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About Pearl98

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  • Birthday 09/15/98

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Rockingham, Western Australia
  • Interests Drawing, playing video games, collecting Sonic and Mega man comics

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  • DeviantArt Pearl98

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  1. Looking at the Pokemin Super Mystery Dungeon Screenshot of the playable Pokemon, you'll notice 2 things, firstly you can play as any of the starters and secondly, theres a Pokemon that doesn't isn't a starter you can chose too, and it just happens to be my all time favourite Pokemon :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I KNOW I'm going to choose Fennekin as my main... but I'm not sure who to choose as my other one. Might do Charmander... but on the other hand, if I want to have different types for me starter and partner I might go for Totodile (because cute!)

    3. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      I have chosen Charmander and Fennikin when U get it.

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hmmm.... I'd probibly go for a Riolu for my partner. I wanna pokemon thats a cross between Snoopy and Anubis! ;-p
