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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Sure. here you are, dying . That's pretty conveniant. Saves me the bullet." spoke glen.


"And then ? Make him go away. The monster who destroyed you is gone ! He will never come back!" shouted locke;

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"This is a bad time to have a big brain," said Hope.


"Where is it?" asked Zamy.

"I am not dying, I'm merely in a weakened state as I adjust to the serum. Not that expect someone like you to understand," said Hope R.

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"That's what I-I-I thought before. It didn't work. The cycle keeps going," replied Skye


"And it's not like you can outrun me either," said Melody. 'Actually, come to think of it, how would being a zombie affect telepathy?' she thought.


"By the looks of things it's located in a pocket dimension. I can still open a portal to it if needed," said Ziona.

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"You'd probably think nothing at all. Your brain would essentially be shut down aside from basic functioning," thought Hope.


"Do it. We'll go and take care of it. Shadow, watch those two," said Zamy.

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"Right now, all I see is a little girl who went through incredible lenght for nothing."Simply answered back Glen."What's the use of that serum anyways? And what if your body never get used to it? WWorse, what if it's slowly killing you..."


"No Skye, It's only up to you to bring it back."Said Locke."On it's own, the cycle will never happen again. trust me."

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"But how can I-I-I sit back and do nothing?" Skye asked.


'Aww, that's no fun!' thought Melody. 'I'll pass on the zombie. Maybe a lich....'


"Opening now," said Ziona as the gateway opened, lights spilling out. "Huh boy. If this stuff messes with your mind it might be a bit more tricky than I thought..."

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"I don't think I'd want a litch as a best friend. They're kinda creepy."


"I'm sure we'll come out fine... I hope. Erm, after you?" said Zamy, slightly worried at the sight of the lights.

"I know far more about what was in that than you. I'm certain it will work. My work has not been for nought."

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'Yeah, I wouldn't actually want to look that desiccated. Hmm, vampire?' suggested Melody.


Ziona gulped. "Right. Yeah sure..." Shaking her head, she jumped through the portal, landing on the back of the Syphon Station. Almost immediately the lights stated dancing over her. "Oh, this isn't pleasant," she shivered. "I really hope this station was built with a nice big red 'off' switch."

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"That seems more like something Rouge would do. At least she does around Halloween."


Zamy jumped through behind Ziona. "Gah everything's too bright in here. I don't think there's an off switch per se. Do you think smashing or shooting it would work?"

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"Many before you said the same thing. the price they paid was high."said Glen.


"You have to, please."Said Locke."Sometime, it's best not to ask and let thing finish on their own."

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"No. That just makes things worse," said Skye, his words becoming firmer.


'You mean she's not already?' joked Melody.


"It might work, or it might blow every nearby zone up. But maybe a little controlled demolition inside might work. See if you can find a hatch." Ziona swayed slighly and held her head. "These lights are making me dizzy."

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"Well she does like to do things at night a lot, but she was at the beach before. Maybe she's a daywalker?" joked Hope.


"Me too. Ok.... think I found a hatch, time for some delicate engineering," said Zamy as she whacked into the hatch with the butt of her carbine, causing a large dent and wrenching it off. "Time to actually be delicate now," she muttered while looking at the internals.


"If people didn't build on the work of those who failed before them we'd have nothing."

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'Could be. Or maybe just really good sunblock. It would explain why she's so white. Ever seen her handing around the medi-bay where the blood-packs are stored?' thought Melody, trying slowly to sit up.


"It's a shame you don't have that hammer summoning trick some of your alts do," said Ziona. "Think you can disable it?"

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"Nope. She spends most of her time jewel collecting or hanging around with Shadow when they're off mission."


"Hammer summoning? Yeah that could definitely come in handy. I'm not a member of bomb disposal but I know some basic circuitry. Of course that was from trying to build a computer, not disarming a syphon. Let's see... that' looks like the power source, now I just need to find the right wire to cut which won't cause the absorbed energy to be violently released."

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'Maybe she just has a straw and feeds off Shadow then,' thought Melody. Then her thoughts went a little grim. "Uh, Hope. I.. uh.. can't move my legs..."


"What kinda clues are you looking for. It would save time if we both tried to back track the wires. Of course," Ziona said, a wicked smile appearing on her face, "we could use this station to... Gah, no. I think this thing's messing with my head."

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"I think they might be in cahootz together or something.... wait what!?" Hope looked at Melody's legs to see if there was any damage tot hem. "Can you feel anything when I poke your legs?" she asked, concern clearly in her voice.


"Station? I don't see any station. Must be some kind of defence mechanism to make us hallucinate. I've found 2 wires, both going to where the energy is stored. I guess it's a 50/50 option unfortuantely."

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"N-no..." Melody replied, her voice shaking.


"Wait, if this thing makes us imagine things, then how do we know the wires aren't...?"

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"What.. but... no, no no, we can fix this. We have to! Dylan, we need to get Melody to a hospital!" yelled Hope.


"We don't. But it's all we can go on. So which wire do we go for?"

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Dylan turned around when Hope yelled and rushed over

"What's going on?"

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"This is just one of those crazy dreams again, isn't it?" Melody asked pleadingly to Hope.


"Uh, I've got a coin to toss here," said Ziona.

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"It's Melody. She can't feel her legs," tearfully replied Hope to Dylan. "I don't think so Melody. I wish it was."


"Go for it Ziona."

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"Right, well I can take her to Haven. Perhaps one of the guardians can help her"

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"It's.... It's gotta be... I have to be able to run..." said Melody, tears beginning to form.


"Okay, heads, the top wire, tails, the lower one," said Ziona tossing the coin. She caught it as it came down and looked at the result. "It's tails, so cut the one for heads!"

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"It's ok. You will be able to," reassured Hope. "And thank you Dylan.


Zamy nodded and cut the top wire. As far as she could tell it worked

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"Promise Hope?" asked Melody desperately.


"We're not dead, that's a good start," said Ziona looking around. "I think the lights are dying down."

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