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The Jest

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45 Excellent

About The Jest

  • Rank
    Professional Nice Guy
  • Birthday 01/12/91

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location You don't want to know.
  • Interests Stories, Writing stories, Role-plays, being an Author of stories, the Sonic and Megaman Comics and games, The Persona Series, The Wild Arms Series, Xenosaga, and did I mention stories?

Contact Methods

  • Skype red.the.alternate

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  1. So...It's been a while. I'd like to apologize to all my Fellow RPers for my inactivity. I'm currently taking care of some business elsewhere, along with my book and Sonic TPU. I'll get back to ALL my RPs as soon as I can. (Yes, including CF) But for now, I have an announcement: As of today, we have a new Mod: Lino Blythe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lino Blythe

      Lino Blythe

      To be fair. Most people here don't know me and I don't post much so it may seem unfair to others and I agree with them that it may be but I'll try to prove that I am a good mod

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Im sure you'll do fine

    4. Lino Blythe

      Lino Blythe

      Well regardless. Let me formally apologize to the people who do see it as unfair. I'm sorry and I really do promise to show I can live up to being a good mod
