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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I don't think he won't" Said Red."I hope he won't ..."

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"I know Crowley, I know." Said Red."I'm so tired, Can I sleep on your shoulder like old times?"

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As Skye looked for his book he caught sight of his eyes in the bedroom mirror. He gave a sudden as he saw the black stains.

"I must have lost control more than I thought," he muttered to himself.


"Uh, Dad. You do know that bad stuff only happens when we're all together! So going with Hope should be safe."


"I know," replied Ziona to Glen's first point. "Hmm, I could. If she's not too busy with the Nega assassination charge."

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"Give it a try . A good friend is always better than a lone drink." Said Glen.


"Thank."Red Sat down next to crowley and gently put her head on Crowley's shoulder."It's been a long time."


"I let you alone. Both you and hope almost got attacked by miles , and he almost kidnapped you! So no. Also, Leaving Hope to do this job is a bad idea . Red Wouldn't appreciate to see her." He though for a while."Remember the way she act when she met hope the first time ?"


Tikal was waiting in the main room. Thing were slowly coming back to normal .

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Skye pondered wearing sunglasses to cover his eyes for a moment, then decided it'd just look silly. He went out into the main room.

"Are you good to go?" he asked Tikal, trying to smile.


"But I really need to tell Red what's happened. I can't just leave her hanging. If I go with them and go in first... she know me, so it should be safe," said Anna.


"Yeah. I think I left my phone back at the hotel."

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"She would need someone she could trust.... Anyone ? Maybe crowley... or shadow.Anyone." Said Locke."But not Melody, hope, or Mina. all three are way to visible target, or simply too valuable...."


"then let's get back to recover it." Said Glen.


"I'm ready once you are." Said Tikal, smiling;

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Skye smiled and offered Tikal his arm.


"I'm not sure she knows Crowley yet..." said Anna. "Which only leaves me. And Miles is in jail, so no one else will be looking for us."


"Good idea."

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Tikal Gladly took it.


"I think she does..." Said Locke."They seem to go a long way."


"The sooner it's done, the sooner your friend will be there." Said glen.

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"This time we should be able to enjoy ourselves without anything happening," said Skye as he headed out.


"Yeah, but, thirty years is a 'long way'," said Melody. "So maybe they don't meet for a year or two. Or maybe even a decade. Twenty years would still be a long time!"


"I really doubt she can come to visit Glen. She'd under house arrest right now."

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"I wanna. Dad won't let me," said Melody.

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"They way they look at each other... And what I got around... seems to tell me that they knew each other at that time." (ooc: just go with it. I want shadow to repair his mistake with Mina Sooner.) Said Locke."And Shadow could do Nicely. What better way to atone his fault, than acting for the best?"


"Then maybe we should be the ones coming." Said Glen."And Screw the law !"


"I'm sure we will." Said Tikal.

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Skye smiled as the two set of towards the forest.


"She knew him and she never told me..." murmured Anna.

"So if Shadow goes you'd be happy to let me go to?" asked Melody.


"While I'm tempted to do that, if I leave my post now, it could have repercussions for the children. It wouldn't be fair for them to be carted off again just because I didn't stick around. I'm pushing things enough as it is."

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"I can't leave Rouge though. As for Crowley, they probably weren't close at this point, if they had even met. And I have nothing more to atone for."

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"Then let's settle for a call." Said Glen."I'm sure she'll be happy to hear about her friend." He finished as they finally got in the penthouse.


"No melody. It's either Shadow or crowley..." Said Locke."I can only trust someone who can act as an authority figure for this kind of mission melody, so I'm affraid...." He saw the Zone cop going in."Maybe we might have found a solution." He said.


"The trails is beautiful, don't you think?" Said Tikal as the walked around.

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"No. Ziona's done enough today. I'll just go with them when they're ready. That device should accommodate three right?" Hope gave Shadow a nod.

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"Yes. And you make it moreso," replied Skye, slipping back into the complements, hoping they would cheer them both up.


"I still need to write the letter, so there's a little while before you can leave," said Anna. "And I can stay with Rouge while you're gone Shadow," she offered.


"I'll be happy to talk to her too," replied Ziona as she started heading towards her room.

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"I still think it's better for the children to stay." Said Locke."I don't care how trained hope or melody Are.... i'd rather trust someone like Shadow. I really doubt this time thing would turn sour."


"My, thank you!" Said Tikal, blushing from the compliment."You aren't so bad either, skye."


"I'm sure you must. She is your best friend after all." Said glen.

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"Heh heh, thanks," replied Skye, blushing even more than Tikal was, despite his red fur,


"Please Dad," said Melody, pulling a 'sad puppy' face. "At the very least can I see them off?"


"Yes she is. I just hope she doesn't think I've been ignoring her while she's been arrested..." said Ziona as she found her phone ad started dialing the number.

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"My pleasure." Said Tikal. They were finally back at the fall.


"Don't say that." Said Glen."She knew you were there . and She probably know how tiring keeping an eye on two kid can be."


Locke Sighed."Shadow, I guess You can probably play the baby sitter a bit more then, right? But Melody, listen good. You will have to follow every single one of shaow's directive. Got it? If you do a single thing that can compromise the whole ordeal, you might sadden not only me, but Anna as well. Remember that !"

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