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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Handshake?" Mark asked


"Are... you sure I can attack?" Dominic asked

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"Yeah!  It's a normal greeting her, for someone important or meeting for the furst time, or other stuff," said Stacey.


"Of course!  This is just training!" smiled Luna.

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"It is? But you're important" Mark said


"I know. I know" Dominic said

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"But we're friends!  And I'm not that important!" said Stacey.


"Don't you worry about me little Dommy!" smiled Luna.

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"You are to me" Mark said


Dominic giggled

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"I... uh... wow, thanks!" said Stacey/


Luna smiled more.

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"You're... welcome?" Mark asked


Dominic then attacked

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"Yeah!  I am! said Stacey grinning.  "You're pretty imporntant to me too!  You're my best friend!"


As Dominic came in to attack, Luna camouflaged her legs, then launched into a gentle sweeping kick to knock Dominic's legs from under him without him being able to see her leg.

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"And you're mine" Mark said


"Huh? "Dominic asked getting swept off his feet and falling down

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"Thanks!" grinned Stacey, raising his hand for another hi five.


Luna smiled.  "Did you see that?"

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Mark cocked his head and raised his own hand


"Nuh uh. What happened?" Dominic asked

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Stacey hi fived Mark grinning.


"I camouflage my legs just before I attacked," explained Luna.

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Mark put down his hand smiling


"You did?" Dominic asked surprised

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"I would need to ask Mommy and Daddy.... they got mad cause Zoe and I used magic without their permission..." Said Fenn.


"You don't worry about that! You made a good cup of tea." Said Seviper

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"You're getting there," grinned Stacey.


"It's just a pair of sunglasses, it'll be fine," smiled Harmony.


"Yes I did.  Watch!" said Luna, showing Dominic.


"You just got lucky!" smiled Ziona.

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"I am?" Mark asked




"Oooh!" Dominic said watching

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"If you say so." Said Fenn.


"I ain't dead. So that's a start!" Joked Seviper.

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"Sure you are!" grinned Stacey

"Yeah.  Tell you what, I'LL get the glasses from Skye, and you don;t know where I got them," said Harmony with a wink.


"You try," said Luna.


"An encouraging one," smiled Ziona.

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"Okay!" Said Fenn trying to wink back but doesn't know how to.


"I guess this means I gotta do the family cooking huh!?" Grinned Seviper.

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Harmony giggles.  "You're so cute!" she cooed.


"That's okay, I like sandwiches," smiled Ziona.  "And hey, I'm the one with a job right now!"

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"But I'm a ninja too! Are ninjas suppose to be cute?" Replied Fenn.


"What're you saying!? Are you saying you wear the pants in this relationship!?" Said Seviper 

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"Um... thanks again" Mark said. He then looked at Fenn. "You're a ninja?"


"It looks hard" Dominic said

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"Sure they can be.  It make their opponents underestimate them!" smiled Harmony.

"She's training to be!" grinned Stacey.


"Sure!  I think they suit me well," said Ziona, patting the trousers of her uniform.  "And you'd look lovely in a skirt!" she winked.


"It is," said Luna.  "But I know you can manage it.  With practice of course!" said Luna.

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"Oh... that's nice" Mark said


Dominic grinned

"I know I can!" he said

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"Don't worry Mark.  We don;t have to be Ninja's here," smiled Stacey.


"Good!  Why don't you show me!" said Luna.

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