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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I dunno about that..."

"I... You... Did you just... Thank, thank you Shadow," replied Mina, comforted but surprised by Shadows words.


"Lets leave that stuff till we're awake," said Ziona, turning back to the sand.

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"You're welcome," said Shadow.

As Hope wandered along the beach she suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her head. As she stumbled to Crowley clutching her head, she offered her thoughts.

"Did I annoy Eggman with my little charade? Or is this what happens when the machine gives you the boot?"

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"Yes." Saud Glen as he patted Zionna on the head."You are quite mature for a little girl ." He joked.


Red put some clothes on , and took a weapon... whoever was responsible of this is probably still in the area. At least, she had the element of surprise....


"Even if he does look gloomy, Shadow is the kindest soul of this part of the world." Said Locke."I'm glad to have him as a friend."

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"Something i'd never though i'd hear you say," replied Mina, with something approaching a smile.


"Are you ok?" asked Melody, worried about her friend. "I would say it was because of that monster summing, but that wouldn't explain the delay. I hope Eggman isn't watching in and decided to take a personal interest."


"Aww, was that meant as a compliment or an insult?" Ziona joked back.

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"I guess your Locke isn't as kind hearted as I am." Said Locke to mina , smiling .


"A compliment to an adorable kid." Said Glen."She totally deserve it for Brighting up my day ."


Once Red left the Hotel, She got welcome by quite a sight: Robotnik main warship ... With such an obvious target , Red started to make her way in.

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"I, um, actually I was talking to Shadow but... I, uh... only met the Locke for Moebius very, very briefly. I didn't really find out what he was like."


Ziona gave a sweet little laugh. "Thanks Glen. I like compliments."

(ooc: And I'm calling it a night now. I'll be back to do the robotnick sections later)

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"My pleasure cutie." Said Glen.


"I see... too bad , or goody ... depend I guess." Said locke, Unsure about it.


(Ooc: Good night then ^_^)

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"I, uh, really don't know which..." muttered Mina


"Heh, and I like that too"


The Egg carrier hovered above the Master Emerald, a clawed arm beginning to descend. Aboard the control room, a red light started flashing on the Dreamcatcher's control board.

"Errr. Doctor, it appears one of the targets has escaped from the Dreamcatcher," said Orbot, bracing his chassis for the Doctors response.

"WHAT? Who?" bellowed Robotnik.

"Unclear. Visual monitors show all subjects still present inside the dreamscape."

"Bah. If one got out the rest could follow. Ungrateful furballs. Some people are never happy. Activate the Dreamcatcher defenses, stop any more escapees until we're done."

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"I don't know. All I know is something definitely isn't right," said a pained Hope.

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"Now now..." Said Locke."Are you alright Skye ?"


"Indeed cute girl."


Red Saw the red light near the ship. It appeared that her escape was now official. time was important now....

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Dylan was watching what was going on. He didn't really need to be there for the moment

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"I dunno... The last time I felt like this, it was just after Melody had... had..."


Melody took ahold of Hope. "Just look at me and concentrate. This place isn't real, which means the pain isn't real. You can just will it away."


Ziona just giggled


And then, inside the dream, the skies began to darken.

(ooc: and here's an awkward bit, technically dream time is faster than real time, which makes posting for Red a little tricky!)

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Dylan noticed the sky beginning to darken from the screens. He turned on the radio

"Skye, do you get the feeling that something bad is about to happen?"

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(ooc:I though it was slower. Oh well....)

Red Quickly and silently took care of the first 2 eggpawn guarding the entrance. Slipping from shadow to shadow, she was in her element. She was angry, very angry. Whoever was beihind this, chance are he would not see the sun rise today.....


Glen saw the Skye going darker."Zionna , you might want to get inside, it looks like it's going to rain again...."


"Skye," Asked Tikal "What is going on?"

Locke knew."It's something Bad Tikal, especially if he is referencing to that precise event."

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Hope looked at Melody and tried to concentrate, but that seemed to only make things worse.

"It's not working. Do you see that? The sky's getting darker. I think things are about to take a turn for the worse,"

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(ooc: dreams often go faster than real life. Hence the difficultly.)

"You have a gift for understatement Dylan," Skye replied back. "It looks like the dream has had enough of playing nice," he said to both Tikal and Dylan. Skye gave Tikal's hand a little squeeze, hoping to reassure her.


"Just hang on Hope. We're gonna find a way outta this," Melody said to Hope.


"Uh, I think you might be right Glen," replied Ziona and she started heading towards the entrance of Dylan's bunker.

(ooc: So what manner of nasties will Eggman unleash on us? Suggestions?)

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"Yeah, probably best if you came back here before the dream decides to let it all loose, there is a better chance if everyone's together"

(ooc: Well, perhaps it would depend on which part of the island, such as giant crabs on the beach part, etc)

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"Good call. Everyone, back to the bunker!" Skye shouted.

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"Yeah. Hold on, I think they went that way." Melody scooped up Hope and started running.

(ooc: as this dreamscape has now gone evil, I think Hope and melody might find it difficult to rejoin the others...)

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Crowley ran alongside Melody.

"There's something in the air. I can taste it. Be ready for anything."

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"If you were anyone else I'd accuse you of being melodramatic. But it's you, so now I'm just scared."

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(Ooc: I'm back after a good sleep, and some good 80's music.)

"Zionna ! are you inside !" Said Glen , upset at the prospect of being separated from her in such a moment.


tikal remained calm during the whole thing. But she never once let go of Skye's hand.


"Alright , is everyone inside ?" Said Locke."Wait.... where are Melody and Hope?"

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"I'm here Glen," piped up Ziona, hiding under one of the desks.

"I don't think Crowley made it either," put in Mina.

"Wha... Melody's still out there?" Skye began running towards the exit.

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"Phew, Glad to hear you from under there." Glen was relieved.

Glen catched Skye."Don't go outside.skye." Said Glen. Stay with your ...Locke. Beside a magic user could work miracle right now."

He took a weapon from somewhere."I getting them back. anyone care to come ? I might not be good at rescue mission, but I can't allow to fail this time."


Red was moving fast, but silently, experience was readable from her every move , assuming you could only see her, and survive..... Before getting to whoever was behing this machination, She had to locate the Machine who created the dreamscape, and see how to stop it.


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