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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Don't worry. You're certainly not alone in this," said Crowley.

"Don't bother Glen. Crowley's with them. He'll take care of them.," said Shadow.

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"As great and powerful as you are," Said Glen"Being alone in a seeminly hostile environment with two 12 years old kids as only friends... can be tiring, he'll be glad to have some fresh gun to accompagny their entrance inside." He took a look around."There might be a place from where I could give them covering fire...."


"Skye." Said Tikal."I'm not sure how the event will turn out.But I know that it will get better."

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"I know you're right Tikal but," Skye turned to face Shadow and Glen, "I am NOT GONNA SIT BY WHILE MY SISTER IS IN DANGER!"


"I know, but I think I am gonna worry as we should have reached them by now." Melody's head whipped around as fog suddenly surrounded them. She came to an abrupt halt, not wanting to run in fog.


Aboard the Egg Carrier, the mood on the bridge was getting worse.

"Uh, C'ptn? Some o' the Egg Pawn's on desk 9 and 10 not be responding," spoke Cubot in his broken voice.

"Then get me a visual. Find out who's taking down my robots. It better not be that blasted Hedgehog." Eggman's voice smoldered with rage.

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"And what are you going to do? Stupidly run outside Hoping to save everyone?" Said Glen."I did the same kid. You saw the result first hand." He took some time to think." They are still on the island. The dreamscape is now changing.... That mean that it's feeling threatened.But we aren't powerless. As evil as it is, we still have control over our minds. If we use this, we can fight back."


"Locke was looking at everyone. A plan had to be taken fasst... or else, who know what could happen? He was just hoping that red was Ok.


Tikal held on to skye even more. She had to stop him. Doing something stupid would be a bad idea at the moment.

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"Don't count on that Glen, it was messing with our minds when we came in. Nor can we be certain the dream has kept them on the island. Besides, I wasn't gonna run out blind. Dylan, can you find them on your monitors?" Skye felt Tikal pulling on his arm, and rest one of his hands on hers.

"I know Tikal," he replied, despite her not saying anything. "But I can't let anything happen to Melody. I... just... can't."

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Crowley instinctively grabbed Melody's hand.

"I got you. Let's proceed cautiously, I can barely see ahead in all of this fog."

Shadow sighed.

"If you want to go Skye then I'm coming with you."

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"Kid. You can hold the whole world on your shoulder you know?" Said Glen."Sometimes, it's best to let someone else do the job."


Tikal said Nothing.


Red's path was once covered in blood. It was now once again hidden by shadow. She eventually found a terminal she could hack in for more information.... But she had to be quick, She was feeling the time running out on her neck.

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"It's not the world Glen, just my sister. I failed her before. I'll die before I let her down again. But I'd rather not go alone, if you want to come Shadow I'll be grateful for the help"


"Nor can I. Time's like this I wish I had my brother's sensitive ears... wait..." Melody paused and stared into the fog. "There's something out there."

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"Hold on... Go left from here and keep going. And hurry, it looks like trouble is brewing, get everyone else down here"

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"It's no trouble Skye."

Crowley looked into the mist.

"You're right. I wonder what monstrosity this is."

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".....Fine . you can come." Said Glen."But no heroic stuff alright? We get them and we get back right after."


Tikal let go of Skye's hand.

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"I wasn't planning on staying out longer than I had to. Thanks for the directions Dylan, keep an eye on them and us." Skye turned back to Tikal and hugged her. "I'll be back safe and sound. I promise."

Mina sat on the floor, looking almost as if she wanted to help rescue her 'daughter'. "Locke, can you manage to keep Red safe?" she asked.


"I have no idea, but..." Melody didn't manage to say anything else before something barred into her and knocked both her and itself into the fog away from Crowley and Hope.

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Crowley looked around in the fog for Melody, keeping a firm grasp on Hope. He looked around but he couldn't see anything, so instead listened for any disturbance.

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"Skye, I think watching her will be difficult now something has knocked her into the fog

(ooc: Hey, is everyone else inside yet?)

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"I hope..." Said Tikal.


"Alright then. let's go." Said Glen."And Zionna, Don't go outside. i'll be back in a moment." he said, hoping to reassure her.


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"WHAT?" Skye shout in response to Dylan and he sprinted towards the door, ignoring the others.

Mina placed Red gently on the ground, and prepared to run after him

"Be careful Glen," shouted Ziona, curling up under the table.


Melody found herself grabbed by something and struggled to get free. The sounds were still audible in the fog, but muffled. Around her, the fog lifted briefly, and she found herself face to face with... herself. Pausing with surprised she found herself being kicked to the ground.

"So the dream is so unimaginative it just got me to fight myself?" Melody mocked.

"I'm not you," her copy replied. Melody could now see that her opponent actually seemed a few years older, and was wearing far more advanced equipment, yet elegant clothing. "Or rather, you are not me. You're just a copy. A cheap knock off of the original. Me."

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Crowley heard the voices. It was as if Melody was talking to herself. Without any visibility he didn't want to risk running blindly in the fog, especially with Hope in her current state.

Shadow swiftly followed Skye out of the door.

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Glen went shortly behind."Why does everyone has to be this fast? Or I must really be that slow." He was running as fast as he could with his gun on the back.


Locke took Red and laid her on the nearest couch. With that, he proceeded to wait for any change.


Tikal decided to wait with Zionna."Is anything alright?"

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"Which way did Dylan say? I hope she hasn't go far from there," Skye said to himself as he hurried on.


"If you want I could give you a lift," Mina offered Glen with what might be described as a smile as she caught up with him


Melody shook slightly and drew her knife.

"No. I'm not a copy. I'm real. I'm alive. I'm my own person. And I'm better than you!" She rushed at her copy.

"Really?" her copy gave a mocking laugh. "I'm faster," she said steeping aside, "stronger," the copy grabbed Melody's wrist, "and more skilled." The copy flipped Melody over. Suddenly, there was a cliff underneath Melody. Panicking, she grabbed onto the ledge. Shock flooded her, she'd never been beaten so easily before.

"The is only one thing you have that I don't," her copy continued to mock as she loomed over her. "A fear of heights."


"I'm just... I'm just scared Tikal. That... probably sounds a little childish..." She giggled slightly

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"He said to head left and keep going Skye," said Shadow.

Crowley managed to make a rough guess of where Melody was based on the voices, and quickly headed off that way, carrying Hope. He knew it was risky, but he also knew inaction could have far worse consequences.

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"Right," Skye followed the directions, running as fast as he could, tails spinning for each momentum.


Melody tried to pull herself up, but made the mistake of looking down. Her whole body seemed to become lethargic and heavy.

"Any final words before you get an action repeat of your first death?" mocked the double as it aimed a kick at Melody's face.

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"I wouldn't do that Crowley," came Melody's voice through the fog. "You've your own nightmares out there, ready to take advantage of your distraction"

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"The first time I have been carried in a while." Said Glen."Hope zionna ain"t gonna get jealous...." As he jumped on mina back.


"it's alright." Said tikal. "it's normal to be afraid."


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Crowley slowed his pace, looking around him.

"Nightmares? Bah! I have none. I am a walking nightmare," he said defiantly

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