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The Jest

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About The Jest

  • Rank
    Professional Nice Guy
  • Birthday 01/12/91

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location You don't want to know.
  • Interests Stories, Writing stories, Role-plays, being an Author of stories, the Sonic and Megaman Comics and games, The Persona Series, The Wild Arms Series, Xenosaga, and did I mention stories?

Contact Methods

  • Skype red.the.alternate

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  1. So, I feel I should state my status thus far since I've been absent for some time, and only just recently got back into things. RPs, of course, are still in my agenda. But I seem to have a habit of biting more than I can chew, so now I'm in about 8 RPs in 4 different sites, and 3 more planned on the way. (At least one of which will be here.) However, due to this overload, I'm going to be slower, intending on focusing on RPs one at a time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Jest

      The Jest

      Thanks, and yeah, like I said, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew, so I really have nothing to blame but myself. ^^;

      Oh, and in regards of my book...File's still in the old computer, can't do much about it until we rip out the hard drive. XD

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      I fully understand. Hope you manage to control the workload.

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Man that's toug. Hope you make it through it all okay

      (I should probably move a bit faster too)
