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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Do you want me to stop?" asked Skye, a note of concern in his voice.


The shot from Glen frizzled against the lighting field surrounding Miles.


"I think so," said Anna. "She burst in and attacked him, but I think they know each other."

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"Why would I ever do that Skye ?" Asked tikal.


"I see."Sabre started to work right away.


"Gah ! Y'er lucky it's not locke instead of me , you bastard !!!" Shouted glen as he tried to find a weakness to fight against miles.

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Zamy swung her baton to try and deflect Melody, the other Zone Cop then fired at her.

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When Miles spun his tails, Dylan had been thrown straight into a wall where he stayed for a while before getting to his feet

"Great. A shield. How do we get to him now" he said to no one in particular

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Berry looked around, not even knowing what to say.

Kayl entered the place, "they need berry for questioning, is she treated ye- what is going around here?"

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"I don't know, and I hope you never do. I want to do all these things for you Tikal," said Skye.


Melody knife glowed as it impacted with the baton, and cut straight through. But before the blade hit Zamy, Melody was pushed back by the shot from the Zone Cop. And aside from the impact itself, Melody seemed unphased by the damage done to her.

The distortion on front of Miles started to solidify, then there was a rush of air as a massive magical explosions erupted from Miles, sweeping towards everyone except Melody.


"Uh..." began Melody. "This lot showed up, Ziona called her partner to find out that Zamy and Miles had been kidnapped by Father and....er... me... So Ziona, Glen and Dylan went to rescue her, then Anna showed up with Spark and... the other one, who look both badly injured."

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Zamy a nd the Zone Cops scrambled away, trying to avoid the explosions while still taking potshots at Melody.

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Aware of their shots, Melody was able to dodge most of them. Though again, the few that impacted on her, barely seemed to faze her despite leaving bleeding wounds.

"Keep them distracted. I'm going for the whelp," ordered the older Miles.

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Glen dived to avoid the attack."I don't think so , soon to be dead man !" Glen went toward him , shooting at the same time. He had a wicked plan in mind...


"Skye, just be happy with me, not for me..."


Sabre kept on working.

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Berry suddenly started feeling sick, and almost fell.

"GUYS!?" Kayl shouted, grabbing Berry, "what happened?"

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Dylan was dodging Miles' blasts when he came up with an idea

"Everyone aim at the same one spot on Miles' shield! It should weaken it more than just aiming wherever" he shouted

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"I am Angel... I..." Skye sighed. "Tikal, this might sound selfish, but the reason I want to make so happy... If you're unhappy, I can't be happy. But if your happy, even if I've had a day as horrible as this one, I can't help but be happy. If I need to cheer myself up, I can do so by putting a smile on your face. Knowing you're happy..."


Melody looked at Berry with horror. She couldn't help her, but she had some extensive knowledge of treating injuries, so...

"If someone can carry me, I can help patch up Spark, so Sabre will be free to treat Berry."


Miles ignored Glen, confident his shield would hold, until her heard Dylan.

"You're too persistent for your own good," hissed Miles as, with a gesture, red hot chains burst out of the ground to try and entangle the porcupine.

Melody charged at the Zone Cops, weaving to ignore their fire.

(ooc: First, apologies but I'll prob be away will 8/8:30 tonight. Awkward in a fight, I know.

Second I want Miles to do some real badass 'I am a powerful wizard' spell, but those tend to be... well, somewhat OTT in their effects and would prob remove characters from the fought. awkward as most people have just one character each here, and having everyone dodge would defeat the purpose of them, so I've listed some possibilities below, and if at least some people are willing to be affect I may have Miles fire one off (possibly and area effect attack).

1. Disintegration. Exactly what it says on the tin. Way to OTT, so almost certainly won't use that, but its there cause it's cool.

2. Petrification. Turn to Stone, the medusa effect. This would obviously remove the affected from the fight, but I would say the effect would be temporary (couple of hours) not permanent.

3. Baleful Polymorph. The classic spell for turning people into frogs in Fairy Tales, or into Squirrels in Balder's Gate. In this instance it would probably turn the affect into regular version of their animal type. Likely would have the same duration thingy as option 2, but if you though outside the box it may be possible to keep in the fight.

Anyway, it's up to you. Otherwise I'll keep throwing the low level spells around.

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Spark laid there still holding Lucy's hand when she bursted into flames screaming in agany spark was covered in the flames.

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Kayl realized it was he only option.

"Okay, I'm up."

That's when Max entered, "no, it's alright, let me help."

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Dylan tried to run out of the way of the chains but one of them caught his arm putting his arm in intense pain. He managed to get free of it and clutching his arm shouted

"Do it everyone. It's the only way you'll remove his shield!"

(ooc: As long as I can still be somewhat active, I don't mind getting him affected by one of Miles' powerful spells)

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"We've got more pressing concerns right now," said the lead Zone Cop as he aimed higher up on Melody.

(OOC Petrification might be the best choice).

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(ooc: Hmm, So Shadow is for petrification, but if Dylan wants to be active but affected option 3 would be best... Huh....

On a side note, I'll prob only post for this fight once all the other participants have posted)


Melody sat up sharply as the flames started.

"What the $@%£& hell?!?" she exclaimed. Anna sprinted out of the room and returned moments later with a fire extinguisher, dousing Spark and his sister in foam.

"What about Berry? Someone help her."

(ooc: I am utterly confused about what is going on here)

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(The foam disappeared that was on Spark. Lucy's body was gone but Spark had the same flames that where on his arm but are also on his legs. Still badly injured but was felling better then he was.) I've gotta get out of this bed (he said trying to lift himself up from the bed)

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Red gave a look at Melody ."you keep it cool now !"

Sabre simply assessed the situation."Good things the beds are fireproof." and got back to work.


Glen saw how confident the bastard was,...but the shield gave him little to no opening.

"Hey Miles, I think I might have something for you."Said A very feminine voice behind the echidna. A bat.


"Skye....."Tikal couldn't find her word."You are trying to be happy vby making me smile . How could this be selfish?"

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"I... I don't know," confessed Skye. "I just wanted you to know how important your happiness is to me."


Melody shrunk slightly with Red's chastisement, then started giggling. "Rather ironic choice of words."

"But... what is happening?" asked Anna.


Rather than charge directly at the Zone Cop's Melody jumped to the side, drawing a series of knives and hurling them at the Cops. Ziona winced as she failed to dodge fully and one caught her on the flank.

The older Miles was distracted by the sudden voice and spun to face it. "You're looking surprisingly well. I'm guessing you're from this present time. Well... Melody did tell me if we couldn't find a body for her that was fast, she'd settle for flying."

The younger Miles crawlled over to Zamy and whispered to her.

"Somethings not right. Why isn't he flying?"

(ooc: Given the lack of enthusiasm I prob won't have Miles use a crazy potent spell.)

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Dylan took advantage of Miles' distraction to make his way over to Glen

"No one is listening to me. Please tl me you have another plan"

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I can explain this is just a clone of my sister and when the clone dies a couple minutes later it bursts into flames allowing me to absorb her which is why my legs are the same as my arms. Also I was only healed so much I'm still in criticize condition but now I can talk allot faster right now but I need to go find where this clone was made which I already know cause I got the clones memories also.(he said falling back down onto the bed)

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"It's alright Skye. I know how much you care...."


"A real gentleman I see. But I doubt Mina would give up her friend that easily......" said Red as she flough closer. She seemed to have something in her hand as well.


"Of course I have a plan Dylan. I just need an opening. And it might be about to happen..." Said Glen.


"My choices of words are always wise.But I think Our sparky fiend over there should tone it down."

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"I don't know. Perhaps he thinks he'll get shot down," said Zamy before shoving Miles out of the way of the incoming blades, the other Zone Cops diving out the way with varyingly degrees of success, save for their leader who caught the knife heading for his face by the grip before tossing it to the ground with a scoff

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Skye simply smiled back.


"It's hard to tone it down when fire based magic is involved," said Melody

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