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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm always worried concilor. All the time. But this , this incredibly high amout of boxes is now starting to put me in a bad position. And not just because they starting to surround me."

(ooc: I'm just picturing Spectre surrounded by a bunch of cardboard boxes, with his still quite mean look.)


"Don't think like that.... Your ... story already changed once, and she won't be suspicious at all. after all, you aren't a walking younger version of her anymore." Said Red

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I'll try not to make towers of them this time, so they shouldn't fall over

(ooc: Again, I've only brought 3 boxes into the basement)

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(ooc: he is rather worried that the best is yet to come, hence the "starting" )

"You do that yes. I'll stay here making sure nothing happen while you are not here.We don't have any need for yet another near death experience by cardboard boxes."

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"I w-wrote it d-down in my diary, b-back in Haven. I k-know a bit m-more about magic n-now, so I m-might be a-able to g-get rid of t-that side-e-effect. Hmm, M-maybe Melody c-could help a-as.... No, b-bad idea! Should w-wouldn't be able t-to resist p-pranking m-me.


"I know, I know. But I though Glen was gonna let slip the truth to his copy, and every extra person who knows could mess things up. Doubly so for someone close to one of our parents. Uh, their parents, I mean"

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"I higly doubt Glen will try such a thing. He know the risks, and beside, If I happenned to loose my chiildren over him.... he would not live to see the sun rise again."

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"You'll have to learn to trust her with it someday Skye. Though with something this important I'd say it's best to just get it done."

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"Well, I suppose you'll want to enjoy the peace of your room then? If you want me to leave... I won't mind at all.Unless you want me to stay?" Said Glen toward Crowley.

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"Do whatever you want Glen. If you want to stay, then stay. If not, you're free to leave."

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"You are not helping me on this one Crow. i'm actually feeling like I shouldn't be there As I might bother you...."

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"I t-trust Melody w-with my l-life! Just, erm, n-not with anything s-smaller than t-that."


"You came here with Skye, which means if anything happened to him..... Nononononono, you said to stop talking about that." Melody sighed. "I suppose I should apologise to Glen."

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Skye began laughing, then winced as the action caused his wound to hurt. "Uncle Shadow, I a-alreaded asked Rouge t-to do this, b-but don't t-tell Dad a-about what happened."

Skye slid off the bed and stood up, walking a little unsteadily.

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Shadow went to prop Skye up. "Take it easy there. And don't worry. He couldn't be allowed to know anything anyway. It's classified."

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"Thank's f-for the h-help Uncle Shadow. I'm s-still a little d-dizzy. But b-better to w-walk it o-off, isn't i-it?" Skye began walking slowly along the infirmary, before a figure in another bed caught his attention.

"Is t-that Zet?"

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"I think so. According to his chart he's doing fine, which is a relief. If you want to talk to him here's your chance."

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"Uh, I, uh, I-I dunno what to s-say," said Skye, but he walked over to Zet's bed and hopped onto a chair anyway.

"H-Hi Zet."

"Huh, what? Who are... Skye? What happened to you? Oh, wait. I'm know."

"Y-yeah, time g-got a l-little m-messed around."

"Are you here to finish your mother's work kid?"

"Wha?? N-no I.. Shadow told m-me about what h-happened." Zet shot Shadow a look that Skye missed. "I k-know the t-two o-of you w-were trying to d-do something r-right. I d-dunno why y-you chose Mother b-but, but... I'm r-really sorry y-you got hurt. P-pull though this, o-okay."

"Really? You want me up and about?"

"Why w-wouldn't I?" Zet decided to try and change the subject.

"Uh, Kid, erm, Skye... Why are you stammering?" Skye sighed.

"N-now someone t-tells me!"

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I'm not going to pile them on top of one another this time, so you won't need to worry, but feel free to look through the boxes. All the ones I brought down so far are spare parts I found around. Who knows? You may find something very useful there. I havent gotten a chance to look through everything properly yet


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"Which one ?" Asked Red .


"huh..... I don't know what to say... I guess i'll just go with a 'thank pal' then." Said Glen.

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Melody laughed. "Both I guess. New Glen because he didn't mean to be insulting, and old Glen because I yelled at him. They're still both idiots thought."

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"But this is how we like them . Clumsy , insulting , but well meaned in the end . And knowing that they will never let us down no matter what is a great thing to know , especially in a world where trust is hard to come by." Said Red.

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*Starts appearing and disappearing with boxes, placing them separate from each other*

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Once again , Spectre decided to wait Until the councilor was done . But he. could not help but think about how they would do to unpack everything..... maybe he should have taken him to a bigger room....

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Shadow went over to the now conscious Hope, who had burst into tears knowing what she had tried to do. Shadow did his best to comfort. "It wasn't you doing that. It was that psycho who put the chip in your neck."

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Skye's ear's twitched when her heard Hope crying. "Gotta g-go Zet," he exclaimed as he slid off his chair and hurried as well as he could to Hope.

"Hope, p-please it's o-okay. N-nothing you d-did was y-your f-fault. Y-you've n-nothing to c-cry over, everything w-worked out."


"Let's get this over with then," replied Melody as she stood up. "I hate apologising."

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