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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Am not! I know that!" Dylan said sticking his tongue out at Skye. "When does school start again? 'Cause I'll be lonely here with no one to play with"

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"I dwunno. Nwot for a LWOOOOOONNNNGGGG twime!" said Skye as he crawled up into the pipes on the ceiling. "Bwut Zwiona will stwill be hwere to plway with you!"

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"Well I can imagine being bossed around by Alicia must get tiresome. Though he must get something out of the job to keep doing it."

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"I wonder what that is," said melody, then she giggled. "Better pray Anna never finds out!"

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"I thought she went to school too!" Dylan said confused

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"She went two a dwifferwent schwool to us... mwe..." said Skye. "Dwunno if she'll bwe jwoining my schwool."

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"A different school? Oh yeah! Of course!" Dylan said. "You really think I wen' to school with you?"

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Skye cocked his head, one ear drooped as he thought. The he nodded. "Yes. I rweally do thwink you were thwere Dwylan."


"For his sake, don't EVER mention to her that Alicia seems to have some control over him!" grinned Melody

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"How well can you remember me going to school with you?" Dylan asked curiously

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"I... I... I rewmewmber you dwoing thwat dwino prwoject... An' I'm SWURE you were thwere othwer twimes. Bwut I dwon't 'membwer mwuch about schwool," said Skye.

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"I think the pool must be affecting your memories. Or mine" Dylan said beginning to sound worried. He was beginning to wonder he really had gone to school with Skye

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Skye shuddered. "I hwope nwot. Thwat wouldn't bwe nwice!" He looked thoughtful for a moment. "It would bwe eawsier to mwake you fworget schwool thwan mwake me thwink I went to one."


Miles meanwhile was holding out his hand, a smoking arrow hovering above it. He followed the direction of the arrow to the entrance of the tunnels.

"So, they're in there somewhere!" he muttered.

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"You're almost certainly right. Maybe that was the reason," said Melody

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Dylan began to look afraid

"You're right! I don' wanna forget my life! I wanna remember!" He said panicked

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Skye grabed Dylans arm.

"Ywou won' fworget. You'll 'membwer! I prwomise!"

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Dylan thought about it for a minute

"Wait... But why would I go to school if I'm not a kid?" He asked confused. He was beginning to felt conflicted on how his life had been so far

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"I... I dwon't know..." said Skye looking confused.


Miles looked at the arrow in the hand. "I don't think they'd like me cheating," he said with a grin then dismissed the arrow. He started walking into the tunnels.

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"It doesn't make sense! You remember me going to school but I don't plus I'm not a kid an'..." Dylan began but stopped as he suddenly 'remembered' going. At least to him it felt like he had remembered it

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"Yeah. I mean I know he's the opposite of me.... somehow, but I doubt he enjoys her company to keep him around."

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"Dwylan? What is it?" asked Skye worried as his friends paused.


Miles' ears pricked up. He could hear the two kids talking, but to far away to make out what they were saying.


"She doesn't exactly have a charming personality!" laughed Melody.

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"You did a project too right? Something about going to the moon was it?" Dylan asked

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"Yeah, thwat was it!" said Skye nodding his head. "You 'membwer now?" he asked happily.


'What are they talking about?' Miles wondered to himself.

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Dylan gave a small nod

"A little. But it still seems strange" he said. "An' it still doesn' make sense"

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