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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Is it? This is not parallel universe, but, here we are." Kayl said.

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"Yes." Said Kayl as she fell on the grass, "you guys go on without me, I need this rest."

Max laughed, "You lack energy as usual."

"shut up."

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"rather than joking, carry her ." said Glen,"The place isn't too far away."

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Kayl jumped, "I rather walk than being carried by him." and walked weakly

Berry suddenly came there, "hey guys! Knew you all will be he- BROTHER."

Kayl sighed, "family drama, I'm out." she said as she fell again.

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"Great...." Said Glen." I'm going back to the hotel." And on these words, he walked back to the hotel, carrying the unconscious girl.

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Berry and Max did some dramatic hugging and crying, and meant it.

They soon joined Glen.

"Let me help you if she's heavy." Max offered Glen.

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(What on earth has this become?)

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"It's alright , we are there ."Said Glen , opening the door of the penthouse ."Zionna, I'm back !"

(Ooc: It's a free script Rp . We write whatever adventure we want and see how others react.)

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"I'll... I'll probably do the same," replied Melody, getting ready to leave. Skye nodded, picking up his journal and flicking through it.


"Yeah. Definitely. A shame my brother and sister couldn't stick around, but they're still young," said Anna


Ziona leapt up and hugged Glen. "There you are. I got kinda worried when Berry ran out like that."

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Shadow chaos controlled Hope to her room back at GUN before using it to get back in his seat at the restaurant.

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"I... oh... bye Hope..." Said Melody, both aloud and in her head, but she doubted Hope could hear. She left to her own room.

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(Ooc: this chao control really is convenient .)

"Ouch ! be careful cutie , I'm carrying someone ," Said Glen"But I'm happy to be back to you."


"Yes, but it's better that way, since I have you all for myself ."Said Young Red happily .

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Max groaned. And then politely greeted Ziona.

"So, madam." He said to Berry, "little miss clumsy was safe, right?"

"I was, want some cake?"

Max leaped at the food.

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"Well, It's another one going to sleep I guess."Saud Glen.

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"But, she might be hungry... oh well." Berry said as she ate a piece, "have some too, Mr. Glen, you might be hungry."

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Glen put the girl on the nearest couch . "there she is... wait, how you got here so fast?" Asked Glen.

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"I kind of...felt you guys were coming, so I just ran to the predicted area." Berry said.

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"We followed, I think we came just after you." Berry yawned.

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"I can see you are tired . Wanna join your friend ?" Asked Glen .

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"These zone portals..." Rancor wonders. "Can they travel to actual different zones as well?"


The group approaches a large frozen over temple as the look across half glacier-ed tundra.

"It looks like we'll have to cross this lake if we wish to get over there." Knuckles says as the wind picks up, tossing snow and ice all over.

Kali looks over to Astraea, who was shivering constantly.

"Are you doing alright." he asks her as she turns to him.

"J-j-just f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fine thank you." she says looking away again. Kali then hugs her from behind, making her jump.

"W-w-w-what are you doing!?" she yells at him.

"My side effect power is that of healing. Hopefully I can warm you up with it." he replies as his vinyls begin to glow as he releases energy.

"You have no idea how awkward this is do you?" Astraea asks.

"He's just using his powers to help you. What's awkward about that?" Knuckles says.

Chaos looks over to Spectre and face-palms at the twos obliviousness.

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"Hm... yea, maybe." Then she notcied Rancor.

Max nodded, "yes, they can."

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Anna laughed. "It almost sounds like you were planning to kidnap me." Then she abruptly stopped laughing, remembering that was exactly what Miles had tried to do.


"Sorry Glen," replied Ziona backing off. "I was just worried..."

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