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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I wasn't playing the victim. But..." Miles words were stopped by Dylan's punch.

"And that was why I tried to leave," he said, staring at Dylan with hate filled eyes. It looked as if Miles was about to say something to Red, but when she outright mentioned him being married to Mina, he froze.


A smirk appeared on Skye's face with Dylan's punch. "Really?"


"I'm not sure it would be sensible waiting any longer." said Ziona, getting ready to make a call.

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"Don't sink as low as he did, Skye." Said Locke."There is no turning back if you go too far..."


"Just wait a bit more." Said Glen."I don't think we should try to intervene now.It could make things worse."


"There, I guess I got your interest , right?" Said Red."Yes, you would have married her... but this marriage, the love you had for her, would happen to be very one sided Miles." She sighed, yet again."By staying with you, she eventually became the one thing she wanted to avoid : Her mother. This led to her using every member of her family to gain power over moebius, including You Miles. There is a reason your Kid had to run away, don't you think? Unfortunaly, you weren't a stranger to that.Yet another tool for Mina's lust for power..." Her face darkened, as if she remembered a sad event."And then ,when she became an actual queen, I knew that the Mina we all knew and loved was lost ... But you couldn't see it, not until the very last moment, when you had to run for your own life. not that it helped a lot in the end."

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"Great, now look what you've done"

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Miles looked at Red, trying to gauge just how much of what she was saying was a lie.

"If that's true, what makes you think you can change that? It doesn't sound like any amount of 'love' and 'affection' can stop her. She's a Moebian. You can't change her nature. All you'll have is a ticking time-bomb. For your sake, she'd be safer away for all of you."

(ooc: Miles doesn't know about Anna being 'broken'.)


Skye suddenly looked as if he'd been slapped in the face with the phrase 'no turning back'. He gulped.


Anna began to stir and her eyes started to open slowly.


"I really don't know Glen. If they start beating him again, I'll have to."

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Miles looked at Red, trying to gauge just how much of what she was saying was a lie.

"If that's true, what makes you think you can change that? It doesn't sound like any amount of 'love' and 'affection' can stop her. She's a Moebian. You can't change her nature. All you'll have is a ticking time-bomb. For your sake, she'd be safer away for all of you."

(ooc: Miles doesn't know about Anna being 'broken'.)


Skye suddenly looked as if he'd been slapped in the face with the phrase 'no turning back'. He gulped.


Anna began to stir and her eyes started to open slowly.


"I really don't know Glen. If they start beating him again, I'll have to."

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"She has been helpful to us recently. I doubt any of us would send her away because of that, so it comes down to her decision whether she stays. Not yours. Not mine. Not Red's. Not anyone else's. Her choice. Why don't you just let her make that choice"

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"Ultimatly, Dylan is right." Said Red."She is as free as us in her choice.And as of why I'm still near her to this day, the answer is simple : She is my friend. Even if she hurt me, I'll stand by her side.And I know she won't hurt me this time"


"I Don't think Red really wants to beat the poor kid down. she seems more interessested in talking." Said Glen.


"Skye?" Asked Locke."I know you can hear me, so please, drop that sword before it's too late. I don't want to loose you too."

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Miles considered his options. He looked at the situation at hand. And made up his mind. His eyes dropped.

"Even if I took her back home, she'd just escape back here, wouldn't she." He sighed unhappily. "It's not fair."


Skye dropped both the sword and to his knees.


Ziona didsn't reply, but was keeping a close eye on the situation. Her finger was hovering over the emergency call button on her gauntlet.

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"I wish I could drop down my guard... Just a bit." Said Red."But I know you'd try something Miles."she closed her eyes for a short second." I know it's hard, but you'll find someone else. And hopefully, she'll love you as much as you'll do for her."


Locke catched Skye and took him in his arm."It's alright Skye. you did the right thing."


Glen Putted his hand on Zionna's shoulder."Easy soldier. There is no need to be tense like that."

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"Save me the pleasantries and attempts at comfort," said Miles bitterly. "You've already told me what 'should' happen and how its gone now. So don't bother trying to sugarcoat it."


Skye didn't say anything. He just looked unhappily at the ground.


"There was just a few seconds ago. But it looks calmer now."

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"Because being syphonned of all your magic and thrown in a dungeon , only to be toyed with by Mina is what you are dreaming of for your future with her?" Said Red."Im saving your life !"


"I know Skye, I know." Said Locke."But it's another lesson you just learned today : There is a big difference between doing what is right, and what has to be done."


"Yeah." Said Glen."So please, get your hand out of your holster, cowgirl."

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Miles was somewhat shocked by what he just heard, but it didn't last long.

"At least you're no longer pretending that my future's gonna be all happy and wonderful now. Fine, do whatever you gonna do then," he said resignedly.


"I thought... I though I'd managed to get past that... Past who I was.." said Skye.


"I'm just getting ready to call in the arresting squad, not blast everyone!" said Ziona.

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"I've already given my punch for what happened before. I'll let the others decide this time"

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"None of this was supposed to happen ..." Said Red."But it still did..... I won't be able to help this time . Maybe... you might never be able to see her again."


"No matter what we do , What we are in the dark will always find a way to come out: It's up to you to learn how to control it ."Said Locke


"Maybe , but the way this hand was moving .... it seemed like you were about to shoot..." Said Glen.

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"Yeah. No doubt she'll grow to hate me under the influence of her 'friends'. You've already stolen everything else about her from me. Just... stop talking, and arrest me, or send me home. Or whatever it is you've planned."


"But I thought I wasn't like that now, even in the dark." said Skye


"That's the fire button. That's the emergency 'call for backup' button," said Ziona.

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"Miles..." Tear were starting to fall from Red's eyes."Do you think I wanted that? Do you? If I could , I would have let her be with you since the beginning . But I can't ."She took him in her arms."But she made her choice ... I'm sorry Miles." She started to cry."Thing is ... I was jealous of her .Of everything she had... She could live in the light, While I had to hide in the Shadow. And to be fair with you , I was also jealous of her marrying You..."


"Skye, don't worry, Even if it's hidden, deep inside of you, as long as you have the control, This will never come out." Said Locke."As we all have our own part of light, In order to balance things, we also have a part of shadows in our hearts. You'll learn to balance them one day."


"Call for Backup ? I see..." Said Glen."I just hope you won't need to use it."


As everyone hanged on to him, Spectre focused on the place of teleportation. A strong wave of energy wad now coming out of his body, As he teleported everyone , including himsefl, near their next destination.

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"I've hardly even met you..." Miles stammered out, shock by this coming from someone older than him by about 4 times. Only for him to remember... "Oh yeah, time-travel."

"What did you say?" cut in Anna, causing Melody to jump slightly. She had been coming round so slowly that even Melody hadn't noticed, and had started listening to what Red and Miles were saying.


Skye nodded, but still looked miserable.


"Keep your fingers crossed."

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Red sighed ."Listen Miles. I care about you . And I know you deserve a lot more than that... But please , l ... " She wasn't sure about what to say."I guess After all this time , I had a bit of a crush for you as we got older..."


Locke patted Skye's back.


"I am ." Said Glen.

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Inwardly, Miles was pleased. If Red felt that way, it could be something to exploit.

"So is that why you were insisting so hard that I'd fall in love with someone else?" he asked, realising that Red had been trying to play matchmaker across time.


Anna curled up slightly. "I never knew," she said quietly.

"Of course you didn't. It hasn't happened yet!" replied Melody.


Skye turned and took ahold of Locke, though he was managing not to cry

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"I never really knew what got into me..." Said Red ."At first , the both of you were so happy together... then it slowly started to break ..." She sighed."Maybe I just wanted to ease your pain...." Deep down inside her, She felt that something was amiss with Miles.


"What will happen to him if that kid ever get arrested ?" Asked Glen.


Locke didn't said Anything and let Skye do what he had to to do...

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Crowley turned to Anna before turning back to Miles.

"At least she's OK now," he thought to himself, glad the siruation seemed to be moving towards a conclusion. He practically had a heart attack when Red mentioned her feelings for Miles. How anyone could feel affection for Miles was beyond him.

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"And that isn't going to happen now. So what are you going to do?"


Anna looked away fro Red and Miles, and saw Rouge lying on the ground. For a second Anna was flooded with fear, thinking she was the younger version of Red, the one Anna's age. Then she realised it wasn't. But Anna was still concerned. "What happened?" she asked.


"If he's arrested? He'll be taken to No-Zone jail and hopefully rehabilitated," explained Ziona

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"Best I can tell she tazed Miles but he somehow sent the electricity back to her, and because of the ensuing muscle spasms she couldn't take her finger off the trigger. She should be OK with some r&r, there aren't any burns thankfully. Still, it's my fault. I sent her after him. I should've just let her crack him in the head with her boot. But Red convinced me to try and bring him in less... physically damaged. Last time I ever take her advice," bitterly replied Shadow.

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Glen looked at Mina."If I have learned Something about jail, It's this: They won't rehabilitate him Zionna. It will make him worse ."


"Long ago , I think I would have just wandered aimlessly back home . But now..." She looked at Locke and Skye , then Melody and Anna, and finally at crowley."Now I have a reason to move on ."

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