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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It just is" Sarah said




"Thank you..." Mark said

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"Maybe... you should... see if you've got some other powers..." said Stacey.  "I remember when... Skye changed, he didn't know he was athletic, or could do stuff with fire."


"Why are you thanking me?" asked Luna.

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"I don't want other powers!" Sarah said




"For saying" Mark said

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"I guessed not," said Stacey.


"But it's true.  We're not in the Dragon Kingdom," said Luna.

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"So it shouldn't change" Sarah said




"I know" Mark said

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"What happens now?" Asked Seviper.


"Let's go back!" Said Fenn.

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"It doesn't just change based on wants.  You didn't want to be a wolf," said Stacey.


"So what would you like to do?" asked Luna.


"Wanna take a guess?" winked Ziona.


"Yeah!" nodded Zoe.

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"And I'm not now!" Sarah said




"Learn to read..." Mark said quietly

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"I couldn't possibly know!" Joked Seviper.


Fenn ran outside.

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"I can see that!" said Stacey.


"Really?  That's very forward looking of you," said Luna impressed.


"Oh really?" smiled Ziona.  "Time to educate you!"


Zoe flew after laughing.

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"So that doesn't matter!" Sarah said


"I... want to be able to read these amazing stories..." Mark said. "Is... that bad?"

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"Will there be a test?" Asked Seviper.


Fenn climbed into the treehouse.

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"I guess not..." said Stacey.  "But..."


"That's really good!" smiled Lun.  "Would you like any help?"


"Maybe a physical exam!" said Ziona.


Zoe flew in after

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"But what?" Sarah asked


"I think Harmony said she'd help..." Mark said very quiet

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"I don't wanna run! I have no legs!" Said Seviper.


"Time to Glitterize!" Said Fenn.

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"But... maybe... as a wolf you... didn't want to be you..." said Stacey.


"She did.  That was nice of her.  Should we find her?" asked Luna.


"Don;t worry about that! " laughed Ziona


"Yeah!  Open it!  Open it!" cheers Zoe.

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"It wasn't me! She was weak!" Sarah said


"It would be nice..." Sarah said

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"Alright!" Said Seviper.


"Okay!" Said Fenn as she open the glitter.

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"She... was you in a way," said Stacey.


"Okay.  I'm sure we can find her," smiled Luna.


"No where to start," smiled Ziona.


"Shiney!" giggles Zoe.

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"No! she wasn't! Nothing like me!" Sarah insisted


"Thanks..."Mark said hugging the covers

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"Are you sure?" asked Stacey.


"You don;t need to be scared," smiled Luna.

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"Of course!" Sarah said


"I wasn't" Mark said. "Just... nervous

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"The ceiling?" Said Seviper.


"Where to start!?" Asked Fenn.

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" I... think part of her was you," said Stacey.


"That's okay," smiled Luna.


"That woud be difficult!" Laughed Ziona.


"Throw it everywhere?" Suggested Zoe.

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"Where do you want to start?" Asked Seviper.


"Okay!" Said Fenn tossing the glitter every where 

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