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I didn't really bother reading it, but after seeing what happened to Salma, I think I have a good reason not to. I mean what!?

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On reflection, that snippet of what to expect from the story isn't that surprising. It's actually very similar to his 25 Years Later arc. Lots of people standing around talking, taking as long as they can to get the the point without really explaining anything about what's going on. And even that had disruption of characters in it (Sonic/Tails not speaking etc), admittedly not species alterations but still, the hallmark is there.

The following 25 Years Later story may have de-railed Shadow, but at least stuff happened and it moved at a good pace.

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Not to mention unnatural and stilt dialog. Teens just dont talk like that.

However Salma is still a chameleon. Its mentioned in later post. Lets face it, even Penders is good writer enough to remember that female echidnas have distinctive naming pattern.

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I understand your passion for something like this to happen, but I've seen something like this before. When Disney cancelled Star Wars The Clone Wars, fans flooded the internet begging for it to continue. Unfortunately, despite everything they did the show was cancelled indefinitely. The scenario here with Archie is similar. The fact is that they now see Ken's characters as a constant reminder of the guy that fought them to a stalemate. Now obviously they don't want to remind themselves (and furthermore readers) of that with the appearance of these characters. Ergo they decide to reboot the canon. It's business, nothing more, nothing less. It's hard for me to accept it, but going against Archie and Sega will do very little in overturning their decisions. However if you still want to go on with spreading this message then I wish you well. Just don't have your hopes too high.

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I can sense there may be some ranting coming with this

Right, well first of all, different people have different ideas on how a storyline should come out. Ken Penders and Ian Flynn are an example of this. Penders left Archie, Ian Flynn is now in the lead writer so it's mostly up to him to come up with storyline. Now, imagine your Ian Flynn. You have the storyline for (what was it, up to issue 300?) planned. Then Penders comes along again and says you can't use his characters unless you give in to his terms. Would you willingly do it?

Here are some conditions Penders wanted (taken from here)

A) There are only three untouchable characters: Julie-Su, Locke and Lara-Su. The only thing anyone at Archie Comics would have to run by me regarding any of my characters is if they wanted to kill off a certain character. Beyond that, anything in the present day timeline is fair game. Have fun.

B ) With regards to the use of the characters Julie-Su and Locke in the present day timeline, nothing must contradict what was established in my MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER stories. Those stories, especially Locke's death, are canon as far as THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES and I'm concerned.

C) Lara-Su is the only character in which any story featuring her which Archie Comics wishes to put into production MUST be reviewed and approved by me.

Sure, it doesn't say he's asking for money or anything, (didn't stop the lawsuit from happening! Really? Sue SEGA? The company that lets you use Knuckles in the first place! Without Knuckles, many of your characters would have been pointless) but this still affects events in Archie. Let's take the X years later storyline for example. In Penders' version, the characters spend the majority of the time standing around and talking, Locke dies of cancer, Espio wears a trenchcoat and has a beard... sound exciting? In Flynn's version, we get this

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Best thing that ever happened to X years later. Which Penders wants gone.

The Lara-su chronicals he is doing is meant to show how he thinks things should have gone. Have you read the transcript? It's still the usual boring no action, lots of talking. Also, look what he has done to the characters!

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Julie-SuRvF2.jpg Okay, I admit Julie-Su doesn't look THAT bad, but the rest...

I mentioned about Locke dying from cancer in Penders' version

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But what about in issue 184? He dies there as well

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Sure, Penders' version of Locke's death came first but I don't think I'm the only one who would say that he dies with a bit more dignity and respect in Flynn's version. A hero's death. Penders wants this gone as well

If I've gotten any facts wrong in my rant, I don't care. It's my opinion that matters here. So who's storyline do I like better. Ian Flynn's, hands down! Do I want it changed so that only Penders' storyline is right? No! Do I like the terms Penders has given? No! Do I support Penders? Nope! Not going to support Penders in anyway, nor am I blaming Archie for not using the Penders characters anymore. Who do I hold responsible for this? The Pendersman. Am I going to start blaming Archie? No!

One more thing before I end my rant. I like the reboot. Even though it can't fill the empty hole that the Penders characters left, the reboot is still enjoyable. Okay, I'm done now.

Good luck with your plan, Zachary

Edited by Dylan
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Also, with the continuity becoming more and more bloated, I think it was only a matter of time a reboot came about.

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Let's try and stay civic Dylan.

But yeah, I'm still taking into account that locke was so badass they had to kill him TWICE.

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Locke died of cancer, or disappeared when the Penders-wave hit the Planet Formerly Known as Mobius?

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Locke is right here, in front of you.

Seriously, The events are slowly unfolding in font of us, and the only way to be fully sure of the extent of the damage is to wait for a knux only adventure.

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Oh, hi Locke, how are you!

Well, the next Universe is about Knuckles, maybe they will drop some info or explain something about the fate of his kind.

Edited by Joe

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  On 2/27/2014 at 0:37 AM, Joe said:

Well, the next Universe is about Knuckles, maybe they will drop some info or explain something about the fate of his kind.

Unfortunately, I highly doubt that. Unless you mean the video game echidnas (Tikal, Pachacamac etc.), there won't be any kind of reference to previous echidnas.

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To be honest, as a newcomer, I don't care much for THAT GUY characters, but since many people seem to care so much, I thought it would be nice to give them at least a glimpse of closure.

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No. They're gone from the comic and i dont see them coming back anytime soon. Certainly not Locke since he's dead now anyway

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The only echidnas that I know of that weren't made by penders are Knuckles, Tikal, Pachacama, Finitevus, Athair, and Edmund the one made by Ian Flynn.

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This happen to be the time, people of good company. The gentleman known as ken penders finally lost all trust I ever had in his now ill-fated project.


Edit : BETTER ? I do not agree with my post being censored blueblur. If you have a problem with my way of talking , I'd prefer if you told me about it directly. Now let's forget the whole thing happenned.

Edited by Locke (lost soul)
now everyone happy? good.

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OK, this I do believe is the final nail in this idea's coffin. And to think I thought Salma turning into an echidna was jumping the shark! Suddenly, having all his characters never seen or mentioned again in the comic is a good idea. Well, at least a better idea then this!

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I think so, if Locke had the right, he'd kill Penders, and why not, that really P*ssed me off

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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I wouldn't kill him. I'm just disappointed.

way more disapointed than angry.

Also, do not use my name on the forum like that. only in PM and other private things. Thank you.


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That I see

Okay, will take care

Okay... What the hell is this?

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This picture .... I'm not sure if he is either that delluded , or playing games with us.

If he truly believes in what he does... I just can't be mad at him. because someone willing to go through such hardship does not deserve hatred, but respect .

And if he doesn't. he can go eat an enchilada for all I care .

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Right. That's the final straw. I refuse to read his Lara Su Chronicles now. I don't care if it turns out to be good. But this is just going to far

And how is Lara Su being an alien embracing Archie's history. Historically, Lara Su IS an echidna from the planet Mobius which used to be called Earth. Doesn't sound very alien to me

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  On 3/6/2014 at 2:49 PM, Locke (lost soul) said:


Ok, that's where I draw the line. It's one thing to get kicked and make his own stuff with his own characters. I never liked the idea of the Lara-Su Chronicles, and never will, but it's still his characters, and he can do whatever he wants with them. Even if it means turning them into some alien race. Whatever floats his boat.

But now to mock and insult Archie for something HE made them do, that officially makes Penders a jerk in my books. I don't care what he had to go through or what hardships he's been through, he has no right to go and insult people for the faults he MADE them make and then go "Oh, but I don't do those faults." Thus, my respect for him is lost, not that he'd care.

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True that, also, I've always loved Lara-su as an individual character, and if Penders does anything stupid with her (which he is already gonna do, and we all know that) I'll be badly depressed, hell, I already am.

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Say what now??!!??

How can rectoning a race into a group of aliens be 'embracing history'? When that move was entirely unnecessary. Unless his plan is to drum up interest though sheer bad decisions so people will by his book to see if it is as rubbish as they think, then this guy is plain nuts. Either way he's also horribly arrogant.

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Enchilada Man is losing contact with reality at a frightening pace.

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