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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Let's see if my tracker for Shadow works. According to my tracker, Shadow is...you've got to be kidding me. What is he doing here?

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skye, it's haven. This place is more or less made of some of the remnant of the great echidna technology, some of which allowed teleportation, and maybe space travel.... as for dylan, YES, i can hear you.

and ok, I will try not to do that again. force of habit.

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That's really cool. I'd love to have a look around, if that's alright?

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I don't know how you can hear me, but when you said Shadow was in his home, I didn't think you meant he was in my zone. Oh, by the way, hi!

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*running through town with pack of werehogs chasing me* Where the hell am I? Darn YOU 3 DAY WAITING PERIOD!

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Anyway, I'm just seeing how you were doing and saying hi like you did earlier, now time to do my random disappearing act, where I will be tracking Shadow to find out what he is doing in my zone and how he got there with his powers gone

*Teleports to own zone*

Right, back at home. I can't go outside, everyone will notice who I am. Perhaps I can track him to a safe location to find out why he's here.

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"to dylan, hi to you too" , well, skye, maybe later, we still have a lot to see first; you wouldn't want to be lost like brother sojourner , would you? We found him 1 week later trying to ddiscuss with a crack in the wall... funny guy, this brother sojourner.

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*Hears note from Locke*

If you can hear me, do you want to come and help me find Shadow. You can bring Skye if you want. It can be like a mini adventure.

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"hear dylan" well that's interesting.... well skye, the rest can wait, i'm showing you your bedroom, and then , we'll have to go help that poor excuse of a politician that is dylan, good for you ?

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Yeah. I wonder what trouble everyone has got into now.

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ok, follow me... we go over there, no wait, that's the first bathroom.... And.. there, your bedroom!!! it's near mine, if you want to talk to someone. "open up" And somehow, someone cleaned up the mess before!!!! I hope you'll like it.

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This is brilliant. For the past three years I've had nothing but the occasional ripped blanket to sleep on.

Well, it's not as nice as my room at the castle, but I wasn't expecting it to be.

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*runs down an alley and jumps up a fire escape* Hey is that Dylan's house over there? I must've got into his zone somehow.

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at the very least , you can have the modern comfort : a bed , a desk, an actual library, and a wardrobe. In what is an already quite big room. "smile" but one wonder how awesome your life in the castle was....

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Oh, it was great. After Mother and Father ousted the Puppet Queen we had the whole castle to ourselves. Massive room, four poster bed, servants waiting on me hand and foot…

Of course, that was before Mother decided she would rule on her own. Heh heh. For all his planning, Father never saw that coming.

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interesting, but you were her son... wasn't she interested to at least keep her heir to the throne ? "they are both unpacking stuff in skye' bedroom"

well at the very least, your new house is bigger than the castle "laugh"

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She was, Father took me to spite her. *pauses* Well, that's what I thought until the banishment.

*Looks around room* That didn't take long, guess I don't have much stuff.

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well then, there ain't no rest for the wicked i guess... let's get to dylan now... follow me to the hangar, for we are going ... to the PORTAL: the fastest to annoy dylan, getting aways with everything.

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Let's go. Got any silver bullets?

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well... look, the armory is over there, let's help ourselve with all the "logistic" we might need... but just so you know, there is a friendly fire device implanted in every guns; and taking it aways will basically destroy said weapon.

(ooc: haven is supposed to be self efficient, so they must have some way to defendd themselve)

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*Muttering to self*

Poor excuse for a politician. I thought I told him earlier about my place on the council. I was trying to help this zone out but nooo. Too scared they were.

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No problem Greybeard. *Grabs a gun and heads towards portal*

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*pulls out boot knife* I always thought they were joking when they gave me this. Ok you pathetic mongrels, come get some! (OOC I can't help but think of Spoon from Dog Soldiers. I hope this ends better for me than it did for him).

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of course kid "grab some gun, and put them in a bag" oh, and these are mercy bullets. these people are innocent, despite their murderous tendencies.

now, let's go.... "walk through the portal; and slam open dylan door" if you were that good, you would not have been fired dylan....

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Hello guys, about time you showed up. I was not fired from the council and I blame it on the same people who are responsible for the disappearances of certain people. The DEL. I see you've brought guns. How subtle seeing as how not a single person in this zone has a gun. The DEL would make you disappear if you had one. So are we off?

(ooc: A little info about my zone never hurts)

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