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About Inuki

  • Rank
    Daughter of the Storm God
  • Birthday 10/18/94

Contact Methods

  • Website URL http://starbound18.tumblr.com
  • DeviantArt skyfall1810

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location Somewhere In-between
  • Interests Anime, Astronomy, Cartoons, Drawing, Sonic (of course), Fighting Games (to an extent), Sciences, Pretty Much Anything That Catches My Attention. :)

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  1. Just one more week and my internship's over! And then I'm home free, baby! -barks excitedly- By the way, how are y'all doing, happy people? :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inuki


      @everyone: Ah yes, I do enjoy the experiments, I'm so focused on them I always lost track of time,there was this one time, I almost missed lunch if my stomach didn't protest for food. And overtiming is also another story. It's tiring but a nice experience. :3

      Sorry to hear that, Eliza. I can definitely relate, from where I'm from, we have to burn off our eyebrows every single day because the lessons are very hard. TwT And it's really nice you can relax once in a...

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Well, as long as you enjoy it, I guess it's worth it! :3 and eat! XD

      And thanks Skye and Inuki, but I don't think I'd say there is time for rest for me considering my huge syllabus! Well, one day I'll relax *waits for that day*

      And hope you get free time too, Dylan!

    4. Inuki


      Yes it is. Oh yes, I try to glue that in my mind now. XD now thst my unusually fast metabolism is back. :3

      Yes, that day will definitely come. :3 we just need a lil patience.
