skye, things are very smooth so far... Shadow is working his magic wonderfully. and for Red..."

"Everything is fine around here;you have no idea of how many things they might have in these locker.. And by the way, I just sent all the schematics I took upstairs to you Skye. Did you got them ?"

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Dylan was taking pictures of all the things in the room, when suddenly he turned towards the door and started to growl

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“They’re downloading now Agent Sneaky. We’ll have a look and let you know if we find anything.”

“You were getting on my case for not calling Dad dad earlier, so why aren’t YOU calling Mom mom?”

“Not while they’re out on a mission Melody. Time and place and all that.”

(OOC: Dylan, do you have any ideas for the curse and it’s workings or shall we just make stuff up?)

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"Perfect; and please melody,don't get mad, i really have, and Red too , no problem with however you call us."

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Dylan moved towards the door, still growling. Then he stopped just in front of the door, and turned around to the other two

"Somebody's coming!"

(ooc: I have some ideas, but I would be fine with making stuff up as it goes along)

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"Sky-ye! You left the mic open!"

"Eh, heh heh. Oops."

"I'm not mad, I was just teasing him, that's all."

(ooc: well Dyaln, this is your story essentially so you should get first call with your ideas, then the rest of us can build around it? If you want, you can pm your plans and I can relay them through the info Skye finds?"

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"That's what you say , hehe" locke got back to shadow "So, is he being cooperative?"

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"Yes he is." The worker handed him the disc and began to show them to the labs. *Quick, into the empty lockers.* Crowley then jumped into a nearby locker and slowed his breathing.

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Skye flicked off the mic. "It looks like Dylan, Mom and creepy Crowley might be in an awkward situation."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"Not from here."

"Right then, I'm gonna join them."

"Are you crazy? First, they're not actually in danger yet. Second," Skye took a quick glance at the mic to double check that this time it was switched off, "the portal's rigged, remember?"

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"Perfect.Skye, from now on, you will have to record anything from my glasses,it will be important, got it?" And Locke followed shadow, ready for anything.

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