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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Shadow played his first shot, the ball bouncing off a rock and back towards him. With a snicker Rouge played hers, the ball sailing past the rock and stopping about 10ft from the hole.

"Wow Shadow, you're really putting me in my place," she said with a smirk

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(ooc: I wasn't planning on having Tikal actually appear, but if someone wants to play her, feel free.

Also, the image of Shadow playing mini-golf.... hilarious.)

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(Ooc: Shadow... The ultimate mini golf player !!!)

As skye was Speaking , the emerald was shining brighter , as if happy to have some company.


"Well , I think I might have heard someone calling a 'zionna' ... would she happen to be with you all too ? maybe she'd like to come too." Said Honey.

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As the emerald glowed brighter Skye saw it shimmering off the pages in his book. He gave a shy little smile as he continued reading.

(ooc: If I remember correctly Ziona is on the beach, probably napping at this stage! And I've just realised, Skye is probably being watch from Haven. Kid isn't being as sneaky as he thinks!)

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Rouge got it in the hole with her second shot. Shadow gently hit his towards the hole, setting himself up for his third shot which went in. On the next hole, Rouge set herself up to go through the windmill. Shadow hit the ball full pelt, bouncing it off the windmill straight into the air, before it fell next to the hole. "Pot luck" muttered Rouge.

(OOC Hehe. I try).

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(ooc: Oh well, she'll catch up with them later, when she'll see the whole group walking around.)

"Oh well, I suppose we can go now , Hope . Just you and me part'ner." Joked honey.

(Ooc: As for heaven , well...... :) )

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Melody came out of here room, holding a glass of water which she was taking large gulps out of.

"Do we have any more CD's? I've listened to these two." she asked, her voice slightly raspy from extend use.

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"I'm not sure. Are you OK Melody? You sound like you've got a sore throat," asked Hope

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"Why the Red face ? You look like you spend the last hour singing ..." Said Locke.

"But I heard Honey and hope were going out . Maybe you'd like to enjoy yourself a bit and join them ?Maybe you could even buy some more CDs for your own pleasure ?" Said Red.

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Melody had just taken a gulp of water when she heard Hope and Locke's comments. Slightly embarrassed, she eyes darted from one to the other. She managed to swallow the water with some effort.

"I, um, yeah. I kinda... got a bit to into it... and, er, started singing along. I'm ok Hope. Normally I don't even talk for that long, let alone sing." Melody gave a small smile. "But if you and Honey are going out I'd live to come along if that's alright. And I'd love to get some CD's Mom, but I'd need to borrow Dad's card to pay with."

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"I've got no objections to you coming along. You know what they say, the more the merrier."

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(ooc: Oooooohhhhhh :D , Shadow, you so crazy !)

"Well , it's wonderful, And don't worry , Everything is on me today ." Said Honey ."After I am supposed to be the girlfriend of a very successfull Singer . Unfortunaly , he never use his money that much." She kept."Me too . But On occasion like these, one can allow herself to go crazy , right ?"


The emerald got back to it's normal state , while skye was talking . And instead , one could see a red echidna girl sitting on top of it , and looking down at the fox with a friendly face.

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Skye didn't notice the appearance of the girl. From where he was sitting he looked over the island as opposed to at the emerald directly. He paused reading for a moment. "Hmm, I could do with a drink." He concentrated for a moment, and a small bottle of soda appeared in his hand.


"That'll be great, Thank you so much," Melody responded to Honey's offer.

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The little echidna girl, obviously Tikal , was still on the top of the emerald . She standed in awe as magic trick skye did in front of her .


"My pleasure . Welk, Shall we go then ?" Said Honey.

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Skye to a sip of his drink then put it down.

"It's such a lovely view up here. It's a shame you can't enjoy it yourself."


"Just one sec." Melody refilled her glass and took a long drink from it. "Ok, now I'm ready."

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"Hey ! don't drink like that! did you know some peoples died of drowning like that?" Joked Glen.

"Well, and off we are!" Said Honey. And off they went indeed.


"Sez who?" said Tikal , now lying down on the emerald , with her head right in front of Skye . she was still smiling.

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Someone drowned because of a drink of water? How do you know that?

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Skye gave a started 'Yipe' and jumped back, utterly surprised.

"You...? How...? Wait, did you come out or did I go in? asked Skye in a mild state of shock.


"If you need to worry about drowning while drinking, life ain't worth living," Melody called back as she began to leave. "And I bet he's making it up Dylan!"

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"hum...... maybe we should go.... oh we'll see on our way , don't you think ?" Said Honey , as they walked out.


"I like you, you are so funny." Said Tikal , with an even bigger smile ."And you look so cute ! to answer your question, no, I just left ."

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(ooc: Never deny the fox his love. They're too cute together)

So. What are the plans now that the girls have gone?

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Skye felt himself blushing at Tikal's comments. "I... I didn't know you could do that! Oh, uh, sorry I'm being rude. Can I get you anything?" Skye asked with a smile.


"It's no fun to plan too much in advance! Let's just see where we end up," replied melody with boundless enthusiasm and energy.

(ooc: I'm not sure if that's possible Dylan, unfortunately, given the whole emerald spirit thing. Then again, this is RPM, so if there IS a way we'll bloody well find it! ;) )

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(ooc: impossibility isn't really an option. A two tailed fox and an echidna girl spirit trapped within an emerald, what's weird about that? :P)

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"yes, you can do something for me .come closer." Tikal gave him a kiss on the forehead."And that's for spending your time with me . that's means a lot to me ."


"you are right!!!" Said Honey."


"and now ? Oh about staying here and discussing lika a bunch of old people ?" Said Glen.

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