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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"Pun, huh? You should check on espeon. She can use heal bell. So can I, but mine is too strong, can you handle it?" Milotic said.

"Yes... Kimi. Thank you," he smiled, holding hr hand.

Fluffy made and angry face and looked at the other side, where Christy and Sarla were giggling.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"Can I handle it, I'm Seviper I survived Zangoose, Bane, old age, I think I can handle a heal bell."replied Seviper.

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Milotic looked at him, "I'm not a normal Pokemon around here, but okay, let's try." She said, using her heal bell on Seviper.

"Hopefully you didn't burst, any good?"

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Kimi pulled Chris to his feet. "You got a pair of rollerblades? It'll be fast than walking."

"Look's like Seviper would need to be carried," said Skye. He turned to Fluffy, unsure why she was looking away. "Do you want me to give you a lift?"

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"Nope, I'm not as skilled as you, madam." Chris laughed.

Fluffy was still looking away, not sure he was talking to her.

Sarla laughed, "he's asking you."

"Huh, wait, what!" Fluffy asked, turning to him.

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"Then you'll need to practice," said Kimi. She went over to her discarded satchel and rampaged around in it. "Here you go, a pair of snap on blades. Just attach them to your shoes."

"I was wondering if you wanted a lift? Uh, why are you two laughing?" Skye asked

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"Now I'm getting tutored by you, what a day..." Chris said, giggling while attaching them.

Fluffy blushed, then looked down, "you really wanna give..?"

Christy and Sarla stopped, "n...nothing" they tried to suppress giggles

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Kimi was giggling as well. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting anything like this either. Okay, lesson one, to deploy or retract the wheels, click the button's on the heels together. If you don't do it together you'll end up with just one set of wheels!"

"Why not," said Skye, smiling.

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Chris looked confused, "can you first teach me how not the break my neck?"

Fluffy smiled happily, coming near him, "but I might be...heavy."

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"Well if you're gonna be such a cry-baby," teased Kimi, taking off her helmet, "here, you can wear this. And we'll take it slow to begin with."

"Don't worry. I'm sure your not. And my tails are pretty strong," said Skye.

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(ooc: Such a nice scene. Which I flippin' missed!)

Dylan sat up rubbing his head

"Ow... What happened"

(ooc: How could he get knocked out from falling through a bush? One of life's many mysteries)

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"Dylan, are you okay?" asked Skye. "What h-happened? T-that's... difficult to... e-explain."

Skye tried to explain to Dylan what had happened and what he'd learned, though it was difficult with his incomplete memories and vocabulary,

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"I see" Dylan said getting up. "With regards to your first question, I'm fine. And it looks like your mostly fine too"

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Skye shook his head.

"I... can't remember anything before..." he looked down at the pokeball in his hand. "And I don't want to destroy it, because I don't want to forget what happened..." He looked back and glanced at Fluffy. Then he turned to Seviper.

"W-what's wrong? I thought Milotic healed you?" he asked.

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"That could be the ball talking there and not you, Skye"

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Miltotic sighed, "you're a lost case..."

Fluffy came near Dylan and smiled, "hello Dylan... How have you been?"

Chris suggested, "I'll learn this later, let's sit on my charlizard and go to the professor quick?"

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"I'm okay, Fluffy. But are you okay? I saw what that trainer was doing to you"

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"That's nice." Fluffy said, giving Dylan as hug, "I'm fine, now, he has changed... Maybe." Then she blushed, looking at skye, "I am real good, to be honest."

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"I found you something in the forest."said Heracross holding a wheel chair.

"A wheel chair?"said Seviper.

Seviper sighs.

"It's better than nothing."said Heracross as he put Seviper in the chair.

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"How do you even managed to find a wheelchair in here?" Milotic asked, cross, "and my heal bell had NO effect on you?"

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"Your heal bell's effects might take a bit to kick in."said Seviper.

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