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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh thank you." As Tikal took the cup of tea. She then Took a plate and helped herself with What was around.


"That's so devious...... Let's hope it happen to have such a fonction."

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Skye ate in silence for a while. "So Tikal," he finally spoke up, "I'd uh, love to know more about you. Um, I mean, until a few days ago I didn't even know that was anyone inside the Emerald."


"If it doesn't you can bring it back and demand a refund. It says it does."

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"Few actually knows. Then, after this little incident with Chao, More got to learn of my existence. But only a few still are bold enough to talk to me." SAid Tikal."The Guardian have no such needs as they have a special connection to the stone itself, allowing them to speak with their own though.It's nice, But What I craved for wass actual people staying near me, Like knuckles used too."


"Oh well, that would be a problem..." Said Honey."And here we are. The room where me and Glen are sleeping for the week."

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"Well Knux has... actually I'm not sure what's happened to him but he seems to be being flung randomly through different Zones. But I'm surprised the Guardians would leave you alone at all. If they had that link they must have know you wanted company."


"Wow. Nice room! Ok, where can we hide it? We don't want Glen stumbling over it by accident."

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"I see. poor knuckles.." said Tikal."AS for the other guardians.... Well, with the way they have been educated, it's became kinda hard for them to express their feeling, let alone talk to me. They try they best, but it's unfortunaly enough." She took a bite ."But I hope that with you around, I'll get more luck."


"He won't, For we are going to hide it in the only place a man as never been in his life: The girl's closet !!!"

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"I'm sure you will. I'll make sure you're never lonely again." Skye gave a reassuring smile as he refilled his plate, and poured himself a mix of the apple and orange juice.


Melody giggled. "Yeah, it'll be safe there."

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Hope giggled as Honey hid the machine in the closet.

Shadow's face dropped as he lost the last of his chips.

"Looks like your luck's run out," said Rouge with a smug expression.

"What do I owe you?"

"For the next 24 hours you're under my command. You do what I say, when I say."

Shadow looked horrified, but managed to mumble a "very well".

"Don't worry, I'm not going to be unreasonsble," she said with an innocent look.

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(ooc: You know. As soon as the karaoke box was mentionned, I immediately thought about taking pictures or taping their singing)

Perhaps she'll be pleased how well you settled in "family" life, rather than worrying about the master emerald

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"Or she might break my neck about how I'm taking care of these two child better than Kuckles. By the way, What is he doing? He disappeared , just like this cheerleader, that skunk, and this Strange cat princess...."


"And words aren't enough to tell you How I feel right now." Said Tikal.


"Now, let's get back to business. Where to next?"

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(ooc: That might still be an idea Dylan, just incase Melody, Hope and Honey try to be sneaky and not record their own songs!)

"As long as you're happy," said Skye, "that's all that's important.'"


"Hmm, I dunno. What's there to see or do on the island?" asked Melody.

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"Yes. But also about you."


"It's a Vacation center. there actually is a lot to do!!!"

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"What do you mean about me?" Skye asked.


"I know, but, well, there wasn't many vacation centres where I grew up, so I don't know what there is to do!" Melody explained. "So unless I throw a dart at a list of the options or something, I've no idea."

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"Thing is, melody, has a vacation center, no matter where we go, there will always have something to do." Said Honey.


"You look you could use some company too."

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"I... Yeah, your right. I mean, I spent almost a year alone wandering through different Zones till I ended up here. I know, compared to you that's nothing. But I had some idea what you were going through. And it's not something anyone should experience. Especially someone as nice and pretty as you."


"I think the arcade would be more Skye's thing, but there might be something there we can all enjoy.. If not, as Honey said, there's bound to be something else."

(ooc: so I spent a second or two pondering what Melody might enjoy at an arcade.... Dance Dance revolution or some-such anyone?)

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"Ok. Let's go have a look then."

(OOC Yeah something like that. Can't see her playing House of the Dead :P )

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"Cool. Lead the way."

(ooc: Actually, I can, just getting a bit TOO into it... :P )

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They soon arrived at a large arcade complex. "Here we are. Wow this place is huge. What to go on first?" Hope walked over to Time Crisis and fed coins into the machine.

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"Huge doesn't cover it," said Melody as she began wandering through. "I was right, Skye would love this place. I wonder what he's up to?" She paused for a moment to watch a martial arts fighting game being played. "Hmph, you can that fighting?" she muttered to herself.

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You mean the one that alway teleporter next to me in an attempt to set me on fire? Her name was Blaze. I still have a fake emerald she gave me. Very useful. As for the others, I don't know where Geoffrey is, but I'll let him sell my house now. And the cheerleader is probably in the void. Or in a chocolate zone

(ooc: He'll probably film for his own enjoyment anyway, even if someone else is filming to avoid getting their singing taped. But he'll also try to avoid doing himself...)

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(ooc: Time crisis.... In mobius.... Shad. Please. Try to be more imaginative in your naming. The last Time crisis in Mobius must be the one left in the ruins of NY.)

"Hey Melody, Look at that! That latest FIGTHERS!!! Want a go at it?" Said Honey


"Yeah, Blaze, And Cheerleader... We promised we'd help him out, but we didn't got the time to....."


"Pretty ?? Cute?Aww, that's..." Tikal started to blush." Ho my, you are making me blush..."

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"Do you know much about fighting Melody?" asked the inquisitive Hope as she continued to play, shooting at the clawed ninja boss on screen.

(OOC It's RPM Locke, lighten up. It's not meant to be realistic at all).

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I know. If we could find them again, that would be great. Then Glen could meet them

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"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you blush." Skye exclaimed, hoping she didn't mind. His mind began running through what had just happened.

'Did I really just call her pretty? Eww, that's sissy stuff. But it is true.... What is WRONG with me?' he thought to himself.


"Uh.... possibly a little too much Hope. Not the hitting button kind though. But I'll give it a go Honey."

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"I don't mind. It's just... It's been so long since someone gave me a compliment on how I look like." Said Tikal smiling."It make me feel like a girl again."


"So, you want to try? Ok.Wanna do it alone or against someone?"

(Ooc: It's going to be one-sided, And if you played sonic the fighter, you might know why.)

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