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About Inuki

  • Rank
    Daughter of the Storm God
  • Birthday 10/18/94

Contact Methods

  • Website URL http://starbound18.tumblr.com
  • DeviantArt skyfall1810

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location Somewhere In-between
  • Interests Anime, Astronomy, Cartoons, Drawing, Sonic (of course), Fighting Games (to an extent), Sciences, Pretty Much Anything That Catches My Attention. :)

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  1. I LIVVVEEEEE! Now, someone please pet meh furry head. ;A; Oh and how are you? :3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Inuki


      Nooo! I think I'm coming down with something too (throat starting to get sore and stuff). You should go see a doctor soon, Dylan. :D

      Thanks for the petting me and for the free hugs, Eliza! :3 Yush. I will have fun in a week... Our boss seems to love giving out parties for their trainees whenever they're about to end. XD

      Thanks for that, Skye! ^^, Please don't worry, I will soon. :D

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sore throat? Do you have the same as me?

      And um... I don't really visit the doctor much. My mom hasn't trusted them for years because many of them were saying the same wrong thing about my brother

    4. Inuki


      Not exactly, sore, sore throat. I think I'll be having tonsillitis in a matter of days (keeping my fingers crossed on this one)

      Really? Why? What happened? D:

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