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Everything posted by The_Duck

  1. I'm finally caught up in the comics to the megaman crossover. And oh god, that face that Silver makes in #250 when he gets attacked by Flashman...it's the greatest thing I've seen all week!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      So much hair!

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      I wish I had hair

  2. Hearing that it was part live action threw me off too. I've never really liked that style, but maybe just Eggman will be the live action part? Since he IS human and all. I dunno, but I'm really hoping it's going to be great. Fans have been wanting a GOOD sonic movie forever, don't ruin this chance, Sony!
  3. I had a dream yesterday that I got the crap beat out of me by Metal Knuckles, and then woke up to my manager and Mammoth Mogul discussing smoothie prices. I don't think I need to work any more 10 hour nights for a while.

    1. Chromatic Terras

      Chromatic Terras

      Sounds like one wild night.

  4. They call me Speedy.......Speedy McFastington.

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I laughed more than I should on this!

    2. Danny Felixe
  5. Got cussed out over a roll of toilet paper last night. And then the lady kicked her way out the door. The people in this town have no life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Duck


      Yeah, and I kind of prefer to hide in the shadows so to speak, so he doesn't realize that I know who he is. Mwahahahaha!!

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      That advantage over him...

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      That does sound like an evil place to work

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  6. Oh my gosh I had to make the most ridiculous hotdog ever last night! It had like 15 toppings on it! I'm not even exaggerating! You should've seen the thing when I got done with it! You don't know a real adventure till you've made a hotdog like that.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The_Duck


      It was definitely an adventure and a half making that thing! I just wonder how you even eat such a thing?

    3. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      I'm going to try. Let me get back to you on that!

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It sounds beautiful

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  7. Strange Dreams

    I had a rather strange dream last night, that I let my hamster, Sir Galaham, out of his cage to play, and he was crawling around all over my shelf and being cute. Then suddenly, all the Hamtaro characters were there (little cartoon hamsters) and then we were all on some kind of mission together to go get lots of Cheez-Its to give my brother to cure his cancer. Because his doctor had called us and told us that a recent study had shown a link to Cheez-Its diminishing cancer cells or somthing. And so we did, and he got better. But don't worry, in real life, he became cancer-free after his surgery a couple years ago.
  8. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I actually like Sticks' voice! I don't think it sounds that annoying actually, but, to each his own, right? Anyway, for some reason it reminds me of Dulcy's voice from SatAM a little bit. Who was also Suzy from Rugrats. It's NOT her, but it reminds me of her, a little. I think I'll grow to like her anyway. We haven't had a new character in a while.
  9. I opened a savings account today! Gonna start saving money, which I've been able to do this whole time and haven't been doing as well as I should have!

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Great! That's a smart thing to do :) I'm sure it'll make up for the loss you suffered eventually...

    2. The_Duck


      I hope so. I'm thinking that should still leave me enough to make small payments on that hospital bill too. So we'll see. I'm just glad I can still do this.

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I'm pretty happy you're optimistic. I'm sure things will be good soon!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. I got bored and decided to hatch a Shiny Chingling for my cousin on Pokemon White2. I got one in 4 eggs! All the shinies I have, and I've never gotten one that quickly when trying!

  11. Well guys, I finally felt "in the zone" again at work last night. So I guess I'm starting to feel like myself again!

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      That's really good. I hope you keep feeling like that and I'm sure things will get fine with such a positive attitude :)

    2. Cinescense


      That's nice to hear,also which Zone were you in?Green hill,Emarld coast,Mushrrom Hill Zone,Starlight zone,etc :3

    3. The_Duck


      Thanks guys! I'm thinking it will stay, because last night went alright too.

      Hmm, which zone? Probably Stardust Speedway, as much as I was running around.

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  12. Well, I just got my $3,000 hospital bill for that car accident I told y'all I was in. Now I'm even more super angry that the insurance denied my claim. I honestly don't know what i'm gonna do. Wish me luck that I can suffer through this.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Cinescense


      Survive!I shall be wishing the best of good luck my friend

    3. The_Duck


      Thanks for the well-wishings, everyone! I asked my mother about it, and she says it won't ruin my credit to simply not pay it, and it won't blacklist me from going to that hospital again either. But I still don't know if that's the "right" thing to do. But then, nothing about this whole situation is "right". So I might consider that. I know hopsitals can write off a certain number of bills a year as "uncollectable debts" or something.


    4. The_Duck


      I don't know why they'd pass that law either, Shadow. Unfortunately, it is true that politicians get more money to advertise/whatnot from insurance companies, not so much from the people. As such, they're more in favor of said insurance companies and could care less about the people. I know not all states are like that, but I live in a republican state, unfortunately. And they do what they want.

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  13. Hey guys! I'm back for a little bit. (found an internet i can connect to). So recently, I was involved in a hit-and-run car accident, that totaled my car. And the other driver's insurance denied my claim because they found it to be "1% my fault". So he completely gets out of paying damages to my car because "I didn't look hard enough" to see him coming. Even though he was speeding at like 70mph in a 15 or 20 zone. So now I'm back to sqare one, and am left t...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      What about NMS? here have a choclate cookie!

    3. The_Duck


      Thanks! *eats cookie*

      Okay, so free cookies make everything better too!

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Wow. That sounds terrible. Good for you for handling it so well!

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  14. Score one for The Duck! I just got the keys to my first apartment! I can move in as soon as tomorrow! But I won't have internet over there right away, so I'll be gone for a while. Not that I contribute much, but I like hanging here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Cool, huge bedroom is one thing I've never got XD

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Nice. it's always great to have your own place. See you soon!

    4. Cinescense


      Sweet.As a 14 year old It sounds amazing to have your very own household (that may change when I'm older and go through the whole mid life crisis stage though but anyways).Hope to see you back soon!

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  15. Well, it turns out the insurance thing WASN'T a mistake. I have to maintain 32 hours a week for 12 weeks to qualify. And every morning that my boss has let me leave just a few minutes early has cut into that. So no insurance for me this year. FUUUUUUUDGE BISCUITS!!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I'm very sorry to hear that

    2. The_Duck


      Oh well, it's not the biggest deal ever. I've managed this long without it. I could apply for Obamacare, but it's even more expensive than what I would've got through work. It's not even gonna be worth it. So I'm just gonna go without.

      Still sucks, though!

  16. Great. So I've been working at my job for over 8 months now, but I'm not eligible for health insurance because I'm apparently in the system as a "temp employee". And I have 3 days until the enrollment period ends and I have to wait another year. Just wonderful!

    1. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      That was a terrible joke and that's awful

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Oh man. Sounds bad. Hope you can get it sorted on time

    3. The_Duck


      I really hope so too. I'm gonna be more than a little mad if I have to wait another whole year.

      The medical isn't even THAT big a deal, because I almost never go to the doctor, but I NEED dental insurance. I have a cavity that I can't afford to get filled without it! I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do...

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  17. As it turns out, I'm awesome at driving in the snow! *Confidence +5*

    1. The_Duck


      Seems like sound advice. I'll keep that in mind! XD

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Good for you. Just don't try and beat it

    3. The_Duck


      I was actually being super careful the whole time, and not driving more than 20mph in the deep parts, but it just made me feel super good about myself being my first time ever driving in snow. My friend even said I did really good, and was surprised to hear it WAS my first time.

      I've been driving for 6 years now, but I learned how in Alabama, so I never had to drive in snow before.

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  18. Strange Dreams

    Huh. Well guys, those are definitely some strange dreams. I'm one of those people that has very strange and vivid dreams too, and I started keeping track of mine a good few years ago now. A lot of my dreams used to be about someone trying to tell me something. It was always someone different in every dream, sometimes a family member, sometimes a favorite video game character. But they'd always be trying to tell me something important, only I could never hear what they were saying. I guess they must've been trying to give me helpful life advice, but I had to realize it for myself. Because now I don't have those dreams anymore. And I realized one day, that while you can tell this kind of advice to younger people, they'll never truly understand it until they realize it for themselves. Then it made me think of those dreams I used to have. I also used to have very vivid dreams about flying. Once, I was flying a small red bi-plane (pretty much just like Tails') over a football field at night, and I could feel the wind, and it was a fun feeling, being able to control the plane. Another time, I was a dragon, and I could actually feel the way my muscles moved me through the air, and the wind blowing through my fur, and I was going so fast. I think I went up into space. But it was the coolest feeling ever. And then, this one time, I had a just absolutely silly dream. Me and my friends (which included some Sonic characters, and I think a couple pokemon) were lost on an icy mountain. And it was a huge icy mountain, that seemed to stretch up into forever, into the dark, cloudy, snowy sky. We were exploring this mountain for whatever reason, and about halfway up, we came across what appeared to be a meat flower. They were rather large flowers, with 6 pedals made of hamburger meat. The stem looked like a crunchy rawhide bone, with leaves made of beef jerky. (lol, leaf jerky!) On the little stamen things in the middle, there were orange balls on the end, that may have also been some kind of meat. So Charmy Bee decides to fly up to one of these meat flowers, but when he gets close to it, the pedals start moving, and there's a bright flash of light, and then he's gone. Then Espio mentions a legend about how the middle of the meat flower is actually a portal to the meat dimension. As the group is discussing this, one of the younger characters (either Cream the Rabbit, or someone else anyway) decides to go after Charmy, and gets sucked into the meat flower. So then me and one other in the group (either Espio or my brother, or somehow both) decide to go in after them. After being pulled into a crazy, meaty, dimensional vortex, we land in a weirdly cushy meat floor. Well, I do anyway, since we seem to have been separated. And it really is a meat dimension. The ground is meat, the mountains are meat, even the clouds, up in the yellow gravy-looking sky are also meat. Then, up at the top of a meat-mountain, I notice Charmy is about to fall, and appears to be having trouble climbing. I think he's also being rained on by meatballs. (At this point in the dream, I actually remember thinking to myself, "wow, the bowl in Persona 4 that leads to the meat dimension really was real! There's enough meat here to go on forever!") So then I went on to help Charmy. Climbing the meat mountain was a little awkward at first, but not that hard. When I got to the top, I pushed Charmy up onto the cliff so he wouldn't fall, and while I was still hanging on the meat cliff, I saw Cream fly up out of nowhere, and her and Charmy started flying around in circles. Then Espio/my brother runs up, saying he found Cream and that we should leave now. Then we somehow used Chaos Control to escape the meat dimension before an oncoming meatball storm. And I don't remember anything after that. *whew!* Well, that was a bit longer than I remembered. Next time I'll have to tell you about the bathroom labyrinth dream. (transposed from my journal, because I went into detail about what I remembered from the scenery, and it was more descriptive that way).
  19. Guys, I really don't know y'all that well, but I love you. I love you all. I love this fanbase. Thanks for being awesome.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Thanks. Glad your enjoying being here

    2. Cinescense


      I love myself aswell...just kinda.Happy to hear we've made you happy to be a fan

    3. BlurryDawgo
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  20. Yeah, I'll be Darned if I can find the robo machines in Wacky Workbench. That place is pretty wack.
  21. So I don't NEED to get the time stones then? that's cool, because I really suck at the special stages. Although I'm sure I'll get good at them if I play them enough. I didn't think there was any point to going to the future, so that's good to know. It seems like most of the future signs are there to generally screw me over when I'm trying to get to the past, and I accidentally pass one while trying to run fast enough. Or while looking for a place to run fast enough.
  22. OMG guys, SegaSonic the Hedgehog is the original Sonic Heroes! Think about it, you control 3 characters at once, Ray could have been the flying member, while Mighty would have obviously been the power guy. IT ALL COMES TOGETHER!!

    1. The_Duck


      (actually just a neat observation...)

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It makes sense I guess

  23. OMG Tails is back on the banner! 0_0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cinescense


      Tails never was a fan of real bombs.he seems to prefer using dummy ring ones from a game that shall not be named

    3. The_Duck


      Doesn't like ME? But my personality is the BOMB!!

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Who couldn't like Bean? Bean is the funniest character out there

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  24. Top 3 best Sonic games by your opinion.

    Well, it's very hard to pick a top 3, since I like just about every game in the series for different reasons. But here goes: 1: Sonic Adventure 2 - Because this game introduced Shadow, who is my very top favorite character, next to Tails, who has been my fav from the beginning. I really liked the gameplay; it was really fun (addictive, even) and the levels were very well designed. I also like how Shadow and Rouge fit into the story very well, and didn't just seem like new characters that they just thought up on the spot. I also found raising Chao to be weirdly addictive and really fun. But I suppose everything else I feel about this game has already been said. 2: Sonic Rush - Come on, who doesn't love Blaze? She's an easily-angered, but loveable hothead with a sense of responsibility, kinda like a certain echidna we all love, eh? Although her character is a bit more dignified. And I love her outfit. But enough about that, and onto the actual game. I love that it was the first game in quite a while to play more like a straight up classic Sonic game (not that I don't love all the newer styles of gameplay), but added the interesting features of newer games, such as rail grinding and the tricks you can do when jumping. The special stages, I could do without (I've never liked the Sonic 2-style special stages, although Sonic Colors DS did them in a tolerable way). But the story was interesting enough, by Sonic standards, and the game itself, put simply, it was an engaging experience. And although I only played it for the first time about 3 years ago, it's already a classic that I fondly go back to every once in a while. 3: This one's hard to say for sure, but I actually really liked Sonic Unleashed (PS2 version) - While I haven't actually finished it yet, I did watch my brother beat the Wii version, which is pretty much the same as the PS2 version. From what I have played of it though, I actually find the Werehog levels to be an interesting change of pace from the usual "just fly through every level at top speed". It gave the game a sense of strategy, and it's just plain fun taking two monsters and bashing their heads into eachother. However, I can't say that the regular Sonic levels weren't great in their own right; everything about this game, I find really fun, and the music is some of the better in the series, I think. Also, this game introduced Chip, who became my top favorite side character, never to be seen again. Well, I guess that about does it. Although after reading The Jest's description of Sonic Adventure, I'd have to agree, and put that one pretty high on my list.
  25. General Art Thread

    I didn't know where else to put this, but I guess it qualifies as a form of 'art'. In our current bout of way past "cool" weather, I decided to get out there and slap this guy together. All "hail" Shadow!! (Actually, it's Sonic, I just wanted to make that pun.)
