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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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The three waited for the full hour, but nothing seemed to happened.

"Well, what now?"

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"We could wait a little longer, or we could go check it out. She might have already come without us noticing. She is an assassin after all, so she should be a master of stealth. Or maybe she's just late or too busy to pickup the note at the moment."

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"Given her reputation, I doubt she be late. Lets check it out."

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The group quietly walked to the statue and Shadow tentatively reached into the hole and pulled out a new note. "If I'm reading this right it says: 'You've got my interest. Come to the cave 1000 paces to the West of this statue and we'll talk.' Well then, what're we waiting for?" The group then walked westwards until they spotted the cave and headed inside.

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"Looks like no one's around..." began Zet, but was quickly interrupted by laughter from near the cave entrance.

"Well, well, well. So my rival walks out of a myth looking for my help. Or are you just a hedgehog with a dye job?" Mina was causally sitting back on a rock, spinning an knife idly between her fingers.

(ooc: at least, I'm assuming I'm running Mina. If you think I shouldn't...)

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(ooc:I,m here)

"Dark caves,little good can come out out this."

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(ooc: I'm back! Wow, looks like I've missed a lot)

*Re-emerges from shadows*

Where did you get those giant ice creams?

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(ooc: I... you.... How did you get to the cave gutman? That makes no sense!)

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(ooc: you should have said something about teleporting along rather than just saying 'ooh, dark cave'!)

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(ooc: It's not a problem. It's just useful to write what your doing, unless your character actaully says it directly. Btw, what is your character called/look like?)

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"Your rival? I've met him. No relation though. You can call me Mr Black. This is Mr Green, and the robot is Mr Red. Clearly you're interested in our offer. We need you to help us take out a very dangerous individual, let's call him the Fat Man. He has a heavily fortified base and an entire army at his disposal. We can handle the army if need be, but we need someone with your particular talents to take care of the Fat Man. So what do you want as payment? If you want it, we can get it." (OOC You run Mina. She is your character after all).

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"Oooooh. Code names. How mysterious. And a whole army eh? Well, there's nothing like that around here." Melody eyed Omega up and down. "So where exactly are you from?" She asked, smiling sweetly.

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Omega was about to talk when Shadow abruptly cut him off. "You could say we're not from around these parts. And neither is the target. Don't worry, we'll provide the transportation there and back."

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"Clearly not from around these parts. Given how causally you walked into this cave with not a care in the world."

Mina jumped off the rock and started walking around the group, still with an innocent smile, but a calculating look in her eyes.

"I you say I can name my payment..... Hmm, you said you could handle the 'Fat Man's' army. How? I'd like a demonstration of what all of you can do."

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(ooc:I,m a mobius version of Gutsman, I got super strength and a built in teleporter.)

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"Very well." Shadow chaos controlled behind her. "I can do this." He then threw a chaos spear outside of the cave, cutting a tree in half. "This." Finally he ran around the cave at great speed using his jet skates. "And this. By the way, that teleportation can be done over great distances as well. As for Mr Red, he can't give you a live demonstration or he'll waste ammo. But he can show you his hardware.' Omega then showed Mina his various machine guns, rockets and flamethrowers, as well as his jet boosters for hovering, and tank tracks for increased speed. "And that just leaves Mr Green."

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"This is all very impressive," smiled Mina. Zet rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything quite like that..." Zet began.

"Oh, no need," Mina gave a friendly wave to Zet to show it didn't matter. "I already know what I want as payment." She turned smiling towards Shadow. "I want your powers."

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Gutsman catches up with the group after refueling on energy

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Shadow was shocked. "My powers? It's impossible to transfer them from one person to another."

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"Oh, not a transfer. More like a copy. I've a... friend... who could arrange for that."

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Shadow was relieved, but wary. "Ah I see. Let's do this copy after the target is eliminated. That way any potential unforeseen consequences won't affect the mission. Deal?"

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"Now, now. With all of you using code names, I'm not gonna reveal the name of my friend. But I don't think I caught your name, Mr...?"

"As for the payment, normally I'd insist on payment up front, but I've heard that those from where you're from tend to keep your word."

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