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Pokemon Go is going to be the death of me
Welp, they've announced a new Sonic game for next year, calling it the anniversary one. No details yet, but..... Oh forget trying to sound professional, just please, please please try not to *bleep* this one up!
Helloooo everyone! Long time, no see?
Okay guys, this might be a Lego Dimensions vid, but everyone here HAS to watch it. Skip to 1.20 if you have too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGT9PrwRHdY
Willing to bet it will be the best game in the franchise for a while! -
Oh boy oh boy it's here! My copy of Shadow the Hedgehog... Yay.............
Might number 9 is the best game I've played in awhile, the story is fantastic. I have been up all night playing it.
So Sonic Dash 2 is pretty fun
Don't worry, I'm still around! Time to go play some more Mario Maker!
Got Pokemon Y for double Friend Safari hunting, Splatoon and the greninja Amiibo, well, looks like my birthday's come a month early XD
Anyone else here knows of this Megaman "copy game" named Mighty No . 9? Looks good if you ask me.
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11822298_1023931734306519_4916223684734848458_n.jpg?oh=5430300e0ec4d85db3be29270bc4d032&oe=560FD34A Lloyd costume in Smash! I can now die happily.
Startingnext week Monday, I'll be goingon holiday for two weeks. No guarantee I'll be around (but I will try to be)
I don't know why but I just always feel I'm way behind at things (anime watching, cartoon watching, videogame playing, news, etc.) I don't know why but it makes me feel do sad for some reason... Does anyone else feel like this?
There will always be games you haven't played and Anime you haven't watched... there's just too much of both medias to every play/see it all. Just play/watch what you can, and make sure you're enjoying it! Don't push yourself if you really don't care for it... spend your time on what makes you happy! That is why these things are created in the first place ;D
So, Sonic 1 and 2 on mobile is claimed to be the better ports of the games (And claimed to be the definitive versions), but I don't really care. Controller, or it's not happening.
http://www.gamespot.com/articles/we-betrayed-fans-and-want-to-be-a-brand-again-says/1100-6428680/?ftag=YHRe6a6b70 I wonder if sega is really going to get a good game or not. Who else here wants something like Sonic Adventure 3? I don't really have any hope for Sega anymore though.
There are two knuckles on the status bar. OF WHICH ONE AM I THE FATHER ?!
It would be nice if I got some messages like "How are you?" once in a while... =_=
My -> button still doesn't work and this is really important cause of games... =_="
Today is my Second Year Anniversary of being a member of this awesome community!
What have they done to Sonic Dash?! D;
I will turn my greatest fear into my strength and I'll become Clownviper!
Run for your lives! Mega Man 8's comong out on PSN on Wednesday! DX
I think it's time I finally get around to watching the 1994 Mega Man TV series. This should be very interesting.
Just finished Cowboy Bebop.