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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You are joking right ? It hurt like hell . Worse than having your arm torn off ... And I wish you none of them ." Said Glen while walking ."Probably going to spend the rest of the night thinking and stuff ..."

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Don't worry, Glen


I think she likes you, but don't forget she has Zet as well. Perhaps you should try again at a better time

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"Thank. And yes , probably... I just wanted to get her out of this life she was having, at least for a night.... She is obviously not happy with her line of works,but tonight, I really got to see it, while I was acting that way." Glen kept on, making sure Zionna wasn't withing earing. "I though every word I told her in the restaurant...But with her own life, and the bad rep she thinks she is carrying around, getting her to move closer and open up to me is going to be hard...."

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I'm sure you'll succeed. You could charm almost anyone

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Ziona reached her hotel bedroom, sat down on the bed and sighed.

"That's the first time I've felt bad about leading someone on. Nevermind. I just hope Zet pulls through this crisis. Zave will never forgive me if he doesn't."

With that, Ziona headed off to sleep.

(ooc: and that's me out of characters until we move to the next morning in the RP)

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"Are you saying this to make me laugh?" Glen joked.

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(ooc: Just like that? Well , at least let Glen and Dylan home.)

And so Glen and co eventually got the hotel. Has he closed the door of his bedroom and got to bed, he took the time to think, until his eyes closed, and sleep stepped in.....


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(Edit: Before Glen goes to bed)

Nope. It's the truth. But let's go to bed for now. Goodnight!

*Goes to room, locks it and falls asleep in bed*

(ooc: Ready when you are)

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(ooc: ok then)

Next morning, surprisingly early, given how late it had been when he'd fallen asleep, Skye awoke felling amazingly well rested. After a few minutes spent lounging in bed, he got up and pick up the phone.

"Hello, R-room service? I'd like t-to order a f-full breakfast, w-with extra b-bacon and toast. A-and pancakes on the s-side. A-and a pot o-of fresh c-coffee....erm... p-please. Oh, o-one m-more thing, when delivering, they a-are o-only to hand i-it to Skye. T-that's v-very important. T-thank you."

Skye put the phone down.

"I'm n-not missing b-breakfast this time!"

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Rouge and Shadow rolled out of bed. Before he could even get up off the floor, Rouge had beaten Shadow to the bathroom. Knowing she'd be a while getting ready, he put on a new pair of socks and walked out of his bedroom. No one was aroumd, so he just sat on the sofa and enjoyed the peace.

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After getting ready, Skye left his room. Not noticing Shadow on the sofa, he headed to the chair nearest the door and sat down to wait.

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"Waiting for something are we?" asked Shadow with a smirk on his face, being careful not to be too loud. It was still fairly early after all.

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(ooc: That might not be for a while I'm afraid Locke. Remember how late a sleeper Melody is!)

Skye leapt out of his chair in surprise, but managed not to yell.

"Ah, S-shadow!" Skye kept his voice to a similar quiet level. "I'd j-just ordered b-breakfast, that's a-all."

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"Very well. When Rouge finally gets ready we're heading off to HQ to get breakfast with Hope. No doubt she'll appreciate me waking her up just for that."

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"Hope? S-she was the g-girl who was with y-you on the b-beach? S-she seemed to k-know a lot a-about t-tech. I'd like to m-meet her sometime."

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*Rolls out of bed*

Why do I wake up so early?

*Goes to fridge and gets some water before going back to bed and turning on the TV*

Better turn it down so I don't wake anyone up

*Turns volume down*

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"Oh yeah she knows a lot about tech. If you want I can hold off leaving til you've had your breakfast then you can come with us and meet her."

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Glen eventually woke up, after what wasn't a so long night of sleep. Oh well, still better than all these awful night sift he had to do.... he moved toward the balcony, probably his favorite place of the penthouse.He always liked nice scenery, and what he had under his nose was quite a sight indeed. All that lacked to that wonderful picture was someone to share this moment with.

Once again he was hit by this horrible feeling of loneliness . He had no friends there, and those who might have looked like them would probably not even know him.

But on the other hand, it was a new life given to him. He would try to make good use of it, he'd swore that to his mother... if he could.

After enjoying himself wih the nice view for a while, he got back to the main room , where Shadow and skye were already discussing.

"hey there people. Early waker too?"

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"I'd l-like that S-shadow, but o-only if it's n-not a problem f-for you." Skye looked up as Glen appeared.

"Hey Glen, g-good morning. H-have a good n-night?"

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"Oh well, it was good while it last, but eventually , my bed got cold, so I had to wake up for good. And you two?"

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"D-doing well t-thanks. Just w-waiting for b-breakfast, I missed i-it yesterday."

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