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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"Good. Maybe we'll get some answers," said Kimi


"Thank's Milotic," said Skye, then he looked back to make sure Fluffy and Dylan were following.

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Dylan waved to show he was coming

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Chalie landed, and Chris got off.

"Hmm... they aren't here yet. Let's wait."


Milotic smiled and went on and then noticed Fluffy who was flying, "That's the destination, okay?" she said to Fluffy.

Fluffy nodded and thanked Milotic, going forward without glancing at Skye.

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"So this is where the famous professor resides."said Seviper.

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"They're coming now," said Kimi pointing.

Skye came into land, glancing again at Fluffy. He felt something was wrong but didn't know what. And he felt responsible.

(ooc: Now I just need to come up with a name for this Prof! Suggestions?)

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(Ooc: ummm... Almond?)

Chris nodded, "yo!" He shouted at them.

Milotic greeted them and turned to check all came.

Fluffy reached, "hello.." She said without much energy.

Chris looked at her concerned.


Christy and Sarla reached skye, "why you stopped flying?"

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(Ooc: pinecone?)

"I failed to mention this but I once escaped from a lab."said Seviper.

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(ooc: Aren't they all named after trees? I.E. Oak, Birch, Elm... Any not taken?)

Dylan caught up with the others not saying anything

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(Ooc: mesquite)

"Project poison."said Seviper.

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"Hello." Fluffy said.

"You are?" Milotic asked, amazed, not sure how to respond.

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"Hi. You okay?" Dylan said feeling in an awkward position

(ooc: Don't know what this is. Assuming it's a tree, I'm fine with that)

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"Is something going on between you and Skye?"

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"Um... the are you two fighting context"

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"I think everyone is almost here," said Kimi. She looked around. "Any sign of Misty?"


Skye sighed. "It just... I don't know... I think I've upset Fluffy and I'm not sure how."

(ooc: I'm happy with Mesquite if everyone else is.)

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"Many years ago, I was captured by scientists tested on to unleash great power but gave up on the project and labaled me as a failed test subject and was placed in a solitary prison for years untill I managed to escape, that's why I distrusted all humans."said Seviper.

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"Let's hope not. But I don't know." Fluffy sighed.


Chris called for misty from inside and she came, "everyone here?"

--- Milotic looked at Seviper with amusement, "interesting."


Christy consoled him, "you boys manage to do that."

Sarla tried her best not to giggle.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"I'm sure he doesn't want to fight with you. Perhaps if you two spoke to each other, you can sort things out"

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