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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"So, no kiss then ? I still kinda helped you facing your inner demon and stuff .... so you see... this kind of discussion would cost ya a lot with a real psychologist ...don't you think ?" Smiled Glen.


"On three . One, two,three." she got toward the first guard , waiting for Melody to get into position.


"Yes you are skye, yes you are."

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Skye gave a happy carefree laugh, then pulled away so he could look at Tikal. "Well I, kinda overburdened you with my past. Whenever you're ready to tell me your's, I'll be there to help you carry it."


Melody effortlessly slip into position. Having black fur was definitely an advantage when you wanted to be stealthy.


"Are you saying your not a real psychologist?" grinned Ziona. She then quickly leant forwards and gave Glen a quick peck on the cheek. "But that's all you're getting, okay!"

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"Boy we ain't gonna get far with that, but well, that's a start. As for me, I habe something for you two . that's for listening to me sooner." Glen took her in his arms and gave her the warmest hug he could do ."That's not much." As he was doing it."But I'm sure it might be more than enough.... you are not alone Zionna ." I tottally expected him to steal her a kiss , but mind you, Glen appear to be a gentlemen.


Honey took her blackjack and gave a swift smack on the back of the first one, who fell unconscious without a sound, as honey accompagned him in his fall .


"You gave me so much . But your past is not a burden Skye. it never was , and never will."

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Skye placed his finger under Tikal chin and gently raised her head so they looked eye to eye. "It was to me Tikal. You have no idea how much. But you've taken it away now. You are giving me more than I could possibly hope to return."


Melody rapidly closed the gap with the second guard. She struck him with a series of rapid jabs in vulnerable spots, the first on the throat to prevent him crying out, and the guard was swiftly unconscious. Melody caught him as he fell, then glanced at the blackjack in Honey's hands and gave her a quizzical 'where did you get that?' look.


Ziona happily hugged Glen back. "You're not alone either Glen. But please, I need time to think about all this. So until then, can we stay as friends? I'm sorry it's not what you were hoping for, but right now it's the best I can do."

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"That's as freindly as I can get. Then it's up to the 'friend with benefit' level. And we don't want that, do we?at least.... yet." Said Glen with a playful smile.


"You could have chose your loadout before starting the mission. Well it's not a problem anyway"As she hides her guard in the closest locker . She then showed a supply crates."It belong to the guard, but we can use these to resupply and change our equipement ." Said Honey."


"Skye.I'm glad you are so happy.I'm so glad ." Said Tikal ."Now How about I pay you back for you story sooner?" She kept on."Sit on my lap , ir simply put your head on my legs.I'll sing you a song of my tribe."

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"That sounds wonderful." Skye gave Tikal a quick kiss on the nose, they laid his head down on her legs, looking up at her. "Mm, I can see why you were happily to stay like this at the shrine."


"I did. Or more accurately, I chose 'none of the above'. I just didn't see an option for a blackjack. Hope, are we still clear at your end?" Melody asked as she opened the crate."


Ziona gave an extremely amused laugh. "You really need to find a slower gear Glen, you know."

(ooc: ok then. Once I get back from work today we can set up a pm and discuss ideas. Or feel free to begin without me.)

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(I think I'll kinda wait for ya to be back, since I'm not sure of who to add yet, appart from mr D and the Great dark S .)

"None of the above , huh ? I'd rather compensate my lack of unarmed bonus by all the other thing I can gain from using this blackjack. Like actually being able to hide in the shadow, or many other things ."


"ah really ? well , as long as you are happy , i'm not going to make you move."Tikal was against a nearby and was stroking skye's fur when she started to sing.

It was a simple song , something her mother use to sing to her whenever she was sad . bad something about it was able to

calm anyone's nerve . Also, her singing voice was quite beautiful. But she decided to keep it for those who really mattered to her .


"I guess that with someone like you, it can't be helped from my side ." As he gently stroke her hair.

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Skye shut his eyes, and happily let his mind be carried away by Tikal's song. As far as he was concerned, he'd never heard anything as lovely.


"Well I know how to use my fists, and there's a bonus for doing so... oh, these look balanced for throwing," Melody exclaimed as she pulled out some bladed stars. "I'll keep these for emergencies."


Ziona gently caught Glen's hand. "Glen, please, don't do that," she said apologetically. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet."

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Hope pulled out a suppressor and attached it to the barrel of her pistol.

"This should make things easier for me. Good thing it was already threaded."

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"Hum, I'd rather see you with one of these sleeping rifle , but well..... you can always break down some light with this ."


"Yeah...." Glen took back his hand."Sorry about that."

awkward silence."I don't get it.... we got closer , I help you with your problems, and yet we still are able to pull out an awkward silence.... Darn, we really are hopeless , aren't we?"


Tikal's song was full of serenity , and had the power of calming down anyone who could hear it . Skye was one of them . That he was still able to hear it , gave to tikal hope for his future.

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(ooc: Not much I can add for Skye right now! He's happy, that's all there is to it.)


"It's just a game Honey. She isn't actually shooting anyone. Otherwise I wouldn't have even considered killing those guards." Melody turned to Hope who was attaching the suppressor. "Wow, you really do look professional there."


Ziona laughed. "Yeah, I guess we are. I was just thinking things through."

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"Sleeping rifle? If you mean a tranquiliser gun they're just as dangerous. If you don't precisely measure the dosage you run the risk of it either having no effect or overdosing the target. Besides, like Melody said, it's just a game. I wouldn't dream of shooting anyone in real life unless my life was in danger. And thanks Melody. I've repaired and built so many guns it's like second nature now, despite the fact I rarely shoot any."

Shadow climbed out of the bed and walked over to the crate, taking out a tape measure.

"I won't take long," he said before chaos controlling out of the room to the Master Emerald, which he measured the dimensions of at such a speed that he was impossible to detect. That part of his task completed, he chaos controlled back to his room and jotted down the dimensions.

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(Ooc: same for me. I'm just going to let Tikal sing until both fall asleep together again.)


"Well , It Is a game. That mean that the dart rifle will make them sleep until the end of the level. That's all ." Said Honey

"But just between you and me... there was this first person shooter glen and I once played. I remember it was based on the clans wars in Efrika ... what was his name ? near laugh, or something? well I had this scoped dart rifle . They said it was use to take down people non lethatly . I suppose that while the serum in it was making them sleep , the way the darts got in peoples' body often made me though of a bullet. Heck , there even some blood coming out of the 'wound'....."

(Ooc: Far cry 2's dart rifle . That thing scared me )


"You were thinking about something ?" Glen asked ."Maybe you'd like to tell me more about it ?"

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(occ; had an dialog idea for just before they fall asleep.)

Skye was on the verge of drifting off happily to sleep, when he heard Tikal stop singing for a moment. "You're a beautiful singer," Skye said. He opened his eye's slightly, and raising a hand gentle caressed Tikal's cheek. "Tikal, thank you for everything you've done. I feel like a new fox."


"Sounds like a nasty weapon. Just with good PR." Melody commented as she got ready to move on.


"Not much to tell. Just running over the past in my mind. And trying to accept what I can't have."

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"thank you skye . But I owe you a lot too ."


"Ahah, what an adorable little serial killer.


"At least now, you have new friends ." Said Glen."And eventually me .I'll be there, no matter what.'Cause even a girl like you need a shoulder to rest on from time to time."

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Skye gave a sleepy laugh. "We'll need to set up a tab for each of us," he joked, then sleep overtook him.


"Sorry. Afraid I've never killed anyone."


"That reminds me of a line from a song I heard. 'I cannot cry cause the shoulder cries more.'. I think that may fit this."

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Shadow set to work cutting the blocks of glass from the crate. The job might take him a while, but he didn't want to botch it up.

"How much further til the boss do you think?" asked Hope.

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"We've had bugs, jumping, dodging, stealth... What else does this game test?" asked Melody in response to Hope.

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"probably....." said tikal , before looking at skye . he was asleep . She laid him near a tree , gave him a kiss , and slept shortly after


"Huh , I wasn't serious you know ?"


"A song you say?Too bad i already ran out of tears to cry. All I can give you is my love , and my shoulder for you to rest on ."

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Knuckles and Ikiryo enter Tails workshop to find gamma modifying his body once more. The two bring back more badniks for him to examine.

How's the work goin this time big guy?

"Multiple upgrades have been made in the time that you two have acquired Robotniks badniks. This world has a much different structure to it than our own."

Knuckles throws some scraps in a corner. "Glad to hear you're making progress. Me and my doppelganger have been getting some good training in from all this collecting."

Oh you mean how you let that robot nearly cut my arm off?

"Hey, we found out you can't lose any limbs from that. It's more of a plus in my books. Besides, how about that time you almost had me get caught in a Moto-bug ambush!"

You managed!......you know, after they set you on fire.

"Of course! Completely managed! If it wasn't for the fact that I burned through a hole in the jungle, I'd be motor food by now."

We both knew that was a dense jungle! You should have expected the floor had a bunch of tunnels under all the leafs and vines on it!

Gamma shakes his head and drops down from his upgrade station. "Multiple inquiries suggest you two have become one again. May I suggest meeting up with the rest of your companions Knuckles?"

"Sure, let's head over to the bars.Dad probably spends a lot of time there....by the way, did you ever get permission from Tails to use this place?"

"........he will appreciate the data I left him."

Edited by Knuckles The Echidna

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"Nor was I," Melody smiled. "No, wait... that would mean that I HAD killed someone, which is wrong, oh nevermind... What was that Hope?" Melody strained her ears to listen. "I hope that's not a bomb beep."


"I will hold you to that shoulder Glen. But right now what I want is a new icepack. My foots beginning to play up again. And, I think a return to the hotel too."

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"I hope it's not a robot beep. I didn't bring a can opener."

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