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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"No, I'd love to hear... uh... er.. um, I mean, yeah, I'd probably just fall asleep."

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"Alright then." Hope opened the exit and found herself in the supply room, filled with the best items available in the game.

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Melody began looking around the items. "They better have a knife in here that can go through metal incase we've got a giant robot ahead. Hey Hope, know what the final boss is?"

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"No, unfortunately. I wasn't around when they did this level. Though a giant robot would certainly fit the bill for a final boss." Hope looked around and picked up a rocket launcher.

"This should come in handy," she said with a grin.

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"Suspicious generosity. That's defenitively not good for us." As honey resupplied and changed her loadout.


"Thank you....." Glen gave zionna a smile, a real one for once.

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"Of course not, it's gonna be a proper challenge," said Melody with a grin. "Which means I should think about this properly. Hmm." There was a slight shift in Melody's posture, and he voice became less girly and more focused. Almost mono-toned. "I can't run up surfaces here so a grappling hook will be necessary. Two for back-up. Demo charges with adhesive surfaces, should prove useful. Ah, this looks more effective."

Melody drew another knife, and in a rapid motion sliced though the sides of one of the supply crates, which burst open. "Perfect," Melody commented, as she took two and clipped them to her belt.


"You don't need to thank me Glen. We're friends, and this is what friends do for each other."

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"Well we are at the entrance to the final boss Honey. We're gonna need this no doubt."

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"Yes. I suppose. But if we could avoid a fight, Just this once.... I wonder if we can talk the boss out of this battle...."


"yes,yes......" And for a few minute, it seemed that Glen took ten years . "I feel so tired...."

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"Doubt it. This game doesn't seemed designed to test our diplomacy skills."


"Small wonder, you've been carrying me all day. Literally and figuratively speaking. You should get some rest."

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"Melody's right. Diplomacy will be an option in the sequel though, apparently."

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"Glad to hear..... Better get ourselve ready then....."


"No, it's not that Zionna. I could carry you around all day if I wanted to, And my bet is that both of us would enjopy it. No, it's just.... I'm burned out."

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"Well I'm good to go," said Hope, who was carrying a multitude of weapons.

"That is if I don't tip over.with all this stuff."

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Melody started at the over-equipped Hope, then her face resumed it's more laid-back normal look as she grinned.

"Not quite yet." Melody tore the sleeve of her t-shirt, stretched it out, then tied it round Hope's head like a bandanna.

"NOW you're ready to go!"


Ziona doubted she'd enjoy being carried around all day, but didn't want to correct him.

"Well, if you're burned out, then we'll need to find some way to re-fuel you, won't we."

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"Ok, now all she need is at least 50 lbs worth of muscle, and she'll be ready to go against anything!!" Joked honey .


"Refuel you say ? I wonder how one do that....." Glen though about it for a moment. "Hum, it's true that I live way too much in the past.. kinda ironic for someone that comes from a technology-worshipping group, don't you think? Maybe I should just turn this page of my life "

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Melody was laughing to. "Oh yeah. Let's do this."

(ooc: Feel free to shoot this down but, my suggestion for a final boss: a legionised Dragon! And we're on an airship.)


"That would be for the best. And really, can you think of a better chance to do so?"

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(ooc: how about an legionnized dragon , who also happen to be an abusive boyfriend? Maybe I shouldn't have read that issue of sonic.)

"Yeah , yeah, I'm ready." Honey was now fully equiped . But it was less visible than Hope . mobilty is the moto here after all.


"Hum.......maybe . Yeah, I guess I'll do that." Said Glen. "And what about you?"

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Hope walked into the final stage, anxious to see what the boss was.

(OOC Legionised dragon on an airship? Sure I like it).

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Melody walked through the door and looked around. They were surrounded by clouds, an the flying frame they were on creaked slightly.

"Well, this looks... exposed."

(ooc: let's just ignore that issue. Seriously, what were they thinking?"


"Me?" Ziona started at the question and though for a moment. "I'm gonna wait till I can walk again, and until I find out what's gonna happen with that whole Nega thing. Once I have nothing to worry about there, I can focus on moving on."

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"Just tell us we won't have to blow up the ship, hope....." Said Honey. " Anyone receiving new objectives ?"


"Well, that sound like an heavy agenda . thank aurora you won't have to endure it alone"

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"No, but then my objective screen doesn't seem to be working. Nor do I have that radar you mentioned earlier... Might have that have something to do with the 'turn off auto-aids' option I chose at the start?"


"I think the worst part will be the foot," Ziona joked, trying to lighten the mood.

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"Yeah that's why Melody. It's good for the bonus... do you guys see something in the distance? It looks like it's heading this way."

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"Huh boy. I hope that thing is actually much closer than I think. Otherwise...."

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"Peoples? I Think the big thing in the background..... Is not part of the background." Honey stated (ooc: Hurray for the painkiller reference!!!)


"Haha, probably." Glen took a look at her foot." Well, let's take of the ice. After that, maybe i'll give it a massage, just in case."

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