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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I guess so." Replied Seviper.


"Things always work out in the end." Said Fenn trying to smile.

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Ziona smiled and hugged Seviper tight.


"You think so?" asked Stacey.

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"Because I said so!" Sarah said. She had moved from the door to her bed now




Dominic waved back


Mark followed Harmony out

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"You want... you want to know you can still order someone about..." said Zoe.


Harmony gave a last smiling wave then headed to the stairs.  "How have you been finding Haven?" she asked Mark.

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Sarah fell silent




"It's... big. But I like it" Mark said nervously


Dominic looked up to Luna

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"Friends don't order each other around," said Zoe, trying the door.


"That's good," smiled Harmony.  "Hopefully you'll get used to how big it is."


"So, where do you want to start son?" asked Luna.

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"They leabe when asked to!" Sarah insisted. The door was open




"Once i learn where everything is" Mark said




"Hmm...." Dominic said thinking

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Zoe walked in.  "Once I know you're okay Sarah."


Harmony laughed.  "I STILL haven't learned everything yet."


"This gym is well equipment, "commented Luna, looking around.

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Sarah was under the covers of her bed




"Oh... is it hard to?" Mark asked




"Yeah! But I don't need everything" Dominic said

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Zoe sat on the bed, petting the covers.


"It's kinda a maze," said Hamrony


"That's true," said Luna.

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"What are you doing?" Sarah asked




"Mazes can be learned" Mark said




"Ill do some camouflage!" Dominic said

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"I won't leave you ever." Said Seviper smiling.


"Sure!" Said Fenn optimistically.

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"Being comforting," said Zoe.


"That takes a lot of work," said Harmony.


"Good idea," smiled Luna


"And I promise I'll never leave you," said Ziona.


Stacey smiled and hugged Fenn.

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"I don't want it!" Sarah said


"I want to try" Mark said


Dominic grinned back

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"Why?" asked Zoe.


"Good for you!" smiled Harmony


"So... try the mat first," said Luna.

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Fenn nuzzled Stacey.


Seviper smiled and said "Let's get something to drink."

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Stacey giggled.  "That's nice!"


"Sound like a good plan!" grinned Ziona.

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Fenn giggled and continued to nuzzle Stacey.


"Let's go." Said Seviper as he opened the door.

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Stacey started nuzzling back.


"Thank you<" smiled Ziona stepping through.

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"You're nice Stacey!" Giggled Fenn.


Seviper followed in after Ziona.

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"Because I dont!" Sarah said




"Thank you?" Mark asked




"Easy!" Dominic said going over

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"Aww, thanks!" giggled Stacey.


Ziona headed to the kitchen.


Zoe sighed.  "Okay Sarah.  I'll leave you alone."


"You're welcome!" said Hamrony.


"We'll see," said Luna.

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"Th-thank you" Sarah said




Mark smiled again




Dominic goggled as he sat on the map

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Seviper went into the kitchen after Ziona.


"You're welcome!" Said Seviper.

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Sarah walked out crying.


"Now, to my room," said Hamrony.


"It not just the colour though..." pointed out Luna.


"What do you want to drink?" asked Ziona.


Stacey smiled more.

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