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49 Excellent

About sweet_lil_Eliza

  • Rank
    The Christmas Angel
  • Birthday 11/01/99

Contact Methods

  • Website URL sweetlileliza.tumblr.com
  • Skype xmasangelavan
  • Steam sweet_lil_eliza (or sweetlileliza I think)
  • DeviantArt sweetlileliza.deviantart.com

Profile Information

  • Gender Female
  • Location India
  • Interests Chocolate, sonic, friends, chocolate, music, studying, games, cute stuff, animals, randomness, and so much more!~*

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  1. *le deep breath* This was certainly an interesting day. Any american might as well know what SAT exam is, I cannot believe that my school selected a lousy person like me to attempt the test o.o and since it's tomorrow, I'm having a panic attack... wish me luck ;.;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      (Thank you for deleting, guys, you can delete the past posts too)

      Thank you Gyst Hunter, Capt Survivor, Dyaln, Shadow (yes, everyone else who were selected were P*ssed off) and uh...Gabe

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Right, I think I better try this again...

      Good luck Eliza, I'm sure you'll do well (hope it too)

    4. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Thank you, I hope so too! ^^

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