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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You two have been educated differently , that's all ."

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No, you aren't "shaking me up too much." I'm just hoping you aren't really similar to each other

What you got there Skye?

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"Work's out the same way in the end though, doesn't it. No need to sugercoat it." But Skye was giving a 'it doesn't matter now' smile as he headed for the hotel room door.

"Just a story book, I want to find a nice quiet spot to read it." Once again, Skye was happy his cap was hiding his ears as he lied.

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"If only it was sugarcoating skye, if only ....." Said Locke.... Having skye with him reminded him of this terrible thing that happenned not so long ago... Fortunaly, today he was able to change them .


"Oh don't worry Dylan, There will be enough difference between us for you to recognize who is who." Said Glen.

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"Hey, cheer up Dad. Everything's going great!" Skye tried to comfort Locke, not realising what was causing him to be down. Skye was suddenly extra thankful that he'd not told Locke what had happened at GUN that morning.

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"It's not your fault , don't worry, It's just.... Nothing really important for you; at least, for now." Said Locke.

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"If... If you're sure Dad. I'll see you later." Skye exited the penthouse and made his way out the hotel.

Once out of sight of the crowds outside, he took flight and began flying towards the Master Emerald shrine.

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Well, enjoy your story then

I can tell who is who just by looking. What I don't want are two Glens who could basically finish each others sentences

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"Well that would be..." Started Glen

"Quite the trick."Finshed Prime glen.


"Later Skye......"Locke then had a revelation."Skye wouldn't go alone anywhere without his sister or someone else if it wasn't a secret!!! what was this little fox planning this time?" Locke decided to let it slide . Just this once . let's hope he is right for doing so.

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"Crowley, you mind keeping an eye on Hope while Rouge and I do... something?"

"Certainly. Do enjoy yourselves," he replied.

"Ok. We shouldn't be too long."

The pair then walked out of the room.

"So what are we doing Shadow?" asked Rouge.

He responded by producing a coupon from his wallet.

"First we're playing mini golf. That's one of the few things I haven't beaten you in."

Rouge laughed. "You haven't even played it before. But fine. Just don't whine when I beat you."

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Don't. Or I'll end up throwing you both of the balcony

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"Ah , I'm enjoying this way too much ." Said Glen.

"Well, It seems that you are going to spend the rest of the day here . Right Hope?" Said Honey.

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Too much for your own good it seems. And I guess it's pretty clear how similar you two are, so I guess I'll be in for a load of "fun" here

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"No, we aren't a tad similar Dylan. But none of us were going to avoid a good laugh, right?" Said Prime Glen.

Glen then took a serious face ."Look , Time are changing , and we obviously are on the edge of something big. You might want to rest as much as you can . If you want, I will even stop these stupid Joke."

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Something big? Is there going to be an invasion of Glens from different zones?

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"A glen's invasion? Oh, you sonavaskunk ! I'm trying to be nice with you and is this how you answer ? nice job , you bastard." Said glen angrily.

"Well , I was thinking about spending some time between girl , so we get to know each ither . As I think we are goin to see us all a lot more often now ." Said Honey.

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I was joking! Just like you've been doing. But if it upset you, sorry about that

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"Sure, I'd like that. Though I should warn you it's unlikely us meeting very often. I mean I do work thousands of miles away."

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"Oh well, That's fine Dylan. I didn't mean it... Completely ..."

"Yet another reason to go out and enjoy the day ,don't you think? And I'm sure we can get the other girl to come with us, how about that?" Said Honey.

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That's fine. Is there anything else I'm meant to see?

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"Ok , Now let's wait and see if someone else want to come, and then we are good to go ." Said honey with a smile.

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Skye landed to the top of the shrine. He sat down next to the Master Emerald. Feeling a little silly, he began talking.

"Hello Tikal. I, uh, don't know if you can hear me. It's me, Skye, remember. Yeah, I, uh, probably look a bit different from when we last talked. But everything different now. I have my sister back, and a proper family now and... and I'm trying to make up for all the... terrible things I've done. But I don't want to go on and on about me. I... uh... came because... I thought you might get lonely and... uh... would want some company. If not, well I'm sure you'll find some way to shut me up."

With that, Skye opened his book and began to read out loud.

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(ooc: Aww , that just adorable ^_^ do you need someone to play tikal ?)

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