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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye gave an almost shy laugh. "If you like it, then I'm really glad I said it."

'I really am feeling weird. But it's not a bad weird. But why, why, why? Maybe it's something like what Shadow and Glen were talking about? But they said that'd be years away yet.' thought Skye, still trying to rationalise what was going on, and still missing the obvious.


"I.. dunno I've never played before. I guess the two of us could play as Hope is having fun with her game, and it wouldn't be fair for you to just stand around."

(ooc: Never played fighters, don't know anything about it actually. But given Melody probably hasn't seen a computer game before, let alone played one... yeah, forgone conclusion... Shame she really, really doesn't like losing...)

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Well, Glen. What would you think if you met a pyrokinetic cat, an Ixis skunk and a ridiculously overpowered void controlling cheerleader. Who's insane

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"Shall I remind you what did the DEL spend the last whole year on? Shooting WERE-mobians, that were out to eat them. So after that, Anything seem legit."


(ooc: to be quick, Honey was an hidden character in the original game. She was quite powerful at that.So , if melody try to attack her in real, she'l know how to handle herself.)

"Ok then." and Honey put a coin in the slot."Which character will you take?"


"Skye? Is anything wrong? To be fair, I must say my own feeling about what's happening are quite confuse... you are more logic than me on this, would you help me out ?" Said Tikal.

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"I'll... I'll certainly try to help, but my head feels a little weird. I'm not really sure if the logic part is working right now, if it was a computer I'd just be getting error messages from it."


"Hmm. I don't know. So that's what I'll choose," said Melody, as she selected the 'random' option.

(ooc: so what characters ARE available? Is this essentially a celebrity beat-em-up in this world, or made up characters?)

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"Then , maye we can help each other? We try to tell how we feel to the other, And we try to put that together, ok?"


(ooc: Your call.)

"Let's see, if you'll get a good one."

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"That sounds like a good idea," replied Skye, ignoring the voice in his head that was screaming 'No No No' at him. Skye started out over the ocean below the floating island, trying to work out how to put what he was feeling into words.

"You're... you're special to me Tikal. I think... we've a lot in common, even if it doesn't seem that way at first. And I really care about you. I think...." Skye paused, surprised by what he'd just realised. "I think... I think I care more deeply for you than even Melody."

(ooc: and to put that into perspective, Skye was willing to destroy a universe in the off-chance it might save his sister. Plus, they do have a lot in common. Both have tragic back-stories, both are fundamentally nice people (even if Skye lost that for a while), both are incredibly lonely, both feel they have to make up for what happened in the past, and both are arguably the cutest characters in the franchise!)


(ooc: I think it's more funny to have a celebrity based game. I wonder who collects the royalties for using the freedom fighters?)

Melody took a long look at the character the game had chosen for her, a coyote wielding a sword. "You know," she muttered to herself, "if he was older and had an eyepatch..."

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(ooc:I see what you did there.But I'm going for something more...classical.)

"Well, then, How 'bout this?" As Honey took the half-robotised rabbit.


"As for me, I not only see you as a cute fox... I seems to see something else.. Something I haven't felt before, in all my life...It's warm, and make me feel better... I too, think you are worth more for me than I first though."

(ooc: Is this going to slip where we all think it's going to slip? Unless Skye chicken out at the last minute....)

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"We both feel the same way, but what does it mean. I don't understand. But at the same time, I don't think that matters."

On a sudden, unexpected whim, Skye reached out to take a-hold of Tikal's hand.

(ooc: depends what you mean by slip. Though if this were anything other than an RP, I'd be expecting Eggman to show up at any second to ruin the moment. :P )


"Okay, so, how does this work?" asked Melody as she jabbed randomly at the buttons, watching the figure on screen move.

(ooc: well that's an interesting match-up.)

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"Huh, the joystick is to move your character. the, the different buttons allow you to punch, kick, and use your weapon, at different level of damage. And you combine them to do some combos, and even special attacks!"


(ooc: Let's be kind with the both of them. Just this once.)

As skye took her hand, Tikal started to blush."Skye.....I-I think I...." And without thinking she took him in her arms and gave him a warm kiss. As she did so, the feeling of warmth in her body got even stronger. Would this be... that feeling she only ever dreamed of? At the moment, she didn't care, She was with Skye, and it was all that mattered.

(oow: Aww.Looks like we just got another ship on sail :D)

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Whatever Skye had been expecting, it hadn't been that. When Tikal kissed him his whole brain overloaded, but he didn't care. He felt happy, happier than he'd ever been before. Sure he'd felt happy before with all the wonderful things that had happened recently, but that had always been tempered by his guilt and remorse. Now he felt like that didn't matter. Tikal was all that mattered.

"I want to be with your forever," he whispered to Tikal.

(ooc: All aboard, raise anchor. And to think I once swore I'd never be a shipper. :wacko: )


"OK, got it," said Melody, as she started jabbing away at the buttons, with amateurish enthusiasm.

(ooc: slight mood whiplash there!)

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(Ooc: Heck, me too, but well, love can bloom, even in the heart of twelve years old fox and 15 something used-to-be ghist girl. Beside it's all dylan's fault anyway.Not that I'm joyg watching skye genuinely happy for once.)

Their embrace lasted for what appeared an eternity , As none wanted to let go of the other . and after this kiss ...

Tikal finally found what lacked in her life : someone. This special someone whom you want to be with all the time; that soecial someone ... that you could love .

"Skye." She said in a low voice, so only The one who got her heart could hear ."I...I...I love you." And she tightened her grip on him,"I know it happenned so fast but ... I know you are the one, the one who got my heart ."

"I know it , because you just gave me yours , i can feel it...Inside .I wish for this moment to never stop too."


not so far , invisible near the forest's entrance , Spectre was stal-... watching them from afar.

From where he was, he could see everything, and hear everything too.

But he decided not to take action, yet.

(Stalking Spectre is watching you shipping away.)


"Well, you arr kinda good at it ! Sure, you started sloppy , but you hand/eye coordination seems to maje up for it." Said Honey, amazed."What were you in another life , a ninja or what?"

(Ooc: That's the thing when writing several character in several different locations...)

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"So now what, are you going to order me to steal the Master Emerald?" joked Shadow.

"No I've got something better in mind," replied Rouge, before dragging him back to town in search of a DIY store.

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(ooc: I'd though Tikal was closer to 13 when the whole 'trapped in the emerald' thingy happened. Shrug, not that it really matters.)

Hearing what Tikal said fired Skye's brain back into action.

'Love with a girl? That's sissy. And gross. Girls are weird.'

'It doesn't matter if it's sissy. You can't tell her that. You can't hurt her feelings at all.'

'You do love her, and that's a good thing,' broke in a third, for want of a better description, voice. 'You love her, and if you accept that you'll both be happy.'

"That's it," Skye whispered back, finally realising what all his mixed up feeling had been about. "I... I love you too Tikal. More than I ever thought was possible for me. I never realised what was happening, but it doesn't matter. We're here now, and that's all that's important. And I'll take good care of your heart, I promise." He hugged Tikal back just as tightly.


"I, um, ah, I did a lot of acrobatics in the past," Melody mumbled. Distracted, she made a few glaring errors in the game. "Ah, dammit!" she exclaimed and pulled her full concentration back to the game.

(ooc: don't be silly Shadow. She'd get you to steal the 7 chaos emeralds first. There's a proper order to stealing things you know! :P )

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Shooting, capturing, the works. I know. I was there. But at least until recently, they weren't trying to set me burn me

(ooc: So, I've missed love, playing Sonic fighters and potential theft of the Chaos emeralds. Cool!)

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(OOC Of course, how foolish of me :P )

"So what am I doing with all this stuff?" asked Shadow as he carried a large crate of items.

Rouge looked around and whispered her plan into his ear.

"And how am I going to do that Rouge?"

"Well if you went in at night you'd have much less of a problem. And remember, I want 2. One life size, and one to scale. Let's say 1:6. Now come on, the fun's only just started!" she said with a beaming smile.

Shadow groaned and followed Rouge, hampered by the weight of the crate.

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"Oh you know what happen when a bunch of kid get bored.... they set things on fire ." Said Glen with a sudden change of tone that was more upsetting than funny.


(Stalking Spectre is watching ship from afar, dang, that sound so cute...)


"Well, it appear that multitasking really is not a strong point with you."As she gracefully played with her own gamepad."But you'll get it right...at least you better...or else , I'll strongly advise you to buy a console version of this game. Because the amount of quarter lost playing this would never be make up, EVER."


(Ooc: If cheery was there, he would have been all "YAY" , And I would have been all "HURRAY" ; And then ship fight.)

"Skye....I-I...thank you." Has she burried herself in Skye's chest , crying deeply , almost like a child.

(ooc: Why not ? she doesn't hve any precise age after all you know ?)

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"I didn't had your luck.... I doubt they left anything of my house. Unless they seized it... either way it's lost anyway."

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I'm sorry to hear that. But If your with the DEL, why did they burn your house?

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Skye held Tikal tight and stroked her head, his own eye's not entirely tear free.

"Shh, It's okay. Everything will be alright from now on."


"Normally I am good at multitasking, just... let's not bring up my past. But I'm sure I can persuade Dad to get me a copy. Though, in the meantime maybe we should play something a little less... expensive?"

(ooc: it has been an interesting time Dylan. And the more i read of the Shadow/Rouge posts the more I laugh.

And if anyone's interested, this is the tune I've been playing in the background while I write the Skye/Tikal posts. I chose it because, well, without spoiling stuff, if you've played the game you know what this song means, and I though their relationship would end up the same way to begin with


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"What ? affraid to loose ? Kitty cat is going meow ?" Said honey in a playful tone.


"I don't know what happenned to my house .that's all.


"Skye."She let herself go in skye's arms.

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Okay. Do you want to move on?

(ooc: Shadow's day out seems pretty fun

The talk on Sonic fighters game got me to remember something, so I looked it up, and what I thought was true. It's the only Sonic game which has Bean the Dynamite as a playable character. I think I'll be on the lookout for it now)

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Hope finished Time Crisis and walked over to a racing game. "This'll be a piece of cake."

On top of the crate Shadow was carrying now lay a paper bag.

"You want me to bake you a cake? he asked with a puzzled look.

"Not just any cake Shadow. A cake that expresses your feelings, your desires. You!"


"Because it'll be fun, for me at least, and more importantly, because I said so. Is there any better reason?"

"Oh so many, but it's not like I have a choice. I'll bake you your expressionist cake then."

"Good boy," she said in a condescending tone.

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"Yes Tikal?" asked Skye.


"Okay, it is ON now," responded Melody as she turned back to the game.

(ooc: nice scene shift with the cake reference Shadow, I like it!)

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(ooc: It's a freaking good thing Tikal does not want to be a Bird. A FREAKING GOOD THING. And since I have bad memories of this game..... I might or might not make sure to turn any trope around.

Also, this Is what I heard.


Here is hoping Skye will end up better than tommy.)

"Nah, I'm cool. I already recovered what I needed back then. Courtesy of Zionna, The ever elusive I see." SAid Glen.


"So let's get the show on the road!!!!" As Honey got back.


"Skye..." And Tikal fell asleep under skye's arm.

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