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About Pearl98

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  • Birthday 09/15/98

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Rockingham, Western Australia
  • Interests Drawing, playing video games, collecting Sonic and Mega man comics

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  • DeviantArt Pearl98

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  1. ugh, I seriously can't stand Penders, he took away 2 of my favourite Sonic characters, and it was because of him I nearly stopped reading the Sonic comics, but thanks to me making that one small choice of reading the crossover, I seriously wouldn't be the person I am today, I would never be a Mega man fan, and I would've stopped being a Sonic fan a long time ago.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You know, I've just realised that the new universe has meant that my favourite character appears MORE (Bean for all). But despite all the good there is from the reboot, it will never be the same with all the characters that have been taken from us

    3. SeriouslyStupid


      Well, I hope you'll still be able to give the reboot a chance. True, the Penders characters really added soul to the comics, but I think the reboot is a lot better than going by Pender's standards and resurrecting Locke. That, and aren't Knuckles and Julie-Su technically related? If she stayed behind, that'd be one mess of a couple.

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      They're a distant relation, yes. Very distant
