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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Feeling tired Skye ? It was bound to happen"


"Wait zionna. I'm still awake , and not drunk . Still interested in this walk ?" Said Glen .

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"Y-yeah. I t-think the t-time thingy j-just h-h-hid how t-tired... I-I w-was un.... until.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" Skye's head dropped again as he slipped off to sleep.

"Huh. I suppose I'll probably crash in soon enough then."


"Another time Glen. I've.... things on my mind."

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"Well , Let's get you back then ." Locke took skye in his arms and carried him back to his Room.


"Oh.... ok ." Glen said ."Well if you still got that much in mind later, and don't know what to do , My room is open . I'll be glad to speak with you."

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Melody watched Locke take Skye out then turned towards Red.

"I'm surprised neither you or Dad asked about his stammer."


"Thank you Glen."

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"It's a boy . What were the chances he would have said anything about it ?"


" No problem. And by the way, sorry about Zet. Don't worry , he'll get better ."

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"What does being a boy have to do with it?"


"I'm not worried about him getting better. He always pulls through. It's wants gonna happen next."

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"I don't know. I'm a girl." Said Red.


"What's happenning next? Well, no matter what, I'll be there. That's not much, But it's something right?" Said Glen.

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"I'm sure your superiors will relent if they believe I forced or coerced him into it."

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"Well it's not like Skye would have said anything anyway. He never knows when he stammering. I just didn't tell him because I think it sounds cute."


"Thank you Glen. And if it does come to that Shadow, I hope they don't do anything to you. You didn't need to get involved after all."

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"And Then you get to carry him around like a plush."


Glen putted his hand on Zionna's Shoulder."Hey, Calm down. What has been done, has been done. you cannot rewind it.These two people did it knowing what could happen, And yet , they still came back alive. Even if they did not kill him,At least their actions must have saved Many others. So don't worry."

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Melody burst into giggles. "I think he's a little big for that. Though if I ever mastered a shrinking spell..."


"I know but, even with all the good that could come out of it, our bosses are still gonna want to find someone responsible for this."

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"And no matter the weight, you won't be Alone Supporting it. That's a promise." Said Glen.


"I'm sure you'd lovve a giant plush that you could take away with you anyways."

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"That would be lovely," Melody said wistfully. "Well, maybe not a giant one, it'd be hard to run with one that big. But... a... smaller... onezzzzzzzz...." Melody's sentence drifted off as she almost instant fell asleep and began falling to the floor.


"That depends if I get recalled for this assignment or not after this."

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(Ooc:I'm back after not being around or posting any thing.)

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I hope you don't get called away. It would be nice for you to stay with the rest of us

(ooc: Aww, that's such a cute scene between Locke, Red and the kids)

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"I hope so to. I... really like it here."

(ooc: Heh, glad you like it. Makes a change from angst!)

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Dr.Finitevus returned to his lab after his venture in space.

"Dimitri,Crabmeat I have returned.")

There was no sign of them...

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And everyone likes you here. Glen especially, it seems

*Looks to Glen and smiles*

(ooc: Indeed, but knowing the everyone here, it won't be long until something comes up, but it looks like some characters need their sleep first)

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Ziona gave a smile to Dylan bordering on a smirk. "I just seem to have that effect on many people."

(ooc: I hope not for once. It would be nice to give the kids just one day with nothing bad rearing it's head.)

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Glen looks speechless, so perhaps your right

(ooc: I think everyone needs some time off)

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Dr.Finitevus walks in a night club in hopes of finding the whereabouts of his mechanical associates.

Finitevus walks past a table with Nack the weasel,Scourge the hedgehog,the Iron King,and Ixis Naugus who were discussing and debating on who got closer at taking out Sonic the hedgehog.

Finitevus walks up to the bartender.

"Give me one shot of whiskey and make it snappy,I got a couple of chaps to look for."

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(ooc: There lies the mystery of where Scourge disappeared too. Skye, Melody, don't visit that nightclub)

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(ooc: I think Skye would flee in terror and Melody would try something very foolish. And to settle their argument: Nack (several times), Scourge (once), Naugus (came close), Iron King (didn't even come close)

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(Ooc:the iron king isn't really smart since sonic finds ways to outsmart him.)

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