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Christmas role-play?

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G ignored Amy and walked towards Myra. "What does the kid say?" Asked G.


(Oh and just so you all know in this continuity Ian St John. G's father was still a valued member of the King's army but he left active service after injury. So Amy should know his name when G says it soon.)

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What is it? Myra texted back. "That he's sorry, and he has an idea." Myra replied.

Edited by Katmuffin

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'In order to stop Amy being suspicious, you could tell her that I'm your younger brother.  Or Sister if you prefer.  You know the truth about me so it makes sense to keep the connection with you.  Say that I had the power to enter machines and Cyberspace with my mind.  She's used to unusual powers, so she should accept that.  And say that something went wrong, maybe I was lost in an Eggman attack but my mind was able to escape into cyberspace, and now we're trying to get a new body for me.  Hence the factory raid.'

A second message followed a second later.  'Oh, and you might want to dismantle Metal Sonic too.  He is just shut down, he could reactivate.'

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(I guess Amy is not the kind of girl that knows much information about Acorn's army. Anyway, Geoffrey, do you have a character sheet for this post-reboot G? Just so that we can know everything about him.)

"Well, I'll go with you, as long as you want me in" she friendly replied to Peggy, giving her a hand.

"Though I'm sure I'm not welcome by everyone" Amy said, looking at G.

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Sounds good Myra texted back. "Someone should probably smash Metal Sonic." She then said out loud.

"We'd love have you," Peggy replied, then ran over to her car when she heard Myra, "I call dibs!"

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'Okay.  Shall I come back to your phone now?  I won't appear on screen, it's too much effort to fake an appearance accurately.'

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(I'd like to keep some things a mystery for now but if you have any questions ask in pm)


G simply laughed at Amy's observation. He knew he had no choice but to let Amy come along. "Hedgehog! If you join us then you follow my orders!" Declared G as he stopped by a wall and just leaned on it.

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Amy aproached Metal Sonic's disabled body, and proceeded to smash it to bits.

"Heh... I'll follow your lead if your orders are not as poor as your comunicative skills. And don't ever think I'm your tool, mister Grumpy" she said to G, with a smiling and challenging expression.

"So, what's your mission?" the hedgehog asked to all the team.


Edited by ChaosKaiser

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Boulder continued to smash Tails Doll til it was completely gone.


Techno pulled the van back to the group. 

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Yea, that's a good idea, and the story will sound more convincing coming from you. Myra texted back.

"I called dibs!" Peggy complained when Amy smashed Metal Sonic, deactivating the various artillery she had aimed at him.

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"Our mission is to raid an old Eggman base. I'll let Myra fill you in on the rest. Techno get a refill on petrol from Peggy. I am piping to the shop to get some medical supplies" said G as he started to leave but then he signalled To Myra of his phone hoping she realised he wanted Skye to move to his phone so they could talk.

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'Alright!' said Skye, and for a brief moment Skye's face appeared on the screen and winked, then vanished.  'Would you prefer a brother or sister?' came another message.

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Brother, I think so, do you have a gender? Myra replied.

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'Not in a biological sense.  And my programming came from both parents, so I have elements of both mentally,' came Skye's reply.

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"Ehehehehe...sorry!" Amy said to Peggy, embarrased. 

"Nice hammer, rhino-guy" she praised Boulder

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Well you seem like a guy to me, so brother. Myra replied.

"Whatever, I'll get a chance to use them again some other time." Peggy replied.

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'Sure thing.  That is how you met me after all,' replied Skye.

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Alright, G asked us to explain things to Amy, we should do that now. Myra texted back. "Hey! Amy!" Myra called out.

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"Alright, I'll try," said Skye, speaking not texting, though the screen remained blank.

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Techno backed up in Peggy's shop.


"Thanks. It belonged to my father..."Said Boulder looking at his hammer.

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Amy aproached Myra as soon as she heard her name.

"You're Myra, right? What is this all about?" she asked.

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"Uh.... H-hi there A-amy!  I'm Skye!" cames Skye's voice from Myra's phone.  "Sorry about the scare with Metal Sonic earlier."

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"Yea, I'm Myra, and G asked me and Skye to explain the mission to you."

Peggy carried over a container of gas to the van. "This should be enough."

(Took me a while to figure out what petrol meant, I've never heard that term before. Also, aren't mobians anti fossil fuel?)



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(Welcome to the difference between the UK and the US!  But... well... that is a 'varies on the writer' kinda detail.)

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"Thanks. Hopefully when this is all over Boulder and I can finally go back to doing what we do best!" Said Techno. 

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