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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm pray you're right. So far the only happy memories I have are the few hours I spent in Haven." Skye turned and looked back up the stairs towards the roof. "I hope Shadow's okay."

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Shadow came limping down the stairs, covered in claw and bite marks, his fur stained with blood. "She got a little too frisky for my liking" he joked, as he sat on the bottom step. "She's wounded and fled back into the night, but I'd wager she'll be back. How are you feeling Skye?"

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"She? That thing was a she?" Skye shuddered. "I'm not doing great. This place is freaking me out. Which means I'm being freaked out by my own head. I just want to get out, but I've no idea how."

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well ,since we are here, maybe we have to finish something there... Wich would allow us to leave to place.

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"I second that buddy. The sooner we leave the better. As for how? It could be anything. Maybe you need to remember more things about your past. The library I found was full of blank books, but they gradually filled in, so maybe they're connected to your memories and get filled in as you subconsciously remember. I couldn't read them, but maybe you can."

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suggesting that we go back to that crypt? You were prettty freaked out when we left it the first time... well, whatever; but i guess we'll have to take the other kid with us; she is unconscious, and that "thing", also wanted to kill her....

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"That sounds like a good idea Shadow. If nothing else we may find a clue there. And that thing wasn't just after her, it wanted to kill me as well." Skye blinked slightly as more memories came back to him.

"She was hired by Alicia Acorn to kill us. An attempt to retake the throne. And she did manage to kill Melody because... because I couldn't save her. I tried to fly after her but my tails were too injured and she... she..."

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it's ok skye, it's ok. It was not your fault... Your sister wouldn't have wanted to see you like that, i'm sure of this.

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"It's not your fault Skye. There was nothing you could've done. I know that doesn't make things any more comforting." Shadow then got up and tried to remember the way back. "We have a choice; we can either go through the crypt which leads directly into the library, or we csn try and work our way back to the entrance and go down from there. I'll warn you, there's another creature. I only saw its 2 red eyes, but I know it's smart. It won't run headfirst into a fight. It's more.... calculating."

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Skye sniffed slightly and rubbed his eye's.

"Let's get to the library, we'll try and aviod the crypt if we can. I don't want to think what I could have put down there. I wonder what that other creature is?" he said, trying to push his grief aside and began walking slowly clutching his injured side. "This isn't fair. If this is a dream, why am I in pain?"

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while locke carried the unconscious body of melody , he said to skye "such are the dreams, they only seams real because we want to. It's up to you to control them. Now let's go to that library".

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"It's just down here" said Shadow. He froze at the top of the stairs, wary of the fact thst he had lost his torch fighting the winged assassin. The stairwell, previously lit by a few token torches, was now pitch black. He stepped away, grabbing a candle from a table. "Its better than nothing I guess. Stay close guys" he said, as he descrnded once more.

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"You mean, Locke you mean that if I tried I could change what's happening here?" Skye pondered the thought, then tried to will the pain in his side away. Instead, he cried out as suddenly the pain intensified. A voice spoke from the darkness.

"Heh heh. You aren't the one in charge here, scared little boy." The voice was a echoing, mocking version of Skye's own. The candle in Shadow's hand suddenly erupted in a blinding flash, then went out. Below them, the stairs and floor seemed to shift.

"Don't die too soon my little playthings. I want to enjoy this experiment."

(ooc: In short, this whole dreamscape is the domain of Skye's insanity. Have fun!)

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"joy, Skye is not evenn in control of his own dream...So tell me, disenbodied voice, who exactly are you? And why are you in charge instead of skye? It's his dream after all."

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Dylan is wandering about the castle lost. Again. "I had to run off, didn't I" he said to himself. "Why couldn't I just stay with the others. Now I'm stuck in a castle with no idea where I'm going and no knowing what the others are up to. At least I can see where I'm going this time thanks to the torches on the walls." Suddenly the torches went out. "Not again"

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“Skye’s dream, my dream. There’s no difference. Skye has simply forgotten me, that’s all. But it’s only a matter of time before he gives in to me again, into his insanity. It already happening. Didn’t you wonder Skye why the off button didn’t work on your scanner? That was me, I took over and removed the circuit. I wanted to see what the curse would do. A shame Dylan had to spoil my fun, but I’ll return the favour. Heh heh.”

“That’s not true,” Skye weakly tried to counter. “That can’t be true.”

“I will show you your past Skye, and you will welcome me back. As for the rest of you, you have come into Skye’s head. Which means, I can go to your’s…”

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well good luck with that. I'M already dead. there is nothing you can actually do that can push me into insanity. for the sole reason that i know your weakness: You are not real

if we didn't give you a single chance, you'd disappear within the hour. shoowing how powerful you really are.

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"I know you're there mysterious dark evil thing," Dylan said out loud."I'm armed and ready for you. So why don't you come out and talk to me to avoid the fighting?" He gets no answer. "Don't be shy. I won't bite. Well, not if you come out of hiding and don't attack me!" Still getting nothing, he starts walking slowly through a corridor. "I hope the others are out of here and okay" he thinks to himself.

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"Don't worry Skye. We've got the coward on the run. Why else would it strike now? It's desperate. You defeat it here and it'll never bother you again". After trying to reasure Skye, Shadow taunted the entity. "If you want to get inside my head, jump on in. The demons in there will tear you to pieces."

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“Heh heh heh. Really Greybread? Even that bump on the head couldn’t make me disappear from Skye. As long as Skye is alive, so am I. Oh, and before you get any ideas, heh heh, I just need his body alive, not the snivelling cowardly personality next to you. And I’m not desperate Shadow, I just wanted to point out to the Kid it is useless to match his will against mine. But you might be right about your demons. Maybe instead of jumping into your head, I should let them out to play here? Yes, heh heh. I’ve other matters to attend too, and Skye will break soon enough with my tender guidance.” The voice feel silent, and one of the torches flickered back into weak life.

Ahead of Dylan, a light began to appear, then Skye appeared round a corned carrying a torch.

“Dylan? Thank goodness.” Skye gasped in relief. “ I’ve lost everyone else and I thought I was all alone!”

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"Well that was an intersting development. Everyone ok? We're almost at the library. We can plan in there."

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"Skye? I'm glad to see you. And some light. Your memories are crazy. Remind me next time I see flashes of light coming from you while your asleep, don't get involved. How did you lose the others, by the way? I thought they were looking after you while I distracted all the evil here."

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don't worry about all these things dylan, what we really be worried about, is skye himself . Well, not the cute little fox next to us, but that things that feeds off skye memories and who took his form... In fact, i'm pretty that things is not even skye's insanity taking over; but something else.

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(ooc: Locke, I think I am still seperated from you and I'm guessing that the Skye I'm seeing is insanity Skye rather than real Skye, am I right?)

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(ooc: Yeah, Dylan is seeing just the insanity. He's not with the rest of us. If I use italics it's the insanity talking. I've done it before we even got to the dream world.)

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