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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's never stopped me from going out before. I've been in danger," began Melody, then stopped when Skye grabbed her arm.

"Please Melody. Stay. I just got you back, I don't want to loose you again." For a moment it looked like Melody was going to argue, then she gave into her brother's pleading look.

"Okay then, I'll stay."

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Good. When we're gone, look after sleeping echidna there. OH, and don't throw enchanted water over him. At least not without taking a picture of his reaction

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Melody's face turned into a massive grin, and she whispered something in Skye's ear. His ears gave a little twitch as a grin appeared on his face.

"Okay, we'll stay here and keep an eye on all of you. I'll correlate any information you find with the data we already have. Surely we'll find something."

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I hope so. I don't want this to be a big waste of time

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Yes... And thank for listening to reason Melody. Don't worry, you'll have your chance later, but not now... This mission is just too important at the moment....

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"If everything's decided, we leave at sundown. Let's hope we get something from this."

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Wait! If we leave at sundown, you two will have trouble walking around without being noticed

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Because you two aren't werehogs. Obviously

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We can be stealthy. There's a lot of abandoned buildings, as long as we don't do anything stupid we should remain undetected.

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But... wait... okay. Then you should try to cover your scent as well. So that they don't smell you inside these buildings or find your trail

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Obviously. We are not complete moron too. Basic survival is supposed to be something that we know, right Shadow?

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"Yes. I know how to stay undetected. I saw a lot of pine trees in the forest so I suggest we use that to mask our scent. Don't want anything uncommon to draw them to us."

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That's the spirit shadow. I like it.

"And what do you think you are doing , big man?" Red, just got in.

"A lot of things, one of them being an infiltration of A DEL coumpound."

"That's...Original for a first date"

"A first date?"

"Obviously, you were not about to leave me alone in thiis place, were you?"

"I wasn"t sure about asking you actually, that's the thing.."

"Well, now you have my answer. And beside, you can alway use someone with knowledge in inflitration my dear."

"Well,Dylan, Crowley,shadow, your opinion?"

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Her choice if she wants to go roll about in some pine trees in the forest to hide her scent. And as long as she knows what she is up against, she can come if she wants

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"Mom, Dad," said Skye, "be careful, okay."

"They'll be fine Skye," said Melody, "you worry too much. Of course not just Mom and Dad but everyone will come back. You will, won't you." Just at the end of the sentence a little hint of concern entered Melody's voice.

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"We will Melody,Don't worry" Before Locke started to smile.

"And when we are back, we'll get to do something together, Ok?"

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"Sounds like fun. Don't stay away too long then. Good luck everybody!"

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"Yes , sir." Locke turned over the other "Peoples, let's go. the sooner it'll be taken care of, the finer we'll be"

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Shadow tossed Locke a bag. "Thermite grenades just like you ordered. They're nice n quiet, no explosive so a small radius. Don't go tossing them around like a regular incendiary grenade or you'll be horribly disappointed. Anything else or are we good to go?"

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"Calm down shadow, I'll be better with actual breaching rather than complete explosions" And on these words, they all got ready for the next part of the mission.

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"So, have they all headed out through the portal Skye," Melody asked her brother.

(ooc: as I am a little confused whether that's a yes or no yet. :P )

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With their equipement Ready, they all headed to the portal. It leaded them right where shadow wanted them : near the pine woods. The sun was setting down. They were right on time.

(ooc:There you go :3)

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"Alright. We've got our scent masked. You guys move up ahead and set up the breach. I'll follow. When you're ready, tell me then blow it. I'll bring the werehogs, and you can slip in."

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Skye switched off the mic on the radio.

"That's them all through Melody." His face broke into an evil grin.

"So what d'ya want to use. Amethyst? Silver? Jade? Wormwood?" asked Melody with an almost mirror image grin.

"The cutlery at breakfast looked kinda fancy, so I'd say silver."

"On it." Melody sped off, and Skye turned on the mic again.

"This is Command. Agent Greybeard and Agent Moody, are you receiving me, over?"

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