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15 Good

About Inuki

  • Rank
    Daughter of the Storm God
  • Birthday 10/18/94

Contact Methods

  • Website URL http://starbound18.tumblr.com
  • DeviantArt skyfall1810

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location Somewhere In-between
  • Interests Anime, Astronomy, Cartoons, Drawing, Sonic (of course), Fighting Games (to an extent), Sciences, Pretty Much Anything That Catches My Attention. :)

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  1. Good day, happy people! :3 Just passin' through before I go to work and do some more research. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inuki


      Thank you, Skye. Hope you have a good day, too. :)

      Cinescense, what are you talking about? Of course, I read your reply, silly! :D Hope you have a nice day too. ^^

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Good day to you. Hope you can stick around a while. It's nice to see you here

    4. Inuki


      Thanks. I'll do my best to do so. ^^, And thanks for that! I feel so welcomed here. ^^
