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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Shadow turned on the TV and started flicking through the channels, finding nothing of interest.

"I miss human TV. They know how to make a good documentary," he said to himself.

"I think it might also have something to do with them doing shows on topics you have an intereat in," added Crowley.

Rouge rolled her eyes.

"You're on vacation Shadow. You shouldn't spend it all sitting about watching TV."

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"You don't want to know Dylan. But it was quite something.... And from the Look I got to see On Locke's face, It might only be the beggining." Said Glen.

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"You missed quite a bit. There's another Glen and his girlfriend. I missed the apparent fireworks though" Skye explained as he walked back into the main room.

"If he's on vacation, can't he do what he wants?" asked Skye to Rouge.

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"He watches TV all the time at home. I thought it would be nice for us to do something together other than sit down and look at a screen." Rouge then sat on Shadow's lap.

"Wouldn't you like that Shadow?" she asked teasingly.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Anything. Bowling. A walk on the beach. I don't mind as long as it's something."

"Ok Rouge we can do something later on. It's not even midday yet."

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"Ah yes, it came back to me.... My ex-wife is coming this afternoon, so please the lot of you, try and behave. I don't need her berating me, even after the fact that we have been divorced for 10 YEARS." Said Locke.

(ooc: Do I have to play her, or Is someone up to the challenge? Dylan?)

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"If she's coming, should I stay out of sight until you've, well, explained things? I think Melody's gonna be staying in her room for a bit so you don't need to worry about her."

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Another Glen? Was one not enough? As for the girlfriend, is she there to make Ziona feel jealous?

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Skye looked confused. "Why does everyone keep lumping Glen and Ziona together?"

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Glen has attempted with her. Unsuccessfully but still attempted.

Where is this other Glen? It should be interesting to see how they compare

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The confused look on Skye's face became even more pronounced.

"Attempted? Attempted what?"

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Never mind. It doesn't matter that much

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"Well, Hi there Mister. I believe we haven't been introduced yet?"

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"Uh, okay then Dylan," said Skye shrugging, then he turned to Locke.

"If you don't need me I'd like to head out for a while if that's ok. Stretch my tails a bit."

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"Hum ,Yes Skye, that's fine .You can have some fun too .But don't go too far , or you might get lost." Said Locke.

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"Thanks Dad. If you need me..." Skye scribbled something on a piece of paper, "that's the frequency for my personal radio. I just want to grab something before I go."

Skye handed the paper to Locke, then began heading towards his room. But as Skye passed his sister's door, he paused with a shocked look on his face.

"Can I hear Melody SINGING?" he exclaimed.

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"Excuse me ? What do you mean , she is singing ?she doesn't the type that would open herself that much." Said Locke

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Skye pressed his ear against the door.

"I can't hear any music, so it's not the CD, is definitely her. I guess that why she's hiding in her room. But... but.... " Skye's brain tried and failed to take in this new revelation about his sister.

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Locke got closer ."What ? are you thinking her singing is that bad ?Or just the fact that Melody can exell in something that would not involve violence ?" Said Locke , finnally at the door.

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"What the deal? A bit .... unnerved by two Glen ? It was bound to happen one day you know ?" Said Glen." And it might happen to you too."

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I certainly hope not. One is enough for me any day

So you are the other Glen?

(ooc: No)

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(ooc: ouch... then I wonder who is going to play her ...... Oh maybe I'll just color who says what.)

"Who knows ? But at least , I'm happy to know that I'm not a girl here ..." Said Glen

"And yes I am. I hope it's not shaking you up too much" Said Prime Glen.

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"The latter one," Skye replied. "Though not so much she'd excel, just that'd she'd do it in the first place."

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"Oh, I understand . But it's normal after all ...." Said Locke "She deserve a bit of calm and enjoyment. At least she is acting like a real kid for once."

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Skye blinked and took a moment to take in what Locke said.

"Yeah, I'm just finding it weird that she's acting normal. Though I guess she'd think vis versa as well," Skye said with a laugh. "We're really messed up , aren't we?" Skye joked rhetorically. He entered his bedroom and came out a moment later with a storybook.

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