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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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After a while, locke woke up. He wasn't in haven anymore. And it wasn't his dream. Something was odd... rather than staying here, doing nothing, Locke decided to assess the situation at hand.

Obviously, he wasn't awake, which could leave only one solution: either was he having a nightmare, or he was living someone else's . "well, he though, that's quite unlikely" That's when he heard the cry. locke's blood froze: it was skye crying. He did not though twice, running in direction of the poor fox, doing what he swore to do : protecting him.

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Skye turned and ran from the monster, weaving through the trees. But the mist and shadows ahead of him reformed into the same monster. He sprinted in a different direction and again the monster materialized on front of him. Skye began sobbing as he tried a third and four time to escape with no avail.

"No, please don't hurt me," Skye pleaded through his tears. He took a step back and slipped, falling back against a tree. The roots and vines sprang to life, wrapping around Skye and trapping him in place as the shadow creature came closer. Seeing no way out Skye began crying in earnest.

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Running in the , skye's plead for help were becoming more and more upseting. Locke had to move fast if he wanted to save the poor child. "Skye, Skye, where are you? SKYE !!! SKYE!!! I'm coming, wherever you are!!!"

(ooc:press x for JAYSEN)

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Through the background burbling Skye heard a voice calling his name. For a time he found it hard to place. It wasn't his father's, and somehow it didn't seem right in this place. Then it clicked.

"Locke? Help me, please!" Skye yelled desperately.

"Too late for that Kid," the shadow monster spoke, as it approached, it's arm morphing into large talons as it reached towards Skye.

(occ: Sorry, don't get the QTE reference)

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After a while, locke was finally able to locate skye: and it was not too soon, as what seemed to be shadow what about to attack the child. Just in time, locke jumped on the would-be monster to beat him down . "no touchy unless the kid say so, got it?" Said locke while he gave the monster the mother of all the beatdown.

Finally , the monster laid there, unconscious, but still a bloody mess.

"Skye , are you alright?" he said, approaching the scared kid . "don't move, im getting you out of here" . and he said so. In an instant, skye was free to move again.

(ooc: there. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/press-x-to-jason)

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"Thank you Locke," Skye blurted out, jumping up and grabbing the Echidna tightly by the arm. "I'm not alright. Father's left me behind. There are monster trying to kill me. I'm in pain and bleeding and I don't know why. I don't even know where I am" Skye finished, as the darkness seemed to grow thicker and the trees that were just visible in the distance seemed to move and shift.

(occ: Heh, get it now. Cheers. And afraid that's me calling it a night, now that beastie's dead.

Up to everyone else where they want to join in the dream thingy, or just end it (i.e. wake Skye up in Haven), or go off and do their own thing)

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"well, let me patch you up then, don't move" Locke did his best with what he had, and in a matter of second, Skye got himself a nice bandage . "still better than nothing i suppose" Let's get out of here now. this place give me the chill". And our two character left .

(ooc: then goodnight to you!!)

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*Appears in haven*

Sorry about that, I... oh, okay.


(ooc: As much as I would love to join in this adventure, I won't be able to at the moment. Plus, I'm not sure if you are actually asleep in haven, or if you've transported yourselves into the dream)

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(ooc;right now, we are sleeping, but our minds have been transported)

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(ooc: So dylan would be up for it if he was around. Anyone else, or would the other prefer to pull the plug on it? I'd rather not push on till I have an idea about that.)

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(OOC I think its really interesting. Only reason I haven't joined yet is Shadow has drunk so much coffee I don't think he's in a sleeping mood).

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(ooc: maybe magic beats coffee? Or maybe he's in both in the dream and awake at once? Or maybe he goes crazy on a caffeine high? ;) Just some silly ideas.)

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(ooc: or maybe he'll just fall asleep in a few minutes...; so skye, it's your turn to tell the story anyway)

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(ooc: I'm not really telling a story just setting a scene. After all it's not like there's any rules in a kid's nightmares so anyone could right anything, more or less. So if people have ideas go wild.)

"I think there's more monsters out there, we should hurry," said Skye as he started running, still clutching Locke's arm. The trees made it difficult to tell the direction they were heading, it could have been a circle, but suddenly they ended. Skye's run came to an abrupt halt as the ground gave way from under him and he was left dangling from Locke's arm over an endless pit, his injured tails wagging uselessly.

Ahead of them, a strange mist shrouded swamp stretched out. Here and there sections of it suddenly caved in to pits, and then the pits would regain there surface and be covered over. In the distance, maybe across the swamp or in its centre, a large structure was just visible through the mist.

(ooc: Sorry to be so wordy. It's hard to be brief when setting the scene. I can stop if people want.)

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(ooc: setting a scene, telling a story, it's the same thing, it's just said differently)

"be careful with your tails , skye, If you keep on using them like that, the wound might open up again.Let's me help you out" Locke pulled back the young fox on his feet, and out of the chasm.

After walking a while,they finally saw what skye though was a building.

"look, over here! I think there might be a building there, let's go check it out. it's not our best option, but it's still better than wandering Around in this forest, don't you think ?'

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Shadow looked perplexed at the lights emanating from Skye, but thought nothing of it. They had no visible effect after all. He could see him tossing and turning, in the throes of a nightmare. "Poor kid" he said, as he looked down at his thermos and rested his eyes for a brief second. When he opened them, though he was still in his chair, the room had been replaced by a dark sky. As he looked around him he saw he was on an isolated island, with a huge building behind him, a castle, or perhaps just a tower, it was too dark to tell, and a thick mist enveloped him, preventing him from seeing beyond the island. "Did those lights bring me here?" Said Shadow, as he reached for his flashlight. The beam briefly pierced the mist, doing little to make his surroundings any clearer, and then suddenly stopped as the batteries died. "Great. Just great."

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"I suppose. Let's go. There might be something there to tell us where we are."

Passing through the swamp was slow, but despite the groaning sounds around they moved towards the central island without incident. But just as they reached the shore of the island. the mist glowed briefly in a small patch, then darkened again. Muttering sounds emerged from the same spot.

"Locke," whispered Skye, "I think there's something there." He point to the spot where the light had shone.

(ooc: and yes, that light was Shadow's torch.)

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Indeed, there was something over there. And it was muttering.

"I think we should try to find out the reason of this muttering.After all, we better find whoever it is, before it does for us ,Right?"

As they moved near the building, they finnally saw who was responsible of such a thing : it was shadow, his coffee, and a broken flashlight.

"Shadow. Here you are! What are you doing in such a place? alone, and so.... vulnerable?"

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"Locke! Skye! Glad to see you. I was keeping watch, these lights started coming out of Skye, I briefly rest my eyes and wind up here. Does this place look familiar to you at all Skye?" asked Shadow, still glancing around with a confused look on his face. Upon seeing Skye's condition, he asked with a concerned look "What happened to you? Is there something else here with us?"

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"There was... something out there that attacked me. Locke took care of it but there might be more of them. I don't know what you mean about lights, I'm actually finding it difficult to recall Haven." Skye answered Shadow before turning to face the half ruined castle. "I don't remember this castle but it seems familiar somehow?"

Skye's musings were spilt by an ear-splitting howl as a winged figure swept through the mist and towards the group.

(ooc: Idea for this attacker. If Rouge is a thief on Mobius, then she's a hired assassin on Moebius? And then monsterize her a bit for the nightmare element. If anyone has a better idea we can go with that.)

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We need to keep moving. Let's get inside that castle now. Who is in to follow me? still better than standing in the cold.

(ooc: why the heck not?)

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And so they got in the castle The place was empty of people, yet was quite lighted. "I guess they were expecting visitor...."

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Skye looked around the lighted room while the winged attacker shriek and swooped outside.

"I don't get it," Skye remarked, "it looked ruined from the outside but in here it's not."

(ooc: Oh, p.s. I'll be away from half-four/five-ish for the rest of the day. So either we get the dream weirdness finished or someone else takes the helm.)

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(ooc: you are the main character, so, we wake up, and we can always try it again, when our character are asleep)

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