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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Kayl nodded, waiting for Ziona.


"Okay, this is interesting," Berry said looking a two random hands melting the door of the cell.

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"You might be in for a rough time then," muttered Miles.


"3... 2.. 1.. NOW!" Ziona kicked the door open, opened fire with a wide beam stun burst, then pulled back into cover.

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Kayl looked inside, since the other were firing, "you shoot down the guards, I'm getting lucifer." She said, running to him.

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"Got it," shouted Ziona, taking down another couple of guards.

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Lucian started running when he saw Kayl. But Kayl was fast enough for him, all the guards tried to find a way out, "come here you." Kayl Said to Lucian.

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"I dunno. Some wizards can do nasty things that would still leave you 'intact'," said Miles.


"The guards are running, let's help Kayl," called Ziona. Recalling the mansion plan that Kayl had shown, Ziona was sure she could find a way to double round on front of Lucian. She headed towards a side door.

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Kayl kept lucifer as cover so the guards won't shoot her.

"Will you leave me?" Lucifer shouted.

"As if," Kayl shouted back,

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"Come on. Now's your chance Berry, come on out and let's go"

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Crowley shuddered. "So I have heard. They aren't the sort of people you want to trifle with, and yet here I am doing just that."

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"I assume you're being well payed?" asked Miles


Ziona kicked open the side door, headed along the corridor, before moving though another door. If she was right, she was now ahead of where Larry or whoever he was would be.

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Berry and max came out.

"Thank you so much, mr Dylan and mr Spark." Berry said, almost reared up,"shall we go looking for others?"



Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"A one use get out of jail free card?" joked Miles.


"On it. Good luck with Lucille!" Ziona called back.

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Hold on we should check up with Kayl she should be in the jewel room

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"Okay." Berry said,


"So, Lucille, you're gonna have a tough time," Kayl said

"Not with this name..."

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"Yeah, but the jewel room isn't here"

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"It's there." Berry said pointing towards left, "telepathy works well, Madam Ziona is headed there too, she might need our help. One of you can come with us and one can go help Kayl with arresting Lucian there." Berry pointed towards right.

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"Okay" Dylan turned to Spark

"What do you want to do?"

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Ill get Lucian you get that jewel(he said before he blasted off

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"Okay, let's go." Berry rushed towards the gem.


Kayl noticed Spark towards her, "take care of this, will you." She said, holding up Lucian.

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Glen ended up too far away from the group and was now fighting his way out. And he'll be Darned if he just ended up dying while trying.


"Right now, i'll concentrate on you Anna."Said locke.


Tikal put a hand on Skye's arm.

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