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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Is it okay if I picture Spectre creating millions of chaos to lift everything every time he says chao power)

*Unpacks the last box that needed unpacking*

That's all that needs to be done, thanks Spectre. I'll sort out the rest

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(ooc: I wanted to use the average green power , but hey , even a black echidna that loiks gloomy can have some cute things too :) )

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Skye adjusted the cap on his head. "I t-think so, y-yeah. T-thanks f-for letting m-me visit."


"I really don't think that would be a good idea," laughed Melody at Honey's suggestion. "I've quite a few... quirks... that might make a happy family life tricky. But if you think I'm adorable, I wonder what you'll think of Skye?"

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"Ah yes , You happen to have brother ? How is he ? Does he happen to be a moongoose as well?" Said Honey.

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"That's alright. Feel free to visit any time." With that Shadow chaos controlled the group to the hotel.

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"Actually he.." Melody began, then she spun round as Shadow and the rest of the group arrived. "Here he is now. Hiya Skye."

"M-morning Melody. Did I-I m-miss...." Skye stopped in his tracks and stared at the two Glens. He rubbed his eyes but that did nothing to help.

"Seem's l-like I d-did miss s-something."

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"Before you ask ... don't go into shock. Just don't ." Said Glen ."I was taking my coffe with Crowley . It was nice and stuff. and then bam! I found ly alternete. And guess what? He just happen to be a famous singer , that also know your Mo... Mina Moongoose , another famous singer ! that's not only convenient , but also Crazy , right ?" Before Glen could go on...

"KYA!!!!! " Honey jumped on skye And glomped him"Oh, you are Adorable !!! CanIkeephim,canicani? Please Glen...."

Prime Glen simply answered ."No."

Honey got all sad."Oh why ?"

"Too cute . You already are lighting my love everyday. Why wanting more ?"

Honey's face changed all of sudden "You think so ? Oh well, I'll still keep them both in my arm for as long as I can !!"

And she proceeded to also take melody as well in her hug, giving them as much love as she could .

"And then people ask why we are together ..." Said a funny looking Prime glen.

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Shadow and Rouge quickly rushed Hope into their room. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, we now have an obnoxious second Glen.," said Shadow. "You two wait here, I'm gonna have a look." Shadow then went back to the main room.

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Skye gave a sharp intake of breath when Honey tackle-hugged him. He hoped that the impact and pressure wouldn't re-open the wound in his side. Melody was giggling to hard to avoid being pulled into the hug along with him. Not that she really seemed to mind.

"Told ya, didn't I," Melody managed to say to Honey. Skye squirmed round until he could breath freely.

"Uh, p-pleased to m-meet you t-too. I g-guess."

"Hey Skye, you heard what Glen said. I think it might be interesting to see Mina in concert. What do you think?"


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*Starts looking through one of the boxes then looks up again*

Are you going to watch me the whole time, Spectre?

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"yes....." Said Spectre with a devious smile . "Just in case you might need help for something else , and to avoid accident . You are still supposed to be weak after all the things that happenned, don't you forget that."


"Hey! Who is obnoxious here ?" Said Prime Glen."And Honey, please stop it . You are going to choke him to death if you keep on like this."

"Oh my! sorry about that .. skye , right ?" Said Honey."I'm just so happy to meet you . I hope I did not give you the wrong impression."

She then proceeded him to give him a big kiss on the forehead, before letting him go."There , it's a good luck charm . I give one of these to Glen before every concert ."

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Weak?! Why would I still be weak after all that time?

As for needing help, I shouldn't do. And as for accident, maybe, I'm just going to set up my computer again right now, so I should be fine unless I make it explode

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Shadow walked up to Glen. "What the heck is going on here? You brought your alternate to our hotel!?"

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Glen answer was simple ."What the heck is going on there ? You brought your alternate to the hotel ?"


"Hum, beside , I need to keep an eye on you. Not that I don't trust you , these are rules." Said Spectre.

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Are these your rules or Locke's rules? Because I'm not planning on doing anything stupid down here

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"Haven's rule in general . All non guardian personnal has to be watched , to avoid any trouble to everyone ."

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"Crowley maintains a low profile. You've brought a celebrity here, the papparazzi will be following his every move. This could get ugly. It's not that you brought him here, it's who he is in this world."

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"There aren't any journalist around . Why did you think the Guardian choose this hotel out of all the others ? As fo myself , it's because it's one of the few that do not allow any kind of journalist around . there only are celebrities around , so you know the place is safe. And the security enforce this rule with all it's might." Said Prime Glen.

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"I see. I must say being surrounded by so called celebrities does not fill me with joy. Then again I wasn't planning on going out much anyway." Shadow then sat in his chair as Crowley could be heard talking from inside his room. "If I hear the word guardian one more time, heads will most definitely roll." Shadow smirked at Crowley's outburst.

"At least there's one guy who thinks like I do."

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"Fine. Peoples who happen to be gifted in life and who have loads and loads on money to spend on this kind of masquerade. Happy now?" honey said."Stop saying this Glen.Thinking like this won't do any good to no one."

"And what does he have with this word?Until further notice, it is what your friend is doing : Guardian."

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"His name is Locke. Constantly referring to him as 'the Guardian' comes across as idol worship as if he's superior to us all. Not to mention that there are many other guardians as well. I'm the one and only Ultimate Lifeform, yet I am rarely referred to by that title. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do." Shadow walked into Crowley's room before taking him to HQ. A few moments later he appeared again in his seat.

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"Fine, I'll call him Locke if that is what he wants."

"Thank"Said Locke.

"Anyways, where did you sent crowley this time Shadow?" Asked Glen.

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"I suppose some ankles are going to get broke. I wish I was there, hehehe...." Said Glen.

"You, you are scaring me."

"Believe me, you are better off being a good singer in this so called masquerade." Said Glen

"I hope you are right."

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Skye had stood there quietly since Honey had let him go. His hands subconsciously grasped one of his tails and started squeezing.

"Skye," asked Melody with some concern, "are you alright?"

"I-I'm j-just n-not u-used t-to t-this m-much a-attention," replied Skye in a smaller voice than usual.

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