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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well this is definitely more my thing. Can you buy these like those fighting games?"


"You are NOT putting me on a calender Glen. Wait..." she spun round to face the beach. "Dylan better not be there with his camera."

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"Relax,Zionna, that's ,ot my plan."


"of course you can!!!!"

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"Brilliant. Now I know exactly what I want for my birthday."


"Oh, it better not be Glen," as Ziona turned and tried to dunk Glen under the water.

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"Have no fear." As he tried with great difficulty to not ne submerged."Why'glub'Would I'glub'Do such'Glub'A thing, when the real de'Glub'al is with me right now?"

turn out it's as easy as some might think.


"now I'm sure it's going to be animated at home !"

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Melody started giggling. “Now I’m imagining all the Guardians doing this!”


“Because I’m not going to be around you all day every day despite all your wishes?” replied Ziona while laughing as the dunking continued.

(ooc: So I’ve been pondering the Skye/Tikal relationship, and about how it formed so fast. And I realised, given some of the evidence in the comics, the speed isn’t acutally out of character at all, and is infact would would’ve actually happened. In the unlikely event your interested why, reasons below.

We'll take Skye first, or more accurately, the counterpart of Skye’s dad. When Tails got his first crush, the auto-automation Fiona, he pretty quickly feel head over heels in love, and wasn’t shy about admitting it. In fact, compared to Tails, Skye is taking the relationship development at a leisurely pace. Which means if Skye is anything like Tails, his actions make sense.

Now, you could try and counter that by pointing out that Tails doesn’t rush in when he meets the real Fiona later, but I think I have a few possible ideas why.

1) Tails was somewhat reluctant to say it straight out after what had happened the last time.

2) Fiona wasn’t immediately interested in Tails the way her robot was (or the was Tikal was to Skye)

3) He could have been intimidated by the fact she was older

4) Linked to 3, he kinda knew that he didn’t have a chance till he was older

5) Sonic had just ‘died’

6) Doubt this one, but I’ll put it in anyway, he might have felt that going with the real Fiona was betraying the girl he’d actually fallen in love with (side note, I am amazed that Tails has made no attempt to repair the robot Fiona)

Now for Tikal, and this almost makes more sense. In the comics, Echidna’s have this semi-mystical ‘soul touch’ thing, which seems to be a first crush dialled up to eleven. Even a fleeting glance is enough to trigger it, so Tikal could have felt that way since around page 60 odd. Also, because of its whole semi-mystical nature, it is possible that it could somehow be transferred to an non-Echidna as well. This would explain why Rob O’Hedge and Mari-an fell for each other so rapidly in the comics. So if the same things happened to Skye and Tikal, well, the result is what we have here.

Yeah, I over-analyse things WAY WAY too much.


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(Ooc: Coughtropercough. Well, this analysis has proven to have quite a lot of point . And you somehow cleared up many of the comic's plothole at the same time. awesomess by analysis indeed my friend)

"And what if they already are doing so? Their work must require them to be at their physical peek everyday !"


"Oh don't say that!!!! 'Glub' " Glen was finally starting to fight back ."All I have to 'Glub' Do , will be to stay near the little fox and 'Glub' That should still happen!!!" Eventually, glen got back his hand , by throwing water at zionna."Ah , who is laughing now ?Don't you dare go rusting on me !" Said glen, a bit on the playful taunt.

(Ooc: while we are at it, I can safely say that the zone cops are walking 4th wall breaker, as they basically stand on the side of the panel they'll be in. No matter what , or where they are .)

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Melody was laughing. "Remind me to ask Dad when we get back."


Ziona dived under the water, swimming past Glen and coming up behind him. "Stalking the fox boy? What did the poor cub do to deserve that?" she joked. She swung her arms to make the biggest wave should could against Glen.

(ooc: I'm not a troper. I read tropes, yep, but not a troper! Cheers for the comments though. And on the subject of Zone Cops, it's not the panels they stand on. If there's no wall, they have been shown just to fall sideways till they hit something. But they also have devices to stand the normal way round, which Ziona and Zet both have.)

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"Is that guy seriously taking on a werewolf with his fists?" asked Rouge.

"Yeah. And it looks like he's holding his own. We could do with British guys at GUN, if they were anything like this. Most unfortunate they were wiped out along with most of humanity."

"I think we could do with every old human nation. It'd sure make our job easier."

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"Will do !" Gleefully said Honey.


Glen dived away to avoid the upcoming wave "Wooh!! Did I touched a button I shouldn't had ? Beside , It's not the cub I'm looking at, But the vixen walking alongside him." Glen counter-attacked."But come on , who would not do that ?"

(Ooc: Well , about skye and tikal, For me they just looked cute together , so..... And for shadow .... now that's some serious supsension of disbelief you put there pal XD )

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*Teleports back to room at penthouse carrying two rolled up sheets of paper*

That's the computer set up. I wonder why Spectre didn't show up to watch me. Perhaps he was spying on me in secret, or he was too busy with something else. Oh well

*Puts down the sheets of paper then goes turns on the TV*

(ooc: Just outlining what he's been doing and will do until something interesting happens

Happy 300 pages by the way)

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(OOC Well to them what happened to humanity is ancient history. They would talk about it in passing. Same for films that survived. They're relics of the past viewed by outside eyes).

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(Ooc: interesting dylan. But shadow; these were on DvD , how did they survived for so long is beyond my questionning, unless.... what was left of humanity somehow found a way to save these .)

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(ooc: Locke, could you please not question these things? They somehow got saved, does it really matter how?)

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(Ooc:yeah , let's forget about this. Any movie where a man is beating down a wereworlf is wirth surviving the danger of times :) )

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(OOC A film is just data. Someone could have stored thousands of films on an external hard drive then bootlegged them at some point after the attack).

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(Ooc: I should not even brought this in the first time , sorry about that. But yeah, anything can make sense.)

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(ooc: Whee, 300 pages. Moving back to Skye and Tikal, I had an idea for what might be a cute little signature couple-activity for them. It'll probably just be a little interlude with them I suspect. Right, back to the RP.)

Skye was unsure how long he'd been sitting there. Half an hour? A whole hour? Maybe two? But it didn't matter. Right now all that mattered was the person in his arm. A small idea wormed its way into his head.

"Tikal," he whispered gently, "are you awake?"


"And if they do, I'll get Dylan to hunt them down with a camera. We'll need that photo!" joked Melody


"Well of course you would Glen. So much so you'd walk of a cliff without realising it!" Ziona dodged to try and avoid the splashes from Glen, then suddenly gave a cry of pain and fell over into the water.

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(Ooc: 300 pages.... Now that's a long way .and what'chu got in mind skye ?)

Tikal opened her eyes when Skye called her."Yes skye, I'm awake ."She turned her head toward skye ."Did I fell asleep on you?"


"Or even better; We'll do it!"


The fall was sudden , But Glen was faster . As such , he catched her on time."Well,"Said Glen as he got his face closer of Zionna's." hey, are you alright? I saw you falling and...." He took a glimpse into Zionna's eye . He said to himself ."No witting around this time.Just shut up and enjoy the moment."

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Skye smiled down at her. "Yes. Yes, you did. Not sure how long you slept for though. Might have only been a few minutes." He began gently waving his finger against the tip of Tikal's nose, as if lightly dusting it. "I didn't think ghosts needed to sleep," he joked.

(ooc: nothing that major, probably will be in my next post.)


"Heh heh. Good plan." Melody turned her focus back to the game. "Not long now. I might have a perfect score!"


"Thanks for the save Glen," Ziona barely managed to say. "I... stood on something in the water. My foot feels like it's on fire." In the water, a small needlefish swam away. It's back was covered with a series of painful spines that were, thankfully, not poisonous, and one was missing from it's back.

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Hope won her race and hopped out of the seat, a contented smile on her face. She then watched as Melody flawlessly played the dancing game.

(OOC Ouch that sounds horrendously painful).

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Tikal laughed at skye's little trick on her nose ."Well , I suppose we ghost can also learn to enjoy the moment , don't you think ?"


""Yeah, It's almost there, but so is the hardest part of the song !"


Glen quickly took a look at zionna's foot .he then proceeded to take out the needle. As he did so , one could see he was used to this kind of situation, where speed was as important as precision (thing could have gotten worse, had he broke or trusted the needle even deeper)

"There , it's done . Who is a big girl now ?" Glen tried to lighten up the situation.

"I don't think you can walk right now; So I'm going to carry you back , ok? then I'll take you to the hotel ."

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Skye laughed back. "I really hope so. I was wondering, do you want me to finish reading that story to you?"

(ooc: Given how this was how the whole thing got started, I though reading together would be a nice 'catchphase' activity for them to have.)


"Well I better step up my game then," Melody grinned.


"Ziona breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank's Glen, that feels better already." She gave a sigh. "Now I'm really glad Dylan isn't around with his camera!"

(ooc: Yep, it was meant to sound painful!)

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"Hum, why not ?" Said Tikal with an happy smile.


It was only when the song ended that Honey felt some relief ."Wouh , now that was something !"


"Yeah, that would have been awkward" Said Glen as he carried her back to the beach."And to say I wanted to get you some cold drink .... Ha well, the only ice you are going to have will be the one I'll put on your foot back At the hotel ... "

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"Okay then." Skye leaned over and picked the book back up. "Now where were we? I didn't get a chance to put a bookmark in before you dropped in. Ah, here we go. Just say if you want me to shut up," Skye said as he prepared to start reading.


"Yeah, that's more like it!" Melody exclaimed happily as the 'perfect' banner flashed over the screen. She turned around to face Hope. "How's your gaming going?"


"So much for a relaxing day at the beach," Ziona laughed. "And just because I want ice for my foot doesn't mean I don't want a glass of something as well."

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"Well , If you want me to, I could carry you all around the town . But first , let's try the nearest bar ." said Glen."And by the way, do you want to change first , or wait at the hotel ?"


"Stopping you ?Hum, We'll see...." Said Tikal with a playful smile.


"You did great , Melody !" Honey then turned toward Hope."I saw you around . Did you won ?"

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