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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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“I don’t know what happened to the others. Shadow stayed behind to battle a winged monster on the roof and Locke… Locke just vanished. I-I don’t k-know where he is,” Skye began to sniffle slightly.


Skye clutched to both Locke and Shadow as the voice disappeared.

“You’re right, we should keep going. The library must hold some answers. I can’t let… me? It? Win.” Skye tried to sound brave, but his voice was quivering.

(ooc: apologies for double post)

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yes , you are right, we can't let him win. And we won't.. still, I wonder what happenned to dylan...

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Locke vanished? That's not usually his kind of thing. Myself and Blaze are the ones to disappear and appear again. And you say Shadow is battling a winged monster? I guess we should go and help him get out trouble. Again. Can you show me the way to the roof?

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Still keeping a hold of Skye, Shadow lead them down the spiral staircase. "I'm sure he's fine Locke. He lives in a zone full of werehogs and the DEL. This should be child's play for him." As he reached the bottom step, he atopped and peeked round the corner. "No sign of Red Eyes. Let's go." The room was just as he left it. Candle on the desk, the book closed. "That book there Skye. Maybe you can make something of the text."

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"I... I think I can find the roof again. Come on," Skye took Dylan by the hand and started leading him through the castle.


Skye gulped as he walked over to where the book was. He opened it. The initial pages were covered in childish scrawl and drawings. But as the book went on both writing and illustrations became more refined. Yet, for most of it the text remained gibberish. Here and there the letters swilled, forming legible passages.

"This... this books seems to be my memories. I can't read much of it. We should keep this safe, I don't know what will happen if we loose this." Skye looked around the room. "I wonder what the rest of the books are if this one is my memories."

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I think i can be of help. Think of your brain as a giant library skye. You might find your memorie, your emotion, your fears... Even your insanity. Everything has been carefully classed in order, so one would be able to find his way there.

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I guess I have to ask, how do you know your way around this castle? I've gotten lost twice already going around here, it was only lucky that I found the others at one point. Are we anywhere near the roof?

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“Wait, are you saying that one of these books could be a manifestation of my insanity. Does that mean destroying it would… cure me? No, it can’t be that easy.” Skye shook his head.


“Here we are Dylan, the roof. Hmm, I think you can see the full moon through that gap in the clouds there.”

The hand on Dylan’s arm began to smoke slightly, forming wispy tendrils that slid into Dyaln’s teleporter, causing it to spark alarmingly. Skye grinned wickedly at Dylan.

“You spoiled my fun with the scanner. I wanted to see what that curse would do. But I know your secret, and it’s time for some payback.” Skye stepped back from Dylan, laughing insanely.

“I think your friends would like to see you. How about a direct route to the library?” Skye laughed as the floor beneath Dylan began to vanish. “I know my way around this castle, like I know the way around my own mind. A shame Skye doesn’t. Heh heh.”

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it's your world skye, therefor, your rule. No one can take it away from you, no matter what it says.

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"I think you might be right Slye. There has to be a book of your insanity which we can find. But I doubt it'd be kept here. Your insanity would want to protect itself. Hide itself away. If you got to that book, you could destroy it along with your insanity. Or at least force it to show itself."

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"You've destroyed my teleporter! No! You're not Skye!" Dylan shouts in horror as the transformation begins. As the floor beneath him disappears, Dylan falls down to the library, still transforming. As he hits the library floor, the transformation finishes. He get's up and howls at the moon, which can be seen through the whole in the roof. He is now in his werehog form, the one he has been hiding from everyone for ages.

(ooc: The secret is revealed)

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"Unless he's hiding it in plain sight. If you want to hide an apple tree you put it in an orchard, C'mon, we gotta find that book." Skye began heading towards one of the shelves then paused. "Did I just ask you two to essentially go rummaging through my brain...? That's... a slightly creepy idea."

Then Skye turns as something lands behind them.

"Oh ****!"

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Did you hear that howl ? It's almost like a werehog was there, hehe ... wait. werehog. dylan... shadow, take melody and skye with you. I have to find dylan. It's very important...

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Shadow slammed the book shut and grabbed it along with Melody and Skye. "Locke. I think he's found you!!" he shouted as he ran to towards the door. He knew that not only would the stairs act as a choke point for them to get mauled in, but they also had to get past Dylan first. The crypt was their only option, and it had space for them to hide in

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Dylan watched for a moment as they started to run away from him. There was almost nothing left of what he was previously. He watched them go with the intent of hunting them down as food. He began the pursuit of the group, moving a lot faster than what he could in his usual form.

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DYLAN.I knew He was hiding something froom us. I just couldn't believe it was that.... "avoid being mauled " Ok, ok, i'm sorry about that last time in your house "avoid a few more hit"; by aurora, fine, I won't barge in your house like a crazy everytime i go in your zone.....

meh, he sure hit with a vengence...

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"Shadow, what can we do? Is there anyway to stop it.... him? Are the crypts even safe?


Meanwhile on the roof, laughing triumphantly:

"That worked out even better than I expected. Two of Skye's little guardians are now occupied. Time for Shadow..."

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Dylan! come on , it's me !!! dylan!! stop it !!! you have to be in control of yourself dylan. you are still in here . somewhere , and i know you can hear me . if a blue hedgehog did it , you can do it too !!! "avoid yet another claw" really ? stop it dylan!!!

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Dylan growls at Locke as he dodges all his blows. He is getting more and more hungry. Suddenly he stops throwing punches and stares at Locke, like he is deciding what to do next.

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"The only way we could stop him would be to knock him out, which is not an option given we'd need something pretty big to whack him with. I knew someone with a giant hammer but they aren't here, which is probably a good thing. We're just gonna have to wait his transformation out. Or maybe Locke can get through to him. And no the crypt isn't particularly safe. But it gives us room to maneuvre if Dylan or anything else comes down here."

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"Oh NoNoNoNoNO! You're meant to be a mindless beast Dylan. Sic Him! SIC HIM! Hmm, change of plan. I'll seal off the crypt and send Shadow's 'red-eyed friend' after him. And I think now may be a good time for the other little brat to awaken. If anyone can cause Skye to break down, it's his sister."

Meanwhile in the crypt.

"I suppose we could try and bring down part of the roof, but that might be too big. At least, we should see if the insanity book is down here, try and do something productive." Skye pondered. Then Melody began to stir in Shadow's arms. "Melody," exclaimed Skye, "You're still alive. Please, I'm sorry about what happened." So engrossed in his sister, Skye didn't notice the pair of red eyes nearing in the darkness.

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Shadow barely noticed Melody's awakening as he sees the red eyes get closer. He quickly rises to his feet, candle in hand. Knowing this dim light would not stop the creature's approach, he decided a different tactic was needed, but what? Then he realised he still had not changed since his hunt. Around his waist hung a belt with 2 flares. For once he was glad he had been careless. As the creature closed in, he grabbed a flare and lit it, the burst of light forcing the creature to retreat. The split second it was engulfed in light, it looked harrowingly familiar. He knew that this would only buy him a minute or 2, but it was a welcome relief. "Go back to the shadow. You will not harm this boy. Not while I still breath."

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Skye shielded his eyes as Shadow lit the flares, mumbling “What was that?” as the shape moved back into the darkness. His sister’s eye fluttered open.

“This isn’t over Skye,” hissed Melody. She lept at Skye, forcing him against the wall, which then rotated, trapping both kid’s on the other side.

(ooc: Sorry, off for an hour or two so needed two write myself out for a bit.)

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that's right dylan. calm down. listen to me please; i'm your friend , i don't want to hurt you, but please, if you don't try te get back the control of your body , i'll have to take you down. so please , if there is one thing you should fight , it's your animosity . you would not hurt a friend , right ? think about skye!!!

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Dylan growls and pounces on Locke, pinning him down by his arms so that he cannot escape

(ooc: Sorry Locke, that may have worked if I hadn't prevented the transformation for so long, it will be a while before I can fight for control)

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