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About Pearl98

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  • Birthday 09/15/98

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Rockingham, Western Australia
  • Interests Drawing, playing video games, collecting Sonic and Mega man comics

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  • DeviantArt Pearl98

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  1. General Mobile games thread

    First Dozla, then Conrad, now this.  I was expecting the new heroes to be Farfetched so didn't expect anything really. That was until I saw the new trailer and the 4 units popped up and I recognised them straight away. Tethys Gerik Ewan Ephraim and Lyon duo unit My jaw dropped, our very first Sacred Stones banner in almost 2 years! And to go with it, we have Ross for a 3 or 4 star unit and Cormag for a Grand Hero Battle unit!  Sadly I'm still desperately trying for Dozla, I'm now at 6.50%, and now they release this. I want everyone but I guess I'll only go for the duo unit. Hope I get lucky, I didn't get Ephraim when he returned on weekly and I used all the orbs I could.
  2. General Mobile games thread

    We got a new FEH channel and with it our Haloloween units were revealed! And 3 of them are characters not in FEH yet! The 2 who are in FEH are L'Arachel, who's dressed as a mad scientist, and Hector who is holding a VERY adorable little Lilina (it's Binding Hector!)  But now foe the 3 not in the game yet... From Tellius we have Rolf and Illyana! But the best of them all.... From Magvel YES, MAGVEL! IS DOZLA!   Finally a new Magvel unit after pretty much 2 years.... Oh yeah Hector's red L'Arachel is green Illyana is Blue and Dozla is colourless. Rolf is our free unit
  3. General Mobile games thread

    Dragalia Lost is getting another crossover but it's with one everyone was least expecting.. Mega Man!   Also Ephraim can go to Hel. I've used 250 orbs for him ON WEEKLY REVIVAL. And oh look I got pit broken at 6.33% by Delthea then again at 5.33% by Ishtar... Oh speaking of Hel Thrasir's our next mythic hero  
  4. I've been staying with my sister this past week on holiday and she just gave me a box with every single Sonic and Mega Man comic I collected :o includes every STH from 229 onwards and every single Mega Man comics, and every SU from the last part of Scourges arc!

    1. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Quite a sister there.

  5. General Mobile games thread

    ......... Does this game love me? Or does this game love me? WE. GOT. 2 YES 2! SUMMER NIFL UNITS ONE WHO IS FREE! AND YLGR IS THE FREE UNIT!!! Ahem. Helbindi and the sisters look amazing too! Nothing on my end yet though... Free Ylgr in less then 4 hours!
  6. General Mobile games thread

    Spent around 100 orbs on the bridal banner and got Bridal Fjorm!   I also spent around 200 on the Mythic banner, went all out on red and got 2 NY Gunnthrá before getting Hríd.... definitely called that happening. New Heroes on the 11th! Hope it's a Magvel banner
  7. General Mobile games thread

    Sweet mother of Nifl the new bridal banner!   ....I don't know most of the characters but hey I guessed Fjorm! xD and oh come on! Once again the one banner I predict Ylgr on and she isn't on it but her VA does a role on it. Thanks Megan Lee! Well guess I'll wait to see if we get Summer Ylgr
  8. General Mobile games thread

    Sooo remember I was crazy about Bunny Bruno? I took a several month break and guess what? I got back THE DAY AFTER IT ENDED.  Also did anyone get the lost heroes in Dragalia Lost? I don't play it but loved the crossover. Especially the shout out to NY Fjorm and Hríd in the "I'm quite fond of archery, I practiced with my brother in my childhood" line   Also the new silhouettes for the bridal banner! Any guesses? The left is definitely Fjorm or Ylgr, I will scream if it's Ylgr and the right honestly looks like Lyon tbh. The guy needs an alt! Speaking of Lyon, RIP fallen Lyon.... Fallen Lyon for Mythic?  Oh also guess what?     I GOT YLGR! took 36 phases and 4 month's but I got her! Thanks children's day banners!     Also major congrats on getting L!Roy! I also got him xD Saving my orbs for Hríd (Hríd's? Please give us both this month IS... it will likely be NY Gunnthrá though) I swear Gunnthrá if you take your little brother away again I'll be angry! However if we get bridal Ylgr as it looks like her or Fjorm on the sillhouett4s then bye bye orbs! Also will save up for Bruno in August or September
  9. General Mobile games thread

    Okay story time! Since starting FEH in July there are 2 OCs I've really liked, everyone knows I love Hríd but I never really mentioned the other one. Ever since the first book I've really enjoyed this character and even called them a butler at first (Thanks Xenologue 1 xD) then their identity was revealed and then didn't appear until he final chapter of book 2. October came and most of the OCs were released and I hoped they would release my 2 favourites. Of course late November came and Hríd was released! But no sign of the other...  These last few months since then I've secretly have hoped they would appear, but had no hope. Until today... 2pm hit and I knew it was time for the Spring trailer, I guessed Marth and Caeda through the silhouettes and wanted Ylgr, but didn't really want much since here was 3 spring units from previous years I wanted.  But then when I looked at the thumbnail in the notifications on YouTube.... I covered my mouth and screamed. Cause there on the thumbnail, was him. BRUNO! Bruno is finally home IN A BUNNY OUTFIT xD. I can now have both of my favourite OCs now! Oh and he's joined by his sister Pala and Marissa and Loki is a free TT unit. Soooo who's everyone going for? 
  10. General Mobile games thread

    Nice! Okay this isn't a rant but I need to say my thoughts for the new chapter. I nearly cried when Henriette said Gustav was ill already, so he pretty much had cancer? And explaining the whole branch thing from 3 year old Alfonse was cute! But then came that scene from 5-5. Gustav,  although under Hel's army now, can say what he wants, he just can't control his actions, hence why he battled the order. But then... the line that got me. "I love the both of you." You know who said that? Gustav. Yes. GUSTAV. He's not possessed or anything, this is the real actual father of Alfonse and Sharena from the star of book 3, and that was directed to both of them, HE FINALLY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED HIS DAUGHTERS EXISISTANCE!  This makes me wonder now though... can Líf and Thrasir say what they want but don't have control? Oh buy if my prediction of the former Nifl queen becoming a member of Hel's army comes true I'm kimds glad Fjorm has sgill not appeared in the 5 chapters of book 3 so far! Oh and thanks L'Arachel for pity breaking me on the new banner   Also another thing I haven't mentoined despite it happening nearly 2 months ago now. Something that's either a mistake or change in the backstory of 2 fellow OCs.   The official website now has a Meet Some of the Heroes section, that has bios for all of the legendary and mythic heroes, and all of the new heroes and seasonals released since February, however there's soemthing interesting to point out about 2 of our legendaries, who are they? None other then Gunnthrá and Hríd. The website states that Hríd is older then Gunnthrá, even though Fjorm stated in game that its the other way around....???? I have no idea which ones is right. What doss everyone think?
  11. General Mobile games thread

    Ouch I guess this banner was not for either of us... however the smash trio are all red on April's banner! And Hríd is on May's with Eirika and surprisingly not on the same banner as Gunnthrá! Oh yeah what was everyone's free seasonals? I went green for the first one for either Chrom but got his sister and went on red for a certain someone praying to not get his sister like with Chrom and I got exactly who I wanted!  With other recent banners, I got all the first 4 beasts (Reyson <3) and actually got Nailah in stead of Selkie and Kaden! Also calling it now, Gustav will be voiced by either Kirk Thorton (Surtr and Dorcas) or Travis Willingham (Lon'qu and Ogma?)
  12. General Mobile games thread

    RIP Gustav and me.... I hope everyone else got who they wanted on legendary Roy's banner! I wanted Ephraim and Hríd, got Ephraim easily but then proceeded to go 200+ orbs and ending on a 10% without anyone else let alone Hríd.... Also Gustav is an enemy in the next chapter!
  13. General Mobile games thread

    I had to use all of the 235 orbs I saved for the New Years banner. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. So did I get him? After 50 I got Gunnthrá and went on to get pity broken by Ares, Male Morgan, Flier Nino (yep a green pity breaker cause I apparently don't want Fjorm...) and Brave Celica. I got down to my last 10 orbs, at this point I gave up, but I went on to press summon, 2 red orbs appeared. First one was a 3 star Olivia. I had no hope for the last red but tried anyway. So who did I get? Well I got...   Hríd! ON MY LAST POSSIBLE SUMMON!    But the pain was worth it! He's perfect IV's! +Def - HP! I'm so happy I got my festive Hubby! Not sure if I should try for Fjorm and Laevatein or go for more Hríd to merge with my perfect IV Hríd
  14. General Mobile games thread

    I was right about the Renais twins getting Christmas alts! I struggled to get them and Christmas Chrom, overall took over 500 orbs... but I got on another account and have started saving up orbs and got the twins this time in 17 orbs! Haven't tried Chrom yet. but forget Chrom!  Our December legendary is Azura, the banner is pretty cool but i'm skipping it.  Now for the biggest thing, our new years alts that were revealed a few hours ago! They are.... Fjorm Gunnthra LaegjarnLaevateinHridAs you could probably guess, I nearly screamed the second I saw Hrid among the new years units! in my exact words, I said "No one can beat Christmas Ephraim!" Oh boy I was wrong! and we just got normal Hrid a month ago! I expected Fjorm, and the others were no surprise, BUT HRID?! Also we have Fjorm as a green bow flier, Gunnthra and Hrid was red sword fliers, Laevatein is a clear healer cavalry and Laegjarn is a blue lance cavalry! Also Laegjarn is the free Tempest Trial unit. Welp Rip my orbs, I'll likely struggle to get Hrid... Also everyone's srtworks is beautiful! Fjorm is the only one with their original artist.  So is anyone going for the legendary banner or saving for new years? Who are your targets?   Oh almost forgot, I'm really liking book 3 and Eir so far, glad to have finally met Gustav and finally be introduced to Alfonse and Sharena's mother, Henriette! Also I don't want Sharena to die...  
  15. General Mobile games thread

    GG Team Ylgr with the win! My team may have ended up in 4th but I'm now cheering her team to beat Fjorm in the finals! I found it hilarious that she defeated the only nice "mister monster guy" (doesn't call him that but wanted to reference the name xD) from Múspell then she defeated her brother.  Also there is a Feh channel on Tuesday morning! (Monday for most people) and book 3 and 3.0 is confirmed to be coming afterwards too after a 5 hour maintence! Time to join the hype train!
